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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Vocaloid, and Fairy Tail. Hehe...I guess this is the time I introduce myself huh? Len: Yes and hurry up! Me: Whatever. Username: Candybear24 Gender:Female Age: Dosen't concern you... About Me: Well to start out, I like Kingdom hearts, Vocaloid, all sorts of anime, and I kinda like cartoons. I like to write stories- Len: You just love to state out the obvious... Me: Shut up! As I was saying... What I like to do is eat and read. My favorite hobby is sleeping and games I know are Kingdom hearts, Mario series, Final fantasy 7 and 13, and Just dance series. Sorry my life is boring but moving on... OTP Couples: RinxLen MikuxKaito LukaxGakupo MikuoxKaiko MikixPiko RintoxLenka NeruxNero orDell SoraxKairi RoxasxNamine XionxRiku (or Vanitas) YunaxTidus NatsuxLucy GrayxJuvia JellalxEzra Loke(Leo)xAries GajeelxLevy TadasexAmuxIkuto KukaixUtau RimaxNagihiko FionnaxMarshall Lee FinnxMarceline SoulxMaka Black StarxTsubaki KidxPatty (or liz) RinxShiemi YukioxShura Ryuji(Bon)xMira ShimaxIzumo AllenxLenalee LightxL YatoxHiyori Kamijou ToumaxMisaka Mikoto AcceleratorxLast OrderFavorite Anime: Sket Dance Shugo Chara Skip Beat Fairy Tail Angel beats Pichi Pichi Pitch Mermaid Melody Special A Kaichou wa Maid-Sama Ouran High school host club Fruit Basket Soul Eater Blue Exorcist D Gray-man Sword Art Online Death note Noragami To aru majustu no index To aru kagaku no railgunFavorite Authors: Lennylovesrinny02 Shadowthorn2013 BluAnimeBunnies Jessi-chan9867 MizuneMinamiki Emo Unfaltering IA-K1002 SOURPATCHKID03 DoKuRiNAnimationQueen Yellow-Ideya-Hunter Rosie-Sama98Join the Community: Rin and Len stories! If you love Rin and Len as a couple and one of the best characters in Vocaloid, I advice you to join this Community Members: Candybear24 and MizuneMinamiki Disclaimer: I do not and will not own Vocaloid or Kingdom hearts or any of the other stories I wrote so don't ask... Len: Who was going to anyway? Me: Hey Miku? Miku: Yeah? Me: Could you get me a rope? Miku: What for? Me: (whispers) To tie Len up and hang him over the shark tank. Miku: Sure! Miku grabs a rope and ties Len up. Miku drags him over to the shark tank and ties him on a metal hook. Miku gets down from the ladder and knocks on the glass. Len's moving around and mumbling while Miku is talking at the sharks* Miku: He's all yours boys. Len moved from side to side as the sharks try to get him. The other Vocaloids watch and laugh. Me: Thanks Miku. Miku: Your Welcome! That's about it folks so you can move on to read the stories. |