Author has written 60 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Big Bang Theory, Harry Potter, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Star Trek: 2009. So, I hate writing these bits of getting to know you blather. I find myself oddly inept at conveying my thoughts. It always seems like I'm tooting my own horn. I am not. I find issues with every story and every chapter. I tend to flit from story to story like a hummingbird on amphetamines. My real life intrudes and I disappear. I write every day. There are notebooks in every room of my house with random scribblings in them. Im assured that if I managed the chaos in my brain better, the chaos in my world would resolve. I like my chaos, so be prepared for it. Ill post on a story every week for a while, and then a shiny new story or one that Ive been ignoring will take center stage. We won't discuss the hundreds of plot bunnies now stuck in the hutch. I really do write everyday. Most of it is dreck. Some of it makes its way here. A few of you would point out that a lot of that is dreck as well. I've saved some of the PM's as inspiration. I don't much care for cannon when I write. I don't want to try to build a better mousetrap. I want to set the mice free, and the cheese as well. so, if you're looking for exact replicas of your favorite characters, I'm not the writer for you. I do try to preserve what I think is quintessential to a given character, but in my Alternate Universes, they are different. Its nature vs nurture in a way, I guess. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these stories of mine. |