Author has written 48 stories for Chuck.
Hi, I'm Steampunk.Chuckster and distracting from real life by drowning myself in NBC's Chuck and Chuck/Sarah specifically is my game. So far it's worked out okay.
Shout out to all of the people who have reviewed what I've posted so far. It feels great to have readers who appreciate the work that goes into what I've written. Every review is like fuel. It keeps me going!
Thanks, everyone!
Long live CHUCK!
If you want to read another one of my stories, head over to thecharleses page and read The Detective and the Tech Guy. I started it with my friend dettiot but she has moved on from it to work on her own solo projects, so it's just me writing and updating it now! But check it out! If you like the other things I've written, you'll love this one!
(updated 3/3/24)
Current Steampunk.Chuckster activity:
-Posting Castle in the Air which is being written as I post.
-Still attempting to limit the amount of times I write Sarah wearing Chuck's clothing. Still way too difficult a task for me to be considered sane.
Chuck Versus the Con Game Timeline:
1. Con Game Cotton Mill: Sarah's solo mission, set four years before she ever meets Chuck.
2. Con Game Beginnings: Chuck and Sarah meet for the first time.
3. Con Game Gamblers 1-3: Chuck and Sarah pull their first con together and decide to become partners.
4. Con Game Partners: Set three months after Gamblers.
5. Con Game Collectibles: Set a few months after the con!Charah partnership begins.
6. Con Game Christmas: Chuck and Sarah's first Christmas after becoming partners.
7. Con Game Vegas 1-6: Set a little less than two years after Chuck and Sarah become partners.
8. Con Game Awesome 1-3: Set about two years after Chuck and Sarah become partners.
9. Con Game Camp Counselors: Set a few months before Con Game Revealed.
10. Con Game Revealed: Set about three years after Chuck and Sarah's first meeting.
11. Con Game Healing: Set a week after Con Game Revealed.
12. Con Game Lisbon: Set 5 weeks after Con Game Healing.
13. Con Game Texas 1-3: Chuck and Sarah pull a con in Texas, set 8 weeks after they get together.
14. Con Game Screwed: Set immediately after Con Game Texas.
15. Con Game Ice Queen 1-2: Set a few months after the Texas con.
16. Con Game Reunion 1-4: Set two weeks after Ice Queen.
17. Con Game Holiday Detour: Set just a few weeks before Double Agent.
18. Con Game Double Agent 1-8: Set a few months after Reunion.
19. Con Game TBD: Set a year after Con Game Revealed (in progress)!!!!
20. Con Game Vengeance: Set a little over a year after Chuck and Sarah get together.
21. Con Game Cabin in the Woods: Takes place one year after Vengeance.
22. Con Game Paris 1-3: Takes place six years after Chuck and Sarah meet, 3 years after Revealed.
Chuck Versus the Con Game extras
ConVerse soundtrack, volume 1: The Charah Arc
ConVerse soundtrack, volume 2: Hackers & Thieves
ConVerse soundtrack, volume 3: Play the Game
ConVerse soundtrack, Con Game Vegas
ConVerse soundtrack, Con Game Paris
Chuck Versus the Steampunk Chronicles extras
The deleted scene from chapter 13 of Chuck Versus the Steampunk Chronicles can be found on my tumblr HERE!
Remember Me playlist link: KABLAM!
TROUBLE soundtrack
*Due to this website not allowing links in user profiles, none of the above links will work. If you would like to check out any of the aforementioned links, send me a PM and I'd be more than happy to send it to you!!! Just let me know!*