Author has written 25 stories for Darkstalkers, Harry Potter, Soul Calibur, Big O, Bloody Roar, Breath of Fire, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Dead or Alive, Tenchi Muyo, Shadow Hearts, Teen Titans, Final Fantasy XII, Legend of Zelda, Warcraft, and Final Fantasy VII. HIATUS OVER!I AM: - A Christian Male (M-A-L-E! MALE! Why do so many people think I'm a woman?) I ENJOY: - Fantasy Books - Rock music. - Collecting weaponry. - Martial arts/bodybuilding. - Playing videogames, mostly RPGs. I urge everyone who reads this to pick up the Bible and begin reading it. You might find yourself surprised to find out the truth. Don't believe what others want you to believe- read the Bible on your own, and then judge me or mine! See what you think about it, not what others says. I believe God to be the only God, and therefore Christianity the only right religion, but it is who you are that I will judge you by, not your faith. But still- I urge everyone to be a Christian. Hate to see you all in Hell when we get to the end of the road, aye? ;) W00t! Secondly- WILD ARMS 3- the greatest game EVER. Period. Combines wonderful anime, a truly gripping story, a set of four characters with more personality and backstory than all the casts of FF8 and 9 combined, and a chance to fight a living book of adult pornography. Nothing even comes close to this, baby.Favorite Quote: Somehow, irresistibly, the prime thing was:nothing mattered. Life in the end seemed a prank of such size you could only stand off at this end of the corridor to note its meaningless length and it's quite unnecessary height, a mountain built to such ridiculous immensities you were dwarfed in its shadow and mocking of its pomp. ...Of itself, like a child born of an unsuspecting parent, one single raw laugh broke free. The Witch swooned back. -"Something Wicked This Way Comes", Ray Bradbury And now... It's... "SHOWTIME!" |