Author has written 32 stories for Bleach, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: Last Airbender, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Fairy Tail, Supernatural, Teen Titans, and Young Avengers.
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- Personal journal is FRIEND-LOCKED. So, if you wish to add me as a friend, feel free to do so (I don't bite), but don't just randomly add me. Send me a message or reply to my FO-post, and let me know how exactly you found out about me and what we have in common (it doesn't have to be much, but I want to know at least some stuff about you). Random adds will be ignored.
- Same thing applies to Twitter if you want to add.
Some says:
- A person's couple preferences (or any preference at all) are their own opinion. Ship-wars are petty and unnecessary. Ship what you love and keep an open mind. And if you really despise a pair then just don't read it, simple as that.
- Character bashing is a poor reflection on one's part. If you really don't like a character there is no need to write them in a harsh light and make them out of character. It'll only make YOU look bad and your writing abilities look questionable.
- Flames are never necessary. Constructive criticism should be the way about it.
- Plagiarism or the continuing of a story without permission is a big NO. If you have the nerve to steal someone else's ideas and hard work then you definitely don't deserve to be a writer. The point of being an author is to show off your OWN creativity and your own love for writing and not someone else's.
- Writer's block is never fun. If you're ever in a pinch on what to write take a break, read a book or another story so that when you come back your mind's fresh. Another good idea is if you free write; no editing, no second thoughts... just write. When you re-read what you have sometimes an idea will pop up.
- Reviews are always love; they're great for motivation! ;D
Pairings I support:
- (KH) Roxas/Kairi, Sora/Kairi, Sora/Namine, Leon/Aerith, Sora/Roxas, Riku/Namine, Vanitas/Ventus
- (Naruto) Naruto/Sakura, Kakashi/Sakura, Neji/Hinata, Shikamaru/Ino, Minato/Kushina, Sai/Sakura
- (FT) Natsu/Lisana, Gray/Lucy, Loki/Lucy
- (ATLA) Aang/Katara, Zuko/Mai, Sokka/Suki
- (FF7) Cloud/Tifa, Zack/Aerith, Zack/Tifa, Zack/Cloud
- (HP) Harry/Hermione, Draco/Hermione, Lily/James, Snape/Lily, Harry/Luna, Sirius/Remus
- (Bleach) Ichigo/Rukia, Ishida/Inoue, Ulquiorra/Inoue, Byakuya/Rukia
- (KHR) Yamamoto/Gokudera, Mukuro/Chrome, Hibari/Chrome
- (Gintama) Okita/Kagura, Gintoki/Otae, Hijikata/Mitsuba, Hijikata/Okita, Gintoki/Okita
- (FMA) Ed/Winry, Roy/Riza, Al/Winry, Greed/Ed
- (Oofuri) Abe/Mihashi, Tajima/Mihashi, Izumi/Mizutani
- (SPN) Dean/Castiel, Sam/Jessica, Sam/Sarah, Castiel/Jo, Ruby/Jo
- (Tron) Sam/Tron, Kevin/Alan, Sam/Quorra, Alan/Sam
- (DCU) Tim/Kon, Jason/Tim, Connor/Tim, Bruce/Jason, Gar/Raven, Dick/Babs, Dick/Kory, Clark/Lois
- (YA) Teddy/Billy, Cassie/Jonas, Eli/Kate
- (Marvel) Steve/Tony, Thor/Loki, Clint/Coulson, Erik/Charles
Current Major Projects:
- 300 Days a Year (Tim/Kon Highschool AU)
- Just For a Moment (Tim/Kon collective one-shots)
- Incognito (Tim/Kon)
Completed Works:
- Close Your Eyes and Pretend (Katara-centred. One-shot. Kataang implied)
- Can't Settle on Forever (Ed/Winry one-shot)
- All You Wanted (Roxas/Kairi one-shot)
- Closet Fever (Naruto/Sakura one-shot)
- Now and Then (Naruto/Sakura one-shot)
- Stolen (Ichirgo/Rukia one-shot)
- A Matter of Opinion (Naruto/Sakura one-shot)
- Lost and Found (Kairi-centered. Novella. Roxiri & Sokai)
- When the Sun Ceases to Shine (Ichigo/Rukia drabble. LJ prompt)
- Heatwave (Naruto/Sakura drabble. LJ prompt)
- A Stroke of Luck (Roxas/Kairi one-shot. LJ prompt)
- Early Bird (Yamamoto/Gokudera drabble. LJ prompt)
- From Beginning to End (Sora/Tifa. Novella)
- Much Ado About Hair (Xanxus&Squalo crack fic)
- We Could Have Tomorrow (Dean/Castiel one-shot)
- This Game We Play (Tim/Kon one-shot)
- By Any Means Necessary (Tim/Kon one-shot)
- In a World Without You (Tim/Kon Post-Crisis)
- A Single Happy Thought (Tim/Kon, DCU-HP fusion)
- These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For (YA/TT crossover)
Fics on Temporary Hold:
- Fighting that Feeling (Bleach. Ichigo/Rukia)
- Haven of Memories (KHII-AU)
- No One Else (Avatar. Aang/Katara)
- Fireworks (Bleach, Ichigo/Rukia)
- Hanging by a Moment (Naruto, Naruto/Sakura)
- Touch the Sky (KHII-AU. Roxas/Kairi and Sora/Kairi)
- Yours and Mine (Naruto, Naruto/Sakura)
- Merry Go Round (Fairy Tail, Dragneel Family + Natsu/Lisana)
Upcoming/Possible fics:
- When You're Young You Fall in Love (Jason/Tim)
- All of Your Grace (Tim/Kon AU)
Details have still yet to be decided, and finality of idea has also yet to be decided.
So please don't get your hopes up on these fics; I just put them down in case I WAS actually going to go through with them. Well... we'll see!
Recent updates:
- Show Me Your Colors has been uploaded.
- A Single Happy Thought & These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For has been uploaded
- Been writing a shit-ton of SteveTony fics lately. I should upload some soon.
Most of these are only on hiatus because I am suffering from a major writer's block and don't know what else to do with them. I know many of you are still waiting for some to be updated, but please bear with me and know that I'm being completely honest and sincere when I say that I'll do the best I can.