![]() Author has written 9 stories for Digimon, Warriors, My Little Pony, Earthbound, Web Shows, Harry Potter, Pokémon, and Code Lyoko. My name is Clamorous in honor of my too-loud speaking voice. I'm a professional lurker, but have been a fanfiction reader, reviewer, and occasional writer for the past ten years. My stories here are what I published back when I was a teen, but on principle, want to leave up. :) The old memos below will be preserved. (I don't talk like that anymore, but again, I appreciate a good archive and time capsule.) Here's what I have the work I've done: WARRIORS: Lost in the Wind (Written by both Clamorous and Drizzle117) (Status: Incomplete, on hiatus until further notice) (Began: September 28, 2012) (Finished: N/A) (Franchise: WARRIORS, a book series written by Erin Hunter) (Character[s: OCs) (Genre: Family/Mystery) "Half-Clan siblings Blossomkit and Shadowkit have been born outside of the clans MoonClan, FlameClan, MistClan, and EarthClan after their father left their mother alone before they were born. Three moons after their kitting, the duo's mother Frostbreeze makes a decision that changes her kits' lives forever. The two, separated and re-named, believe one another to be dead..." My Thoughts: I began this when I just started out around here (my friend and I were twelve when we wrote this dinosaur), and ever since, both Drizzle117 and I's skills have improved! Either way, this is most certainly the most popular of my stories, though I don't know why... it's been an unexpected surprise, I must say. But welcomed, nonetheless! I'd say that it's a decent story, but not one of the "best things ever written". (Give me a break, I've only been writing for so long!). Though, if you enjoy the WARRIORS series and like the idea of made-up clans with their own lore, I'd suggest that you read this, as long as you don't mind its likely perpetual state of incomplete-ness. Patamon and the Friend of Hope (Written by Adlet) (Status: Complete) (Began: September 28, 2012) (Finished: September 28, 2012) (Franchise: Digimon, an anime and manga (and technically, game. I've just never played any of them) created by Toei Animation and Bandai) (Character[s: Patamon, T.K.) (Genre: Poetry/Friendship) "Just a little something I came up with one night. My first fic/poem I actually felt like writing. It's based upon the friendship between TK and Patamon." My Thoughts: Not my best work, even when I compare it to the stuff I wrote way back when. I wrote it late at night with sudden inspiration. Afraid that I wouldn't write another piece of poetry for this site again, I decided to post it so I could round out my genres a bit. Apparently, a handful of people enjoyed it, though I don't exactly see why it stands out. Glad that you guys liked it anyway. Super Filly Adventure: Alternate Blankflank Ending (Written by Clamorous) (Status: Complete) (Began: November 4, 2012) (Finished November 4, 2012) (Franchise: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, a cartoon series written by Lauren Faust and DHX studios) (Character[s: Princess Luna, OC) (Genre: Supernatural/Horror) "Have you ever played Super Filly Adventure by Jay6? Its a rather short game but it goes horribly wrong if you got the Blankflank ending like I did. Here's my take on how I thought Jade would do if I were in her horseshoes. Rated T for blood and a minor swearword. Doesn't have anypony down as a first character because Jade isn't an option." My Thoughts: Another prime example of me just having fun. Yeah, yeah, I know that it was cliche and that I could've done a better job... but it was fun to write. That "Creepypasta" ending featured in-game left me so unsatisfied, I've got to say that that I'm quite proud of this, even if I've grown and matured from this way of writing. However, I'd skip this one if I were you. I don't know what I was trying to accomplish in 2012. Realizations from a Scrapbook (Written by Clamorous) (Status: Complete) (Began: December 23, 2012) (Finished: June 9, 2013) (Franchise: MOTHER/EarthBound, a video game created by Shigesato Itoi and APE) (Character[s: Ness, Paula) (Genre: Friendship/Romance) "After two weeks of peace after the War Against Giygas, Ness decides to take a second look at the photo album the Photography Man had given to him. One picture he finds makes him think, and he realizes what he needs to do..." My Thoughts: Never before had I written a shipping (romantic) story of any sort up to this point, but I decided to give it a shot. Halfway though, I chickened out, and abandoned the project for six moths before returning to it. I'm glad I did, though, I'd say that it's better one of my works. And if you find that pitiful, I'm sorry to hear that. Once again, I'm just here to do my own thing and maybe entertain a little. If you're a fan of the pairing of Ness and Paula, younger me would love it if you checked it out! A Story Inspired by Rezuaq- Crime Grumps (Original video created by YouTube user Rezuaq, put to paper by Clamorous) (Status: Complete) (Began: January 26, 2013) (Finished: January 26, 2013) (Franchise: GameGrumps, a YouTube web-series originally created by Jon "JonTron" Jafari and Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson) (Character[s: JonTron, Egoraptor) (Genre: Suspense/Tragedy) "Jon and Arin are in the middle of a big heist when suddenly, they get caught. Rated Tplus for the Game Grumps' foul language. (Inspired buy a Game Grumps Animated by Rezuaq on YouTube. He/she had the whole idea for the base of this story, I just captured in writing form. Does not belong to me!)" My Thoughts: This one was just to exercise my writing skills. I wanted to see how I could put a video to paper, and I did it as accurately as I could manage. Rezuaq's video is better, in my opinion, but, if for whatever reason, you want to see my take, then go on ahead! Just be wary of Jon and Arin's regular vulgarity! This story, in all honesty, was meant to take up some empty space. I'm glad I don't do that anymore- leaving my worst stuff up here on display helps me show off just how much I've improved over the years. Fred and Fred (Written by Clamorous) (Status: Complete) (Began: March 23, 2013) (Finished: March 23, 2013) (Refined: June 7, 2015) (Franchise: Harry Potter, a book series originally written by J.K. Rowling) (Character[s: Fred II, Fred) (Genre: Supernatural/Family) "First Year Fred Weasley, son of George Weasley, is caught walking around the corridors of Hogwarts completely lost. Thankfully, a hidden family member is there to help... (Leaving this as a one-shot)" My Thoughts: This story helped mark a turning point in developing my very own writing style, let me just say. Also, Fred was always my favored twin out of Fred and George and was devastated when he died. But, I came up with a fun little story about George's little Fred and his uncle! In my opinion, it's fun to look at. I don't know if it's only because I'm the writer, but I'd read it. And as of now, I've updated it. I felt like that it needed it. I really liked the concept and I was beginning to feel like I was throwing it away. Granted, I was two years younger when I first wrote it, and I had barely began writing stories that I consider "passable" nowadays, I fine-tuned it and really like the new version. It has a possibility of being continued, but I don't see it in the near future. My interest in my older works is fickle, you see... Oh well. I hope you Harry Potter fans out there should enjoy it, anyway. A Moor-Runner's Daughter (Written by Clamorous) (Status: Currently being re-written) (Began: August 14, 2013) (Finished: N/A) (Franchise: WARRIORS, a book series originally written by Erin Hunter) (Character[s: OCs) (Genre: Family/Friendship) "Meet Pouncekit; a young WindClan kit who dreams of being a moor-runner, just like her 'Ma'. Her brother, Morningkit, looks like he'll reach this goal quite easily. But Pouncekit... she seems like she's always short of breath. Her mother warmly watches her littermate as he flies circles around camp. But what about breathless Pouncekit, who can hardly manage a short dash?" My Thoughts: Not much right now, I'll get back here when I'm at least five chapters in! Chance Encounter (Written by Clamorous) (Status: Complete) (Began: October 21, 2013) (Finished: October 21, 2013) (Franchise: T.O.M.E.: Terrain of Magical Expertise, a web/animated series created by Christopher "Kirbopher" Niosi) (Character[s: Flamegirl, Alpha) (Genre: Mystery) "While Stephanie "Flamegirl" is at a relative's house for the holidays, she decides to squeeze in a little shopping with what little time she has left. On her way back home, a complete stranger slams into her out of haste and sends them both to the ground. After helping one another up, though neither have never seen each other before, they experience the oddest case of deja vu..." My Thoughts: For this one, I just felt like the awesomeness that is T.O.M.E. deserved more fanfiction. I also saw this as a way to exercise something I struggle with- thick paragraphs with less dialogue. So here I am, writing a story that was especially fun for me to write and placing it up here. Hope you fellow fans of T.O.M.E. like it, because, sadly, that's three weeks worth of work right there! Confused Locomotion (Written by Clamorous) (Status: Complete) (Began: November 29th, 2013) (Finished: November 29th, 2013) (Franchise: Pokemon, created by Satoshi Tajiri and Game Freak Co.) (Character[s: Serena, Calem, Tierno, Spinda) (Genre: Romance/Humor) "It's Tierno's birthday, and he's thrown a huge dance party. When Serena arrives, Tierno gets a Spinda as a birthday present from her. Awhile after, Serena and Calem (who are only watching the dancers), bump into the same Spinda who invites them to join. Calem rejects Spinda, but that backfires when Teeter Dance is against him, turning Calem into impulsive alter-ego of himself...". My Thoughts: It was very fun to write, let me tell you! My very first spark of inspiration came from Neonz's "Snow Warning", and from there I came up with a randomly generated Adjective and Noun for the prompt. I suggest that, if you like the pairing of Calem and Serena, you go check it out! It might be fine! Sweet Dreams (Written by Clamorous) (Status: Complete) (Began: June 30th, 2014) (Finished: June 30th, 2014) (Franchise: Code Lyoko, created by Thomas Romain and Tania Palumbo) (Character[s: Aelita S., Jérémie B., Sissi D.) (Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Romance) "Aelita wakes up violently from a nightmare, causing Sissi to also awaken. She has some choice words for Aelita, and they cut far deeper than intended. And just before everything gets to as bad as they can possibly get, Jérémie gives her a shoulder to cry on. Thanks to his help, her doubts and fears of the night and future are chased away, and only sweet dreams remain." My Thoughts: In reality, this puppy took me over the course of five days to write. I got stuck in a lot of ruts, lost inspiration, and procrastinated a lot, but I'm very proud to present "Sweet Dreams". To my standards, as of right now on the night of its completion (tail end of June in 2014), I've got to say that it's one of my better pieces. I ship Aelita and Jérémie like unholy FedEx, and though some have already used the premise I used, I'm still proud it. I always have appreciated fanfiction for its transformative properties. By giving a base that can relate to those outside of yourself, one can explore ideas and improve their writing without having to commit to something completely new. In its own right, it is an art! There is intrinsic value in the differences in interpretation alone. |