Author has written 6 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Haunting in Connecticut, Secondhand Lions, and 21 Jump Street. Hey! I'm the Somebody of Nobody. Or the Nobody of Somebody. Can't always remember which. Main fandoms are Harry Potter, Hetalia, and 21 Jumpstreet (the show). More of a slash than a het writer, but can do both. Won't be putting anything too explicit on here though. A bit of an introduction I'm a person. Well, a group of people. There are four of us. Variety rocks! We're all almost out of school. We like to write and cosplay and mime. Writing scripts is part of the last two and the fandoms are what we cosplay. More Hetalia than the others though. Any of us may post something on here. Like said, variety rocks. When I get some stories posted, I'll update in this section. Don't think many will care, but I care so it doesn't matter if they do or not. By 1: Surrounded by "Kids" By 2: By 3: Diary of the Broken - complete By 4: To save a Knight - Completed! (Hetalia) I'll fix you. Promise. - In progress! (Hetalia) An Experiment - Completed! (Haunting in Connecticut) I Didn't Stutter - Completed! (Secondhand Lions) Last note: If you like Hetalia, check out VändettA Cosplay & Crimson Hour Cosplay. Both groups are Swedish, but they are seriously awesome. Bye! |
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