Author has written 5 stories for Batman the Animated Series, Detective Conan/Case Closed, Digimon/Pokemon, and Lord of the Rings. Hey guys :D I'm a big fan of Detective Conan, but I'll enjoy anything, as you can see from my list of favorite characters. Most stories will be about Detective Conan, if anything else is seen it's probably a crossover. Name: I am your mother. Age: 99 IQ: 175 Income:5 million Likes: Swimming, reading, writing, dubstep, Muse, and jazz. Dislikes: Anything I don't like. . hehe My list of favorite characters (warning-very mainstream!): Detective Conan: Haibara Ai Naruto: Sasuke Sherlock Holmes: ...Sherlock Holmes... DC Comics: Batman Harry Potter: Ron Weasley Lord of the Rings: Legolas Favorite Doctor:...Even though Matt Smith is really awesome, David Tenant is the best one of them all. Therefore, the Tenth Doctor. |
across-the-sun (17) | CoolKid94 (22) |