![]() Author has written 17 stories for Harry Potter, Sherlock, Thor, and Avengers. I found Harry Potter on the floor of my room. I was supposed to wrap it for my brother but wound up reading it instead. To this day, I doubt my brother actually ever read it. I've read the books more times than I care to admit. I've been writing in some form since I figured out to use a pencil and it could be used to write words down. (I still haven't figured out spelling, though...) Before that, I simply drew pictures. On anything – paper, walls, sidewalks, driveways and 2x4s that became studs in the basement walls. Someday, some archeologist will have a field day. To keep updated on on-going stories, or where Don't Ever Change (Archive of Our Own) went, see my Tumblr page, scotlandevander dot tumbler dot com. Vskarlsson has translated Regrets Collect into Swedish, find here: Regrets Collect Like Old Friends - Swedish Version TheSeaPancake has translated Regrets Collect into German here: Regrets Collect Like Old Friends - German Version TheSeaPancake has also translated Over the Rainbow into German here: Over the Rainbow - German Version A Notes for Rewritten in Times series... Can be read whenever or not at all. I don't like super long notes within the story, so I've stuck it here for you to read at your lesure. Not going to say anything of much importance to the actual story, just explain some things that have come up on the comments. Might contain SPOILERS, but also might clear up some confusion later on. 16 July 2013: There are only two Atlantas. One in the Marauders era who got thrown back in time when Draco originally sent himself back in time and one in 1993 (also known as the present for the story). The one from 1993 traveled to 1943 and back again. See Shattered and "Whispers from the Past" & "Writing the Future" in Over the Rainbow for her journey. (Also known as Chapters 24 & 25.) There are also two different Tom Riddles. There is the one who popped out of the sketch book and is forever a teenager, and the one who grew up to become Lord Voldemort. The one Atlanta Siria Black interacts with is older than Sketchbook Riddle by a year. Draco created a whole new timeline when he traveled back to his eleven-year-old self. The new timeline began the moment Atlanta Siria Black landed in 1943 at Tom Riddle's feet at the start of Shattered. 7 July 2013: Awhile ago, someone asked if Atlanta was from Georgia She's not. She grew up (when not at the American Black Family home in DC) in North Carolina, outside of Ashville where the werewolf sanctuary is located that Remus visited in the final chapter of OTR. Her accent mostly comes from the House Elf she spent most of her time with, Sookie, who has a thick Southern accent. 21 Nov 2012: This series will never be slash between Draco and Harry. It's about their friendship and Draco trying to change the past. There will be slash and pairings later, but at the moment the kids are 12 and 13. The known pairings, if you're reading Over the Rainbow are Sirius/Remus, Regulus/Atlanta the First and James/Lily. 2 Nov 2012: Birth dates. A few characters have known birthdays, like Harry. Draco's birthday is in 5 June 1980. Hermione's 19 Sept 1979. Based on the fact Ginny, who was born in August 1981 and placed in the year below Harry, I am assuming the cut off date after you're eleven to enter first year is 31 August. Atlanta's birthday is 27 November 1980, making her four months younger than Harry and five months younger than Draco. While she is born in the same year as the pair, she is in the year behind them. This also makes her ten when they are shopping in Diagon Alley at the start of Regrets Collect. Other random birthdays I've so far assigned: Regulus Black, 19 July 1961. Sirius Black, 24 October 1959. 23 Oct 2012: The following list is for Regrets Collect mostly and a response to some reviews... 1.This prologue is the jumping point for two different time travel stories. Draco will go back, and Atlanta will go back to another time period. While you do not need to read or know all of Atlanta's journey to read this story, I will write it. (Even if Atlanta isn't liked all that much…) 2. Draco assumes. While he does draw many conclusions that are correct, that is what he is doing: assuming. Sometimes, he might be wrong. 3. Draco has had the potion he uses for a while. I'm working along the lines he's spent that time gathering intel while he wavers on whether to use or not use the potion. This is why he knows some of the things he does. 4. During fifth year in the books, Harry does a lot of shouting. Some of it during defense class. A lot of it is about Voldemort. While Draco was not in defense with Harry, I'm sure the rumor mill of Hogwarts got out what he was saying. I'm sure this reached the ears of Draco Malfoy and he stored it away for future use against Harry. 5. The Rumor Mill that is Hogwarts. In the first book, Dumbledore says that what happened between Quirrell and Harry was between the two of them, so of course the whole school knows. So, Draco has some sort of idea. Combined with what Harry later spends a lot of time shouting about, I'm pretty sure he knows Quirrell's dirty secret. 6. Sirius Black. While Draco doesn't actually think about it all that much, his interest stems from the fact he befriends Harry and concludes Harry's home life is terrible. Knowing the other Harry's relationship with Black, he zeros in on Sirius Black when he goes back in time. During his intel gathering, he finds out through eavesdropping on some Death Eaters taunting Wormtail that Peter spent 12 years as a rat with the Weasleys. Being blood-traitors, the fact Wormtail spent 12 years with the family might not sit well with his fellow…comrades. Also, since Ron had a habit of taking his rat places, I'm sure at some point Draco might have seen Ron with the rat. Then, one day the rat was gone. It is also feasible, someone overheard the shouting matches Hermione and Ron had during third year. Gossip, once again. 7. On the point of Atlanta. I've seen many comments she's a Mary Sue (or Jane). While I know what this is, I cannot see it. But, since it's such a common comment, I'm working on her character to flesh her out more, making her fewer…unlikeable. She's only in this story till the boys go to Hogwarts and after that, she as an actual character won't make an appearance past a letter her past self-leaves Draco. Also, she's not me simply inserted myself into the story. If she was me, she'd be a semi-hermit, shy and be too flustered to do anything past turn bright red when faced with people. Atlanta will never "be" with either Harry or Draco romantically. At the start of Regrets, Draco sees her as a lost friend, a part of his childhood that died a painful death the day he became a Death Eater. He misses that aspect of his life and regrets turning his back on her. If it makes you feel any better, I plan to put Atlanta through hell during Draco's second year and she'll come out rather…different. I tend to enjoy torturing my characters. So, if you don't like Atlanta, she won't be smiling and bouncing around for long. (I also kill her at some point as well.) 8. I view most works of fan fiction as somewhat AU (this is my opinion, I do not expect you to share it). All time travel stories are a little AUish by some element due to the whole time travel thing. The element of time travel, which is clear in the summary, alerts the reader to the fact there will be changes in the original story timeline. In this story, most of the "world" of Harry Potter is the same. The main character knows the people, the world, and the events. In a sense, he is hard to surprise. He doesn't travel to a different dimension or universe. He travels back in time. In doing so he changes things. (A lot more than he expected.) However, I don't feel he's in an "alternative reality." He creates an alternative timeline. So, I guess this is AT. (Not that I've seen this label before…) 9. So ends this note. Hopefully, this will answer/answers or clears things up. If you made it this far, cheers. |