Author has written 37 stories for Harry Potter, Jackie Chan Adventures, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Labyrinth. I am a romantic at heart. I love to read comedy and I try to write it. :) I have a lot of stories half-started, although for the most part I've drifted away from fanfiction. Unfortunately, don't expect any sequels from me for the time being. I also don't plan on updating any of my multi-chapter stories where each chapter is stand-alone (this includes "Everything's Relevent" and "Just Dance"). "Dragon Country" may someday be deleted to turn it into an original story. "Honey or Vinegar" is on hold indefinitely. If I ever pick it back up, it will be getting a major facelift, including a new title and a new summary. "Memories Not Forgotten" sort of has a plot, but it's really abstract, and I don't know if I'll ever finish it. |