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Joined 09-23-12, id: 4272108, Profile Updated: 10-28-12

hey! The name is 'Mim!'. :) I am a 16 year old teen female!! please review and read my stories, it motivates me to write more! yAYEAH!!but anyways HERE'S my profile!

Interests-- SINGING, WRITING, DRAWING, AND ANIME!! mostly bleach and ulquihime!! MUSIC!!!!

Disinterests-- THE DENTIST! D, unscented candles -_- , ICHIHIME,

FEARS-- I have anxiety so i have alot of them..

Fav foods!-- hot cheetos, lemons, crackers and Altoids...:)


Fav SINGERS--Bob marley, meg AND dia (well just dia nowadays) !!!, and random songs from random artists.

Other-- anyway I am a Big fan of BleacH and an even bigger fan of ulquihime!! I also will make any requested story! dont hesitate to talk to me.. i actually get prett lonelyy.. :( lol so please become my friend! I am a Lovable Person as far as i know.\\I Am Not mEan.. trust me!// lol I tend to laugh about EVERYTHING. LOL It's not that hard to make me smile.

but if you want to know anything else like i said -- Dont hesitate to talk to me! now for A QUOTE that i adore

"The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tommorow."

- Bob Marley

--OOO! that was a good one from the legend himself..:) How about another one by him.

"Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold."

-Bob Marley.

ANd I dont LikE BOb juSt BecaUse He SMOKED! I LOVE HIS MUSIC.. he is my favorite singer.

well \\\ TALK TO ME :)/// BYE