Author has written 8 stories for Ranger's Apprentice, Arrow, Merlin, Naruto, Airborn, and Downton Abbey. My sister and I love a great story. We are both busy with our lives being twenty somethings, but we love writing and are able to express ourselves on this site. So here are some pieces of our souls in the stories we have created. Every book we picked up, and every immersing show opened many doors to fantastic worlds . It is what inspired us to write these stories. Enjoy yourselves and get lost in your imagination. Your mind is the greatest gift given to you by God, so why not explore it and expand your knowledge. Completed: *Addison's Stories* The Complicated Roy The Hero to Me Moonlight Cruse Healthy Eating A Naruto Kind of Ninja (NKON) (in progress-Hiatus) *Joyce's One-shots* Merlin's Early Adventures in Ealdor Ebony To You: Don't give up on your dreams. Live your life the way you want to, but try not to be too selfish. Family and friends are special, so treasure them while you can. Keep your head up and your sights far. The horizon extends farther than the eye can see, and people are often limited to what they see first. Look to the second thing, then the third. Never settle. Never give up. |
Alabaster Ink (36) apathyinreverie (12) BeyondTheStorm (6) Bundibird (58) | Durbe the Barian (0) Gminis (8) Jedi Boadicea (7) | Lucrecia LeVrai (44) minatochan2 (1) StunningGhost (15) |