Author has written 26 stories for Naruto, Arrow, Harry Potter, Vampire Diaries, Game of Thrones, X-overs, One Piece, Merlin, Star Wars, Originals, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Young Justice, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Pretty Little Liars, Fairy Tail, Supergirl, and Injustice: Gods Among Us. Things that I like Reading Writing Videogames All movie genres Self-Sufficiency Good Characters Working out Some Foriegn Foods Comedy Shows Drama Shows Dislikes Bad Characters Murders Rapists Racism (Seriously, it tops at one of the three most useless ideas ever invented) Jerks Bumblebees Stray Cats I'm also on AO3, under the name of GooberGoobwa. Starting to copy my works over to that site. Favorite Vampire Diaries/ Originals Characters Stefan Salvatore- Okay, I'm not really into the whole cliche about liking the first main character to show up in the series just because he was the first. I like Stefan Salvatore because of how complex his character is. Stefan Salvatore is generally a good morally sound person with an extremely complex personality, even without the Ripper side. He is a great character because of how he struggles to control his bloodlust (And not for lack of trying like Damon would have you believe) and the Ripper in him. He struggles to be the best he can be, whilst keeping his inner demons at bay because of the shame he feels. Sure Stefan can go from being a saint to being the Ripper, but that only happens because of a series of unfortunate events. Also, his actions rarely selfish. I'll admit, saving Matt instead of Elena makes no sense, but still, that selflessness is one of his most defining traits. Stefan is honestly the best and most well written character in TVD and the fact that he always gets the short end of the stick just plain sucks. Niklaus Mikaelson- I will probably get some heat for this one, but Niklaus Mikaelson is a great character. I'll admit, at first I didn't like him, but after the introduction of Mikeal, I grew to like Niklaus, even more so during the Originals. His Mikeal's abuse and Esther's disownment drive his character. Honestly, considering how badly he was treated as a human, I'm surprised he didn't turn out worse. Another great thing about him is that he loves his family, despite the fact that NONE of his family deserves it. I especially love how they made him a father, showing his struggle to be a good father for Hope while not becoming like Mikeal. Like Stefan, Klaus is The Originals best character, and as with Stefan, it sucks that he gets the short end of the stick. Tyler Lockwood- Tyler was hard for me to like at first, given his intense anger management issue's. However, as he became a werewolf, and got more accustomed to the supernatural world, he matured and even became a leader, making him one of the better characters to watch. Silas- Silas is kinda that dickhead that part of you wants hate, but he is the dickhead that is great to watch and steals the show in every scene. Liked TVD/TO Pairings Stelena- I like this pairing not because it was the first Romantic pairing of the series, but because it works. It's like putting Harry Potter and Hermione Granger in a couple. Since the beginning of the show, Stefan and Elena had this instant connection. After her parents' death, Elena felt completely lost and dead inside. This is until Stefan arrives and makes her feel glad to be alive. Elena and Stefan have constantly risked their lives for each other. Elena helped Stefan control his heavy blood addiction by giving him her blood a little each day in order for him to gain strength. This pairing worked because of how their good traits naturally complimented the others. This unfortunately had a tragic ending when the writers decided to throw Stefan under the bus and pair Elena with Damon, wiping out any of Elena's good traits and turning her into Twilights Bella. Forwood- Caroline and Tyler's relationship was always worth liking, even back in season 2. For all season 1, they were more like acquaintances and didn't really like each other. THen in Season 2, everything changed with Tyler becoming a werewolf and Caroline a vampire. Thier relationship blossomed into friendship, and despite the drama they both went through, in season 3, they fell in love. Star-crossed lovers are always worth watching in my opinion, and it would have been nice to see their relationship continue, if only Klaus would stop interfering in their relationship. Klayley- I Like this pairing, even though it isn't canon. I like it because it would make sense. Being the parents of Hope, it would be totally natural and would make sense for them to fall for each other. I always thought that, even with their limited interaction in TVD season 4, there was definitely some chemistry there. Having Hayley fall for Elijah makes no sense and just falls the age old theme of Elijah interfering with Klaus' Love Life. After all, Elijah stole Tatia, he compelled Aurora, he stole Katherine(though this doesn't really count), and in TO, he stole Hayley. Speaking of Hayley and Elijah, yes the 2 interact, but not in the way that 2 people who have feelings for each other would act. Neutral TVD/TO Characters Hayley- I like this character I really do. Honestly though, if the writers would stop changing her personality every episode, pair her up with Klaus or Elijah and stick to it, and lose the hypocrisy, she'd actually be a good character. Like seriously her hypocrisy is one of her most defining traits, and it makes it harder to like this character you once liked as the series continues to make her more hypocritical. The writers needs to keep her characterization at least somewhat consistent. For example, her betrayal of the Hybrids is one of her most defining moments and it's never mentioned. The writers could have also stop altering the mythology of their own universe to accommodate her. Like seriously, a pregnant werewolf, does not simply fend Mikael the Destroyer. Sorry, nope. Ain't happening. Stop making her ungrateful. I say this because she betrayed the Mikaelson's, who treated her like family for the werewolf pack that gave her up. This is something else that makes it hard to like her. Qetsiyah - I personally get how she feels. Honestly, anyone who has had their heartbroken by someone they love would. What I don't understand I why she created the Other Side to be with Silas. She should have created the supernatural purgatory to punish him for all eternity after forcing the cure down his throat, while she got to enjoy the modern world some more. Plus, why would the be so sadistic, that she would delight in the suffering of her own descendant? Esther- I have recently become neutral toward Esther. The woman made a lot of mistake in her life. She broke Dahlia's heart by falling in love with Mikael, she was forced to go to Dahlia when she had trouble getting pregnant and that led her to losing Freya, she cheated on Mikael, she never stopped Mikael from hurting her children, did everything to prevent Klaus from becoming a hybrid, and tried to kill her own children and granddaughter. But she was a mother who loved her children. She loved her husband and perhaps she stayed with Miakel because she hoped he could become the good father he was with Freya again after they lost her. She did try to kill her children, but she had also most likely been driven insane from having to expierance the pain of her childrens victims over and over again. And from a neutral standpoint, she wasn't wrong. Vampires are little more than walking corpses reanimated with magic. They can't survive without humans. I'm not saying she's a good person, I'm just saying that maybe someone who has been through was she has should be allowed a little redemption. She does make up somewhat for her past mistakes by helping her children kill Dahlia so that her elder sister would not enslave her grandaugther and makes peace with Dahlia in the after life. Disliked TVD Character Damon Salvatore- I've got a lot of reservations about this dickhead. First, he is arrogant, jealous, impulsive, and reckless. He tortured Stefan for 145 just because he was jealous that Katherine turned him. He mentally, verbally and physically abused Caroline for several weeks with the intention of eventually killing her. He tried to turn Elena against Stefan plenty of times, and eventually succeeded with the help of the sire bond. Did I forget to mention he tried to compel Elena to kiss him when she was with Stefan. He boasts that he can control his bloodlust, unlike Stefan, because he revels in it. This just shows to me how arrogant he is and how ignorant of his brothers problems he really is. Stefan can't control bloodlust because of his Ripper affliction, not because he never tried. We see in several flashbacks, Stefan tries to learn to control it, or it's talked about. Stefan has to try many times harder than Damon to gain a fraction of control over his bloodlust. The point is Damon has it easy, and doesn't even realize it. He killed Stefan best friend for 145 years, which ended up being for nothing, and was allowed to live(Seriously, how did this guy make it past Season 1 Episode 8). He killed Alaric, his “best friend”, several times(We here at Mach9330 might be able to forgive Klaus since he has 1000 years of abuse, but Damon, you don't get off scott free for murdering your best friend). He killed Jeremy for literally no reason several times. Compelled a woman to be his girlfriend, stripping her a free will. He murdered several generations of a family many of whom were probably innocent, letting only one live so that they would create an entirely new generation for him to kill. He forced Elena to drink his blood so that she would become a vampire against her will, Seriously, at least Stefan respects his partners opinions. He trapped Lexi, who he would later kill, on a rooftop to burn to death because she was trying to help him. Snapped Stefan's neck over and over again in 5x5 because? Honestly, that doesn't matter. Blamed all the bad things he's done on Katherine. Seriously, Katherine didn't murder his brother longest friend. Or Kill a pregnant woman. Or steal his brothers girl. Murdered Zach's pregnant fiance because Stefan didn't want to go on a roadtrip with him. I know i'm kinda beating a dead horse with that one, but I need to point out this is the person Damon is deep down in his core. Murdered Zach, one of his last living kin. Seriously, Stefan may have killed their father, but that was an accident. Damon killed Zach on purpose. Silas, one of the best villians Vampire Diaries ever had, may he rest in peace, pretty much hit the nail on the head with these qoutes when it came to Damon: "I mean...I don't mean to be a dick, Damon, but Elena and I have a history. Memories, laughs, ups and downs. It was a real relationship. I mean, what you have is just a one-night stand that was probably the result of the sire bond."(Season 4, Episode 19: "Pictures of You")- I love this line, mostly because this is what all Stelena fans think when they compare Stefan and Elena to Damon and Elena. In the eyes of all Stelena fans, Elena only slept with Damon because of the sire bond. “Look, I get why you like her. I mean, I have a soft spot for brunettes, too. What I don’t get is why she likes you.” (Season 5, Episode 2: “True Lies”)- All fans of Stefan and Elena don't get why Elena even remotely cares about Damon. Damon was made out to be the worst character in TVD, and explaining his back story just further solidifies the hatred Stelena fans have for this guy. I mean the whole Doppelganger soul mate thing, in the minds of Stelena fans, was proof that Stefan and Elena belong together. Do we get it? Nope. Why? Here's why, TVD made Elena into a plot device to make Damon more likeable. Without Elena, Damon is back being the bad person he always was. “They hate me for creating the immortality spell. And they know the anchor is the only thing standing in the way of me and my soulmate. And every love story needs that one thing that just keeps getting in the way. Kinda like you, Damon.” (Season 5, Episode 6: “Handle With Care”)- This qoute says it all right here. Silas is more or less admitting Damon is a plot device meant to get in the way of Stefan's relationship with Elena. Mikeal - Do I need to get into how he abused Niklaus, even when he he thought Nik was his true born son. Now, the reason I don't like this guy is not because of some fanboy cliche about how he abused one of my favorite characters. I don't like him because he's kinda of a jackass. His entire existence sees to be to make Klaus miserable, which makes his existence kind of pointless. Elijah-Two words: "Good Brother". this is a trope that began in TVD with Damon and Stefan. The problem is that Stefan actually was good and Damon was a bad brother, even as Damon improved by a small amount over the course of post season 3, Damon still earned the "Bad Brother" trope. The problem with Elijah is that this trope does not fit him. Elijah's nobility is really a facade to hide his cowardly, hypocritical, self-righteous nature. Elijah is so quick to condemn Klaus for all the bad things that Klaus does, but what about Elijah? Elijah tried to murder his own brother. Elijah accused Klaus of something that wasn't even true, nor could he prove, and to make it worse, it was from Tyler Lockwood, wannabe baby killer. Elijah undaggered Finn, who tried to kill them all. Elijah betrayed Klaus, his brother for a thousand years, for someone he didn't even know(Freya) Why Hayley Marshall is disliked on TO (The Originals) For those who are not familiar with the Originals, do not read this any further. My thanks to Phantom x Troupe for allowing to Copy & Paste this. If you believe in this, Copy & Paste this to your profile. 1. Her characterization is inconsistent: Hayley was introduced in season four of TVD as a werewolf who helped Tyler learn to control his shifting. In the process she befriended not only Tyler but the other hybrids in his pack. It is soon revealed that Hayley was only using them in order to gain information on her family. She set them up to be sacrifices which resulted in the slaughter of twelve people who trusted her. This also indirectly lead to the death of Tyler's mother and setting him on a path of vengeance. Hayley destroyed many lives that night and you would think it was setting her up as a villain. What she did to those people was sociopathic. But instead, this issue is never brought up in the narrative again. This was a defining moment for Hayley as a character and it was completely glossed over. This is likely do to the fact that her character was receiving major backlash from the fandom. So this began the writers' task of making Hayley likeable. Once we see Hayley again in the Originals, her previous dark deed is never mentioned again. In fact, when she and Tyler did meet in the crossover, he was portrayed as the villain and traitor. Tyler is one of the few good people in Mystic Falls. He hasn't been shown before or since then any indication that he would ever hurt a child, yet alone an unborn one. Yet his character was completely rewritten in that episode in order to make Hayley look better to the audience. Completely ignoring the fact that Klaus killed his mother because Hayley tipped him off about the hybrids' plan. Now Hayley is presented as the sole survivor of a lost clan of werewolf royalty. She is now also having a miracle baby with a man who previously in the narrative couldn't have children. This shit sounds like it was lifted straight from a damn fanfiction. One of the writers' main goal in season one was to retcon Hayley. In the process they have negated all of her atrocities from her introduction in TVD. 2. Her hypocrisy: Hayley has berated Klaus for having countless enemies that put their daughter in danger. So what does she do when Davina tells her to assassinate one witch? She slaughters eleven of them. Ten of whom were innocent and were just protecting their homes. And she literally ripped them apart. New Orleans's supernatural community is currently in a state of peace. Hayley's actions not only made her and by extension her daughter a potential enemy of the nine covens of New Orleans, but has also risked the factions going to war again. And since she's a queen, the Crescent pack will likely also be held accountable for her actions. And I'm starting to wonder if Hayley is actually a sociopath. We saw Davina break down in tears over her part in the deaths of those witches. Hayley showed no remorse whatsoever. Kai would be so proud. 3. The writers rewrite their own myths to accommodate her. We all claim Dahlia is the most powerful being in The Originals. Hayley is so OP she breaks the laws of her own universe. Hybrids are shown be as strong as vampires who are roughly in their hundreds. Hayley defeating eleven witches should not have been possible. We have seen vampires who are 100 years in age; such as Stefan, Damon, and Marcel, struggle to defeat one witch in direct combat. Hayley defeated eleven! And remember when she fought Mikael back in season one as a pregnant werewolf, and was actually keeping up with him? Mikael the Destroyer, the man who Klaus fears the most, was nearly bested by a pregnant werewolf. Even if Mikael wasn't at full strength do to being on the Other Side, he has over a thousand years of fighting experience. He should have wiped the floor with Hayley in Hand to Hand combat alone. Her power-level is way above than what it should be. Just ask yourself. Do you think that Tyler as a hybrid could have replicated Hayley's feats? 4. She is ungrateful. When Hayley first arrived in New Orleans, she was broke, homeless, pregnant, and the father of her child all but abandoned her. Elijah took her in, and fought for Klaus to be apart of their child's life. Both he and Rebekah proclaimed Hayley as family and made sure all of her needs were met. They put a roof over her head, rent free, and made sure she was well taken care of. And how does Hayley repay them? By showing more loyalty to a bunch of a people (the Crescents) she barely knew. From the moment she met Jackson, his needs came before the people who did so much for her. But I can pin point the exact moment I began to hate Hayley. It was when Rebekah was imprisoned inside Eva's mind, and Hayley threatened to kill her. This is a woman who took her in as family and was a caregiver for her child for months. And Hayley didn't even put up a fight to save her. She has no loyalty to anyone but herself. And those are my reasons. If you think about it, Hayley is actually similar to other female characters; such as Dany from Game of Thrones and Korra from Legend of Korra. They're all leaders who had the position thrust upon them, authoritative, and arrogant. But what those two get right that Hayley doesn't, is that when they make mistakes, the narratives addresses it. They have repercussions for their actions, go through trials and tribulations, and come out better for it. They make down right horrible decisions at times, but they also learn from them. And this is where Hayley ultimately fails as a character. But what do I know? Why Bonnie Bennett is the Most abused character in the Vampire diaries Bonnie Bennett is the most abused and underappreciated character in the entire series. 1. Actress - Kat Graham was uber talented and wholly underused. A consistent scene-stealer and unifying show thread throughout earlier seasons, she wasn’t given material that truly showcased the broad range of her acting skills until (Nina Dobrev) left the show in s6. Even promoted to lead actress, Kat’s spotlight was often dimmed in favor of other plotlines. 2. Chemistry - Bonnie had chemistry with every character ever. Even guest stars. Problem was it prevented her from being with anyone longterm beside Jeremy (the cheater) and Enzo (the dead-ex). She deserved overflowing love and only received a mere trickle of adoration whether it was Ben (the kidnapper) or Jaime (the fling). I’d argue her best relationship was with BFF Damon. The pair never shared a romantic kiss, but it was clear by their actions that they loved and respected each other. Not surprisingly, the duo was never pursued and she ended up alone. 3. Feelings - I have never seen a character put through as much emotional turmoil in a television show. Just how much does she have to endure? She was kidnapped, possessed by her ancestor, coerced into the vampire world, Grams died protecting her, cheated on twice by the same guy, died, used constantly by vampires, long-lost mother turned into vampire by her friends, brainwashed into using dangerous black magic, killed herself accidentally while resurrecting her dead cheating ex, was a ghost, Dad murdered before her eyes, resurrected but suffered immense pain, became an anchor to afterlife, tortured, abused and abandoned while trapped in a prison world, attempted suicide, suffered from PTSD, life magically linked to another's life by abuser, lost her magical connection, turned into a vampire huntress against her will, boyfriend murdered, went to hell & defeated the devil himself. She was human but wasn’t treated humanely at all. Never allowed to dwell on all she’d “lived” through or acknowledge that she needed support from those around her. Her feelings and fears were valid but were never validated. 4. Future- Bonnie had great power and TVD did all it could to take every ounce of it away. Where she was once focused, intuitive and smart…she became chronically self-sacrificing and deprecating. She’d literally kept an entire community alive since her teens but was robbed of experiencing life herself. Instead, she was relegated to an object. A magical negro, melanin Hail Mary but most importantly…expendable. Her potential was thwarted so consistently that by series end, Bonnie fans were just happy she was still breathing though there were so many avenues to continue telling Bennett stories. She deserved a stand-alone spin-off for her efforts but what she got were travel brochures and the chance to finally live for herself when she should’ve years ago. Supernatural Favorite characters: Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester: The two main characters of the show are great to watch. Azezal: The original villain. His pyschotic nature made him fun to watch. Ruby: Really liked this character with her black sense of humor, sassy attitude, and the fact that she seemed different from other demons, made her interesting to watch. I was a bit dissapointed that she turned out to be a fanatic for Lucifer, but otherwise a great character. Crowley: Crowley is suave, but he loves to use insults, sass and banter. He uses smooth, gratuitous sexual innuendo in an effort to make people uncomfortable and therefore give himself an advantage. He won me over when he casually threatens the Winchesters when they first meet before killing his own men and then giving them the Colt to kill Lucifer, then is completely relaxed when Sam tries to kill him with it, only for the Winchester to find that it's out of ammunition. He won me over with his famous line: "Number one, he's going to wipe us all out anyway. Two, after you leave here, I go on an extended vacation to all points nowhere. And three, HOW ABOUT YOU DON'T MISS, OKAY!? MORONS!" Cain: I like Cain for how he damned his own soul to save his brother Abel from hell, his sense of honor( Honoring his wife's last wishes, making Dean agree to come back and kill him one day before giving him the Mark, and how he would let people that were not on his hit list go mostly unscathed). He also rendered Crowley mute with a gesture, which was really funny. Gabriel: Probably the only Angel I like, cause he's so damn funny. Disliked Supernatural Lucifer: Fist off, he is the Devil. Second, he is a selfish, narcissistic, mean-spirited brat with the power of an archangel. And in the SPNverse, the power of an archangel is only second to that of God, God’s sister, and maybe Death. He been responisble for the deaths of millions of people, indirectly or otherwise, and all because...he was mad at God and jealous of humanity. It's that simple. The Mark is just an excuse for him, to blame someone else for his problems, even though he gave it to Cain thousands of years before the show actually started and he never improved. He stills kills people for kicks and shows no remorse for it. Michael: He wanted to steal Dean's body, didn't seem to care that his fight Lucifer would destroy the whole world and kill billions of innocent people, did not believe in free will and was essentially a loyal lapdog. Basically all the Angels except Gabriel: Pretty Much every angel is an uncaring dick that hates humanity, calling them flawed. They are also incompetent, as they say they are trying to stop the Apocalypse, but if they wanted to do that, they should have stopped Azezal from opening the hell Gate and letting Lilith out. Favorite Gossip Girl Characters Dan Humphrey - So I get that there are some people that don't like Dan, but try to remember what Gossip Girls is all about. It's about people from Upper East Side, doing awful things to each other, forgiving them, and then doing it all over again. The Drama is what makes this show great and Dan is one of the less bad characters. Sure he makes mistakes, but he learns from them. He's a far better person than Vanessa, who stole his works twice, took advantage of their friendship, and nearly got Serena killed or worse. Yeah, the book he wrote about all his friends was bad, but he never wanted to publish it, and probably wouldn't have, because the one thing he wanted almost as much Serena, was being a part of the Upper East Side. He is a good guy, and is always there for the people he cares about, even Chuck, who he helped feel again. It's certainly a long way to come from two guys who hate each other. I personally did not like how they made Dan ruin Blair's wedding to Louis. Dan originally set aside his feelings for Blair and helped her get back with Chuck, and just wanted her to be happy, so even if he did want to be her knight in shining armor, he wanted her to be happy, regardless of whether it was with him. The whole relationship between Dan and Blair was better when they were friends. Don't even get me started on how much of a douche bag the creators made him during the start of season 6. When I saw that, I was like, "Man, seriously?" I know Dan was seriously hurt by both Blair and Serena in Season 5 finale, but did you have to make him such a dick? No, you didn't. Rufus - Rufus is probably the most morally sound guy in the Upper East Side, which makes it great to watch him adjust to being married to Lily and see him thrive. At least until Season 6. That whole breaking up with Lily was stupid. Nate Archibald - Nate is a very warm and trusting person. He is kind and caring, especially to his closest friends. He is charming, laidback, funny, and friendly, and it has always been in his nature to look out for people. Nate is also known for having a moral compass compared to all the other core characters in the show, especially shown when is the only main character to never send a tip to Gossip Girl. Serena - Serena is my favorite female character for several reason's. She's a bad girl gone good and tries to be better. She also is not perfect as she can be jealous, ignorant, and schemeing, but it's always great to watch her make amends. Also, she is able to put up with all of Dan's problems. Still, I didn't like how she acted during the second half of Season 5, and how she treated Dan at the start of Season 6. She seduced him after making him think Blair chose Chuck, recorded a sex tape, and acts like it's all his fault she ended up overdosing. So wrong. Neutral Gossip Girl Characters Lily- I liked watching Lily and Rufus's relationship. And also the fact she left Bart Bass. Any self-respecting woman wouldn't go for either Bart or Jack Bass. But come on, Lily. You do not leave the worst piece of shit in the whole Upper East Side for the man you truly love, and then go back to him 3 years later just cause you and Rufus don't want to work out their problems. I'm not trying to take Rufus's side on this, but Lily didn't seem to want to work out her problems with Rufus in Season 5. Liked PLL Pairings Spoby and Haleb- These 2 pairings are the best on the show in my opinion. Caleb and Toby were essentially outsiders dating 'It' girls. Despite all the "A" drama, they stuck with their significant others through the thick and the thin, and more importantly, they were willing to do whatever it took to keep them safe. And personally, I think Spencer and Hanna respect that, coupled with the fact the Spencer and Hanna are challenged to be their best when their with Toby and Caleb, makes both of these couples great to watch. Disliked PLL Pairings/Friendships Ezria- This entire relationship is a truly toxic mess. First off, Ezra is far too old to be starting a relationship with a teenager, coupled with the fact that he is her teacher, making it illegal. Another thing is that, while most of the other couples on PLL have their issues, this relationship has more than all the other's put together. Ezra has way too much weighing him down, like a kid who isn't his, he manipulates and takes advantage of Aria, and he's got his hooks in Aria so deep, that she doesn't even see it. I mean, Aria is at her absolute worst when she is around this guy. She cheated on all of her boyfriends with him, and even cheated on him. Not to mention, even after finding out about the book, she still forgave him in the end. There comes a point when you need to realize that your partner is toxic and not good for you. I can't help but shake my head at this couple, because while it was boring to watch in season 1, it got downright pathetic to watch by season 5. Mona and Hanna Friendship- When we were first introduced to Mona, we were introduced to a character that was once a loser and victim of Allison. She turned her life around after she convinced Allison to leave and the sky was the limit for her. And while her attitude was kinda bitchy and reminiscent of Allison's, it could be understood that she was ruled by a desperation to not be a loser again. Plus, she helped Hanna lose weight and become confident in herself, so that earned her some brownie points. Then comes the reveal of A, where it is revealed that Mona was the original 'A' all along. To make matters worse, her reason for becoming a cyber bully and becoming a downright piece of scum, was that she wanted the other three girls to stay away from Hanna, wanting to keep her isolated so Mona could be her only friend. What I think is bad is that Hanna still wants to give her more chances, especially when Mona almost paralyzed Hanna when she hit her with a car, and bullied her just as much as the other. Mona started this whole mess with A and it is disgusting to see her act like a victim after she loses control of the game and that she does not get her proper comeuppance at the end of the series. On my Dislike of Canon Naruto Uzumaki- There appears to be a misconception amongst the readers of my Stories that I hate Naruto Uzumaki. I do not hate Naruto. I just dont like how his potential as a character was wasted by the writers. Naruto's canon personality for Pre-shipuuden was acceptable behavior because he was literally 12 years old. So, why was I disappointed with the Shippuden Naruto? I was really hoping the new Naruto would be more mature. Less like his immature and naive childhood self, always shouting about being hokage, and the even more annoying trope of saving Sasuke. Look, it's okay to keep some of the old traits, but he was still too much like his old self. Hell, Sasuke gets more character development than him. Naruto wants to break the cycle of hatred. Let me point something out. We are human. We are emotional beings capable of the great compassion and hatred. As long as we can love, we can learn how to hate. I dislike this character point because it is impossible to do. Canon Naruto seems to have this almost desperate need to be hokage. At first it was because he wanted to be acknowledged and respected by all, and then it developed into desire to protect his loved ones. In Boruto, Naruto only cares about being Hokage. His family and friends are secondary in importance to him. He literally has no excuse for this though, being MR. Spam The Shadow Clone Jutsu. There is absolutely no reason that he can't get his work done by say 4-6pm, come home and have dinner with his family and spend sometime with them. No self-respecting orphan would ever neglect thier family in favor of their job. The three above points are why I raise the question nobody wants to ask, "Is Naruto mentally damaged?" It wouldn't be to much of a stretch. After all, Naruto is one of the most mentally and emotionally abused characters in all of fictional history, right up there with Harry Potter. He grew up hated by virtually every in the village, the one's who didn't hate him did not care for him, and the amount of people who liked him could be counted on one hand. To Recap, I don't hate Naruto Uzumaki, I just do not like certain parts of personality. I like Naruto, when he was written well, which is why when I write a story with Naruto as my main character, I try to write him as a well-rounded and complex character. Reasons why I don't support NaruHina 1. Extremely overused pairing. Filter it into the criteria and you get 430 pages with 25 stories per page, that's 10,750 stories with that pairing (not even counting those in crossovers). Compare that to one of my favorite pairing of Naruto x Female Kyuubi, only has 60 pages with 25 stories per page that is only 1500 stories (which of that, not all are female Kyuubi and not all are pairing stories). And people have the nerve to review saying that Fem!Kyuubi is overdone... 2. Ridiculous settings in fanfiction. Hinata's so-called 'love' for Naruto is because she admired him throughout the academy as a source of inspiration and courage, correct? Then please tell me why the fuck that a version of Naruto, who had been trained away from the village during his childhood, still has Hinata falling for him when he comes back to take the Genin Exams?! That's the same as saying she is a shallow fangirl, attracted to looks and 'coolness'... 3. Ridiculous OOCness in the fanfiction. Naruto influenced by Kyuubi to leave the village, develops a deep set hatred for Konoha, falls for Hinata?! What did I just read? Naruto banished by the village, joins another village, marries Hinata?! What the hell? Naruto banished for failing the Sasuke retrieval mission, Hinata just ups and decides to abandon her family, friends and village to follow him?! The same Hinata who couldn't form a coherent sentence in his presence?! 4. Naruto himself. Many NaruHina fans fail to see Naruto as an actual character, choosing to blindly look at Hinata only. Naruto has his own feelings and preferences, which has been shown in canon. It's quite obvious that Naruto's personality quirks are a mixture of his parents, his expressive, out-spoken and brash attitude from Kushina. His learning curve, battle instincts, ramen obsession and taste in women from Minato. Name a redhead in Konoha... none right? Name the closest person with reddish hair... Sakura right? Minato loves Kushina's red hair and Naruto has a crush/love on Sakura, whose hair is the closest thing to red in their village. 5. Naruto's feelings. Due to his lack of a proper upbringing in canon, Naruto is basically ill-informed and dense like a rock. Despite that, he clearly expresses his feelings for Sakura for the duration of the entire series. What NaruHina fans are doing is taking a completely one-sided relationship and declaring that it is mutual, which is not the case at all! When has Naruto ever shown any form of attraction to Hinata? Answer is NEVER!!! Better yet, HOW many times have they actually interacted with each other?! Not that much! He obviously was never attracted to Hinata, so stop the 'a beautiful girl with midnight blue hair in a hime-styled cut and lavender eyes, he knew it was love at first sight'... Naruto has seen Hinata hundreds of times... none of which has EVER left him googly-eyed... 6. Hinata's confession. Naruto completely ignored it... not even bothering to confront her about it after the defeat of Nagato. Hell, he didn't even bother to check up on her condition... (I know Nagato had revived everyone but if he cared, he would have shown at least some form of concern). 7. Hinata's feelings. Her love stemmed from admiration, she admired him for his persistent attitude and courage. She claims that watching him improve makes her want to better herself, using him as a source of inspiration. Now does that sound like lovers love or sisterly love hmm? Very much like how a younger sister idolises her 'amazing' elder brother and trying to improve so as to impress him and gain his approval hmm? Her feelings are easy to write-off as sisterly... 8. Lack of legitimization as a pairing. NaruHina is not a legit pairing. One, she stalked him for ten years. She knew how lonely he was and she never tried to help him. Two, Shippuden Naruto has no feelings for her. How can I say this? Because there are 697 chapters THAT PROVE IT!! They literally rewrote his character for the last few chapters in the manga. Three, Hinata being a stalker is ground for a restraining order. Four, being a stalker is NOT endearing in the slightest. A woman who can admit that she has feelings for someone and be upfront about it, is more endearing and attractive than a woman who hides her feelings and stalks the man she has feelings for. 9. Injustice to the characters they had created and developed throughout the series. I am specifically talking about Naruto and Sakura. Naruto has never once shown Hinata a single ounce of interest. THen suddenly, inbetween chapter 697 and 698, he marries her, and is more interested in being a hokage than being a dad? The Fuck? Sakura, who had slowly, over the course of Shippuden, moved away from just being a Sasuke Fangirl and matured and developed into a character that people. Now she's basically a neglected housewife? The double fuck!? They basically destroyed any character development both of these characters had. My thoughts on Merlin Characters and Show Aspects Merlin- It's not often that I dislike the main character of a show, but BBC Merlin's Merlin is just one of those characters. What makes me not like is Merlin, is how much his potential was wasted and how they never made him do what he was supposed to do as Emerys. I liked him in s1 and s2(except when he poisoned Morgana), and S3, but Merlin toward the 4th and 5th season's became very hypocritical and didn't really grow up and mature. He trusts too blindly and puts his faith in the wrong people. Like the Great Dragon. He also is part of the problem. He is supposed to help Arthur restore Magic to ALbion and unite i, but Merlin is never once seen trying to convince Arthur that magic is good and actually does the opposite, hardening Arthur's heart against magic, by constantly lying to Arthur about certain things, and letting his distrust and fear of Mordred cloud his judgement in the key moments with the Disir Court, and his selling out of Mordreds lover Kara, turned Mordred against Camelot. Merlin truly deserves to be called Arthur's Bane, as Merlin set the events in motion that caused Arthur's death and ended Camelot. Kilgharrah- The Great Dragon is the most manipulative character on the entire show. If one were to look back, everything that transpired in the show, was because of the advice he gave Merlin concerning Morgana and Mordred. He purposely misleads Merlin at every point. He's just a bitter old lizard that hates everything that has to do with the Pendragon's. Arthur Being the Once and Future King- Yeah, I don't really see it. Arthur is a great character, don't misunderstand. But the idea that he is the king that will bring magic back to Camelot is kinda ridiculous canon-wise. A man who hates magic can't bring it back. Now yes, he accepted Merlin in the end, but he was already dead at that point, and so it doesn't count. Morgana - Morgana had a great deal of potential that was all thrown away when the show made her evil. In truth, I was rooting for her from Season 3 onward. Morgana made for a better character than Merlin when she was 'evil', because unlike Merlin, she was actually trying to end Uther's reign and bring back magic. She was trying to do what was right for her people in the beginning. Plus, Merlin and Kilgharrah did everything they could to make Morgana the villian Kilgharrah wanted her to be. She deserved better. Merlin being Arthur's protector- Merlin, being Arthur's slave basically, does not work for me. No self-respecting person, in any age, would serve a man who treats them like a slave. I think Merlin could still have protected and befriended Arthur even if he wasn't his servant. Why I think Felicity Smoak on Arrow may be a sociopath: If you are not familiar with Arrow, do not read any further. The term Sociopath is around a lot these days in media and real life but I don't think a lot of people these days really know what a sociopath is. A sociopath is a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.There are ten signs of a sociopath and it is disturbing to note that Felicity Smoak, a character put a pedestal by her fans, the characters, and even the writers, displays several of these signs. 1: Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have a certain charm to them that attracts people to them, making people want to be around them and often times creating loyalists. This is very apparent with Felicity as her charm attracts Oliver and Diggle and often times makes them her loyal puppets. 2: Sociopaths lack shame, remorse, or guilt. They are simply not capable of feeling these emotions, which allows them to easily betray and lie to people. For all of the things she has done, betraying the entire team in season five, working for a terrorist organization, emotionally abusing Oliver,. ect, she has shown no remorse, guilt, or shame. The only time she has shown these emotions is when she was forced to blow up Havenrock and even then, it is only after it happens that she does. Immediately following, she shrugs it off. While this was briefly revisited in season five, there was something off about that remorse, like it was being faked. 3: They seek to dominate win at all costs. Sociopaths will viciously defend their point of view to the point where it loses credibility and seek to be in control constantly. Felicity often times needs to be in control of the situation, she takes over, talks over the top of people. She repeatedly undermines Oliver's authority as leader and, during their trips to Central City, will take over Cisco's station all but pushing him out of the way despite the fact that Cisco is just as capable of hacking as she is. 4: Sociopaths are highly intelligent: I don't think I need to explain this one. Felicity is obviously very smart and she will often times use her intelligence to her advantage as sociopaths do. 5: Sociopaths are in capable of love and self-serving. For someone who claims to love Oliver, every time he falls short of her expectations, she is ready to bolt. It was never clear if Felicity actually had feelings for Ray or was simply using him. Her self serving tendencies are very clear throughout season three and season four, she walks away twice, first because Oliver supposedly 'dies' and second because they break up, showing she does not care about the city or the team. 6: Sociopaths never apologize. Sociopaths are never wrong, even when shown proof they are wrong, they never apologize. Felicity never apologized for betraying the team, for walking out on them, for undermining Oliver's authority as leader. The only time she apologized was for the William situation a year later and even then, it was for manipulation purposes as the season five finale reveals that it was not a genuine apology. 7: Sociopaths are delusional and believe something is true simply because they say it is. In season five, when Oliver calls the leader of Helix a criminal, she argues back, saying he is not a criminal and expects Oliver to believe it simply because she does. Every time Felicity thinks something, she believes others must believe share it as fact simply because she is the one saying it. Now, one of two of these signs could be shrugged off but seven of the ten signs? No, it's not possible. And that is why I believe Felicity Smoak is a sociopath. Why Felicity Smoak is a Mary-Sue There has been a long standing argument between Felicity Smoak fans and those who dislike/despise the character of Felicity on whether or not Felicity is a Mary-Sue. Using the definition from , I attempt here to show that Felicity is indeed a Mary-sue. A Mary-sue is a character(Male, Female, or otherwise) who is given or expected to be given unwarranted preferential treatment and unearned respect, thereby compromising the integrity of the story and/or its characters: Felicity was certainly given preferential treatment, as Oliver and Diggle in particular seem to go out of their way to accommodate Felicity's every need. Ray Palmer named her Palmer Tech's CEO, despite Felicity having absolutely no experience running a multi-million dollar company. Team Arrow will do whatever Felicity says and Cisco will let her take over his station whenever she wants when she visits Star Labs. Even Ra's al Ghul, the Demon's Head, the big bad of S3, rather than killing her for disrespecting him in his own home, doesn't even blink and instead basically tells Felicity to go sleep with Oliver. As for unearned respect, while she has earned it with Oliver and Diggle over the course of the years, she really did nothing to earn the kind of respect given to her by Laurel and Thea. Further more, Rory, who lost everyone he loved because of Felicity, gives her an unrealistic amount of respect considering what happened. The rest of the recruits give her similar amounts of respect. So she meets that definition. Characters who are usually grouchy or hostile will immediately be able to sense the innate goodness/specialness of the sue and will immediately warm up to them: This is best seen with Oliver in season one. He is immediately drawn in by her. However, it is not simply limited to Oliver. Nyssa has an encounter with Felicity in the season two finale where Felicity tries to be intimidating. Normally, someone like Nyssa would cut off Felicity's head but Nyssa, for some odd reason, doesn't even react. The Reverse Flash, disguised as Harrison Wells, points out how 'awesome' Felicity is within the first ten seconds of meeting her. Enemies and rivals of Mary-sue will be easily and quickly defeated or pose no serious threat: Felicity, despite having no physical training whatsoever, was somehow able to knock out Black Siren with a single punch. She was able to defeat the Bug-eyed Bandit twice, once by not even meaning to and, despite her father being the best hacker in the world, she was able to beat him in a battle of skill. Other characters will be inordinately fascinated with the Mary-sue, even to the point of obsession: Oliver and Diggle in particular fit this mold. They go out of their way to accommodate her and all but bow down to her, kissing her feet as she can do no wrong in their eyes. But they are not the only ones guilty of this, as Quentin Lance has a soft spot for her as well despite having limited interaction with her, expressing concern over her and the Star Labs team does as well, Reverse Flash is immediately shown to be in awe of how awesome Felicity is upon first meeting her. Unless they are a Villain, every character is immediately fascinated by Felicity upon meeting her. And even then, some of the villains such as Slade Wilson and Ra's al Ghul are subject to this as well. Things that were supposed to have been true hardships won't have a realistic impact on the character's life. Things that should be traumatizing might not be. Emotional traumas might disappear at the writer's convenience: Felicity was paralyzed in an attack by Hive. She does not realistically struggle with this, as it takes one episode for her to get over it. Then she gets a computer chip that allows her to walk. She nukes thousands of lives in order to save millions and yet just shrugs this off. Mary-sue's rarely, if ever, have to deal with the realistic consequences of their actions: Felicity has repeatedly undermined Oliver's authority as leader, disrespected him, and been a downright bitch to him in front of the other members of Team arrow. Felicity made jokes about Lian yu in front of Oliver and Diggle, both veterans in their own right and one definitely has a little PTSD(Oliver) and displayed how jealous and insensitive she is to who Oliver has lost. In the real world, I'd be called an insensitive dickhead if I said that. And yet, none of them have ever called Felicity out on it or defended him, in fact there have been times when they are actually amused by it. When Rory found out that she was responsible for Havenrock getting nuked, it started off very realistic with Rory not being able to be around her or work with her. But, realism got thrown out the window next episode when he forgives her. While Rory would no doubt be able to understand why she did it and be able to work with her, he would never be able to forgive her. Felicity joins a cyber-terrorist group called Helix and they offer to help her find Adrian Chase if she breaks their leader out of Argus. This causes her to betray the team and even stop Oliver from apprehending Helix. And yet afterwards, the team lets her back in with no questions, it is not even brought up again that she stabbed them all in the back. Very often, Mary-sue's are creates for the readers or viewers to admire, envy, or pity rather than emphasize with: Felicity's flaws are usually brushed off or ignored in favor of reminding us of how awesome Felicity is. So, every definition of a Mary-sue, Felicity meets. So, without a doubt, Felicity Smoak is indeed a Mary-Sue. Also, the only way to save Arrow is to kill the stupid bitch already. Harry Potter Section -This section of my profile is dedicated to Harry Potter Reasons why Ron Weasley Sucks - Note: THis is an article taken from this site. https:///why-ronald-weasley-is-the-actual-worst. I threw in some of my opinion's but most of this article belongs to The Odyssey Online We all know the name Ronald Weasley. We all recognize that mop of red hair and freckles in an ugly sweater. But not all of us agree on our sentiments toward him. A portion — sadly, a very large portion — of the Harry Potter fandom loves Ron to death. They fall for his humor and the bumbling comic relief he adds to the series, and on a deeper level, often relate to him and his imperfections. As arguably the most ordinary of the famous Hogwarts trio, Ron is the most likely to fall short in classes, feel insecure and complain about the little things, putting him on the level of ordinary people in a way that Harry and Hermione are not. However it is in part because of this exact reason that he is actually the absolute worst. Sure, Ron is funny in the first couple installments of the series, but from the very beginning there are off-putting signs; and basically book four in, he lost my respect and failed to earn it back. And here are my reasons why: 1. Ron is disgustingly insecure. Yes, he is the sixth of seven children. Yes, he is poor, and he isn't the best student. But no one likes a whiner. Amongst a cast of heroic characters who embrace their flaws and strive for greatness, Ron lags behind, striving for however much pity he can get, always grumbling about being poor or not being good enough at Quidditch or whatever else it is bringing him down for the day. Honestly, he and Moaning Myrtle should try spending some more time together. Even in that wonderful moment when Ron triumphed over his nerves and performed spectacular save after spectacular save during the Quidditch match in Half Blood Prince was fueled by Harry's quick thinking and general concern for his lacking best friend. 2. He is always negative. Ron can't do anything right. Ron doesn't believe that Harry is telling the truth about putting his name in the Goblet of Fire. Ron hates Hermione for being smarter than him. Ron whines about being poor. Ron thinks S.P.E.W. is stupid. Ron whines about being poor. Ron hates his pet rat. Ron can't find any Horcruxes. Ron likes Hermione but can't understand why being rude to her hasn't made her fall madly in love with him. Ron whines about being poor. And you may think, "But it does suck for him that he's poor!" — which yeah, sure, it can be sad, but get over it. I would rather be poor with a loving family than rich with murdered parents any day, and so would the best friend Ron constantly complains too about his problems. And even beyond that, do you ever hear Ginny complaining? No, you do not. Because she is a thousand times cooler than her idiot brother. 3. He's the biggest Drama Queen imaginable. He's going to have to get his leg chopped off because he got a little bloodied by Sirius's teeth. He's going to resign from playing Quidditch because he's so nervous for the matches. He's poor. He is invisible to his too-big family. (Again, Harry must love hearing how much Ron hates his life when Harry grew up orphaned and abused, wanting nothing more than to be loved by a family.) He disowns Harry as a friend because he believes that Harry entered the Triwizard Tournament (which makes no sense by the way). He stops talking to Hermione for half of their third year because he thinks Hermione's cat — not Hermione, just her cat — ate his pet rat THAT HE DIDN'T LIKE IN THE FIRST PLACE. He stops talking to Hermione because she brings a date to the Yule Ball. It's not like he brought a date too or anything or bashed her very publicly just a few days previously and used her as a self-esteem boost thereafter . . . oh wait. He walks out on Harry and Hermione during their hunt for Horcruxes because he's hungry. You get the picture. 4. He's really stupid. It's no secret throughout the series that Ron isn't the most powerful wand in the shop, but even beyond that, he displays very little brain power in the real world as well. "Oh, my parents are on the other side of the barrier? Oh well, I guess they're going to be stuck there forever, so may as well steal their flying car even though I'm TWELVE and drive it visibly through the sky to get to Hogwarts instead." Not like that's going to end poorly. And then, behold a tree, and what does he do? He hits the dashboard of the falling car and tells it to stop. Because that's a real spell that will definitely work and not just leave him with a broken wand and an even more dismal grade point average. He jokes about entering the Triwizard Tournament and then cheers everyone one that tries to enter underage. Oh, Harry got chosen even though he didn't put his name in? Better stop talking to him for the rest of the term. And then, a scary dragon? I guess that means Harry didn't enter his name, so they can be best friends again. He has a crush on a girl for six-plus years? Better treat her poorly; that ought to show her you're marriage material. And yeah, some of you will argue that it did work, but it shouldn't have, and J.K. Rowling herself has admitted that Hermione should not have ended up with Ron and that their union was very much her nostalgic desire to stick to her original plan getting in the way. 5. He puts everyone down. "Oh Harry, your parents are dead? Well, I have a loving family that doesn't have much money, so my life is so much worse." Hermione is smart and knows the answer to every question in class, so he makes her cry and almost gets her killed by a troll. Harry goes through a terrifying tournament meant for much older wizards, so Ron alienates him. Hermione finds someone who makes her happy? Well, better not let that happen; he makes her cry again. Hermione starts a club to save House Elves? That's the stupidest thing he's ever heard. Hermione asks him to go to a Christmas party with him and more or less reveals her feelings, so he makes out with one of her dorm-mates in front of her, and then pretends he doesn't know why she's upset (or possibly really doesn't know, which would take us back to the whole "Ron is stupid" thing). "Oh Harry, you have to find all the Horcruxes? I'm going to hate you because I haven't done anything helpful, and therefore, you should be doing everything and have all the answers". 6. Harry and Hermione could do better and deserve better. Besides her ending up with Ron, a jerk who put her down for over six years, Hermione is generally badass. She doesn't deserve someone who doesn't admire her brains, someone who doesn't support her attempts at strength and freedom and equality. She doesn't deserve someone whose solution to misplaced anger is cruel words and disassociation. She doesn't deserve someone so stupid; she needs someone who will challenge her intellect, or she's going to get bored and frustrated. And as for Harry, why would Harry want to hear someone complain for years on end about the life he lives when it is exactly the life that Harry would give absolutely anything to have? Why would Harry want a best friend who is always jealous and takes it out on him? Why would Harry want a friend who gets mad at him for the attention he gets, when he wants nothing more than to be invisible? Why would Harry want a friend who dreams of glory but never follows through with any substance? Why would Harry want a friend who acts like a pitiful child? Harry deserves a best friend who supports him and believes in him, and who pays attention to him long enough to understand that he doesn't want attention or glory; he just wants a place to call home (ahem, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Ginny . . . pretty much everyone but Ron . . .). 7. He doesn't bring anything to the series after Book 1. Back in book One, all of Ron's negative traits were overshadowed by the fact that he was Harry's first friend. Ron also had some use back then, as it was thanks to him that the trio got through the Wizard Chess Challenge. He helped introduce fan of the series to flying cars and the floo network. But after he broke his wand in book two, he stopped contributing to the series. Sure, it could have been forgiven in book two since he broke his wand, but he didn't try after book two. He doesn't do anything during prisoner of azkabhan, he doesn't do anything during the goblet of fire, and next to nothing during OoTP. Half-Blood Prince he became of fame hungry glory hound, and in DH he was just an asshole in general. He also doesn't bring anything worthwhile to the golden trio. And don't try to give me that nonsense about how he helped in Book 7. You can't fake Parseltongue, plus even biggest dumbasses get lucky. Hermione has her superior intelligence and vast knowledge of the Magical World from all of the studying she does. Harry has his vast innate talent, raw Magical power, courage, bravery and leadership skills. What exactly does Weasel-bee contribute? Bad table manners, passive aggressive bullying, uselessness, whining about everything, negative attitude, more bullying. Anyone, even putting Draco Malfoy in the trio would have been better than keeping Ronald Bilius Weasely. So, all in all, Ron kind of sucks in my eyes. When J.K. Rowling released that she almost killed Ron off, I found myself screaming at my computer screen, "WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU THEN?!" which will probably make the Ron lovers hate me even more. But that's okay because I am firm in my convictions. Ron is the worst, and Harry and Hermione are the best, so Ron should go die and be replaced by Neville or Luna or basically anyone else. If I have offended you with my statements, I deeply apologize, unless you are one of those idiot girls who love Ron and say you want to marry him. You could do better. He is a bad ideal. Imaginary boyfriends are supposed to be incredible, not lackluster whining gingers who make their way into the minds of millions by tagging along with two actually worthy characters. Sorry, but it's true. 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