Poll: Which do you enjoy better: The Harry Potter Books or the Harry Potter Movies! Vote Now!
Author has written 22 stories for Artemis Fowl, Harry Potter, Coraline, Giver, Pokémon, Teen Titans, Hunger Games, and Twilight. See my challenge below!!* You can probably guess my first name from my account name. I am in my twenties and married and love reading books and writing. My favorite books are Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter. Those are my number ones. I also like historical fiction, like the ones Philip Greggory writes, about the wives of King Henry the VIII and things during that time. I also like Ken Follets two books set in the mid evil times: World Without End and Pillars of the Earth. I guess I'm a bit of a nerd. I've been writing since I was five or six, mostly little short stories and now I'm glad that I have Fan Fiction and Fiction Press to post fics and an orginal story of my own (on Fiction Press). My Artemis Fowl Fic about Opal returning is done, and so is the one about Angeline Fowl. I am currently working on a crossover between Harry Potter and Artemis Fowl. I've heard some people get tired of ones where Artemis Fowl discovers "Oh my, I got a letter from Hogwarts! I'm a wizard!" and then he goes to Hogwarts and meets Harry Potter and Artemis ends up Slytherin of course. So I made the fic where Artemis is not a wizard at all and tried to create an interesting plot with something different. :) A Small Truth about God Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone. Did you know that 98 of teenagers will not stand up for God, and 93 of the people that read this won’t repost it? Repost this if you truly believe in God. If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven. Ninety-six percent of teens in the world today don't stand up for God. If you are one of the 4 percent that does put this in your profile. The following was from Shadow 207. I used to work at a Wal mart. The Bold are ones I added. 16 things to do in Walmart: 1.Set all the alarm clocks in Electronics to go off at 5-minute intervals. 2.Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms. 3.Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, " 'Code 3' in housewares"... and see what happens. 4.Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away. 5.Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area 6.Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department. 7.When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, "Why can't you people just leave me alone?" 8.Look right into the security camera and use it as a mirror, and pick your nose. 9.While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti - depressants are. 10.Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme. the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels. 12.Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!" 13.When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream.. "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!" 14.Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while and then yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here! 15.Get several bouncy balls and throw them down an aisle shouting "Go, Pikachu, go!" 16. Stage a conversation with your shadow then when you walk through a shady area, scream that your friend is missing. 17. Take boxes of condoms (perferabbly Magnums) and place them in old ladies carts when they are not looking. 18. Wait for someone to push there cart into the fitting room with clothes and other things in it. Wait for them to take some things into a fitting room, leaving there cart abandoned. In the underwear department, find either the hugest pair of underwear, or the skimpiest thong and hide it under some items in there cart so they don't find it until they get to checkout. Take a thong and leave it right on the seat for everyone to see. Very funny especially if its a woman pushing the cart and doesn't look like the type to wear an itty bitty thong. Also works good if the woman has a huge chest and you use an tiny bra or vice versa. 19. Go the pet section and see if they have the squeak toy that litterally looks like a giant barbecued chicken leg or steak(they do exist and it looks pretty real). Leave it on the seat in a fitting room for people to find. Make sure you hide the tag under the toy itself so they don't see it at first. 20. Go to the sporting good section and find the fake clip on pidgeon birds. They look a little real at first when you see them and are life sized. Clip on to the hook on the back of the fitting room door meant for hanging clothes on. I did this and heard a lady actually screamed when she shut the door, thinking a real bird was perched there. 21. Go to an aisle next to one that has people in it. Fart loudly, so you know the people the next aisle heard it. Run away so they don't find you. Make sure its a stinker. 22. Catch a lizard in the garden shop area (or a toad) and walk around the store with your new pet. Make the cashiers scream by holding it in there face (only works if there scared of lizards and toads). 23. Near Halloween, find the huge spiders with bendy legs, wrap it around your face and then and run and thrash around an aisle, screaming, "IT'S GOT ME! HELP!" 24, Near Christmas, take the two foot tall Christmas elve dolls and put them in "suggestive postions (wink wink). 25. Before Christmas, Walmarts often have the christmas villages with the buildings and little people you can move around. Go around the store and find some or all of these items: Rubber snakes with open mouths, rubber frogs and insects with open mouths, tiny Little People cars (it's a toddler toy) giant bendy spiders if they're still leftover from halloween (halloween stuff is usually around as the christmas village is ususally set up around two or three monthes before Christmas) plastic two foot skeleton from halloween section. The fish tank section will have a mini pineapple, spongebobs house. Take your items to the village. Set the snakes up so they wrapping around buildings and people. Take a frog and place it in the village and lay a villager down so their head is in the frogs mouth as if being eaten. Have an giant insect attacking Santa's sleigh. Hide spongebobs pineapple house somewhere in the village. Use the Little People cars to make it look like there crashing into buildings, or running over people. If Santa's sleigh has reindeer, put a villager under it to make it look like they got run over by Santa's reindeer. Prop a giant skeleton up so it looks like he's attacking. Use one of the huge Spiders with bendy legs and spread the legs out so it stands up by itself. Take a front leg and wrap it around a villager so it looks like its being lifted into the air and attacked. Another favorite of mine to do was get a bunch of those plastic dinosaur toys and spread them all over the village, so the entire village looks like its getitng run over by dinosaurs. Take a T-Rex that has an open mouth and put a villagers head in it, so it looks like the T-Rex is having a meal. I did this so many times when I worked at Wal mart. 26. If it's Halloween, go to the decor section. They may not have everyyear, but they did this past year. Find the two foot tall skeleton with completely poseable limbs and everything. Find the wire cat. The wire cat is made of wire(duh) and is covered in orange or black tinsel. It's back is arched and it's body is hollow. You can litterally stick things up the cats butt (no lie). Take the cat, the skeleton, and a big bottle of stool softener. Go to an aisle that has an empty section of shelving. Stand the cat up on the shelf, and prop the skeleton on its knees and put its head in the cats butt (it will fit). Once the cat looks like its pooping the skeleton out, place the giant bottle of stool softener in front of the cat with the skeleton wedged up its bum. If you can, get a piece of paper and pen and write a note that says, This cat should have used this stuff! and leave it by the stool softener. 27. Ask the pharmacist where you can find the discount pot and bongs. 28. Use one of the two foot elves and giant bendy spiders. Wrap the spider around the elf so he looks like he's being attacked. 29. Go to the shoe deparment and switch sizes. Put size sixes with size tens in the same box. Make sure the shoe is the same style though, so when someone is trying on shoes and puts on the one that fits, the other one is way to small or big. Run away when the shoe department worker comes running after you in anger. 30. Go to the toy deparment and find the etch a sketch and write dirty words on it. I don't know if you can still do this, I used to do it all the time and then suddenly the etch a sketchs started coming into the store with hard plastic over the knobs so you couldn't move it anymore. Was it because of those square boobies I drew? Maybe... 31. Find the drawing pads that use a pen with a metal tip and magnet dust. I don't know what they are called, but you move the pen around and the magnet bits come to the surface and you make a picture. Draw funny things on them, like evil squirrels. And to the "guest" (who was too much of a coward to put down there name, so I could respond to them directly) who wrote a review in my stories, saying that these things I've listed is contrary to believing in God, get a life. This list is for FUN and I'm not telling you to do them or anything. A lot of people have them in there profiles, because they are funny. If you don't like it, don't read it. Finally, my computer has been fixed, and I can update stuff again. Yaaay! *sings and dances* A big, horrible evil virus (no doubt sent by Foaly to get me to stop writing AF fanfics) got into my computer and my computer had to go a friends house so he could nuke it. Sadly, my collection of cat pictures got nuked as well... I haven't gone away forever, just really busy. I moved recently and there is a lot going on, but I will finish all stories that are up. January 28th. I am working on a new story, a crossover of Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, and Teen Titans. I have no working internet at my house now, but hopefully the first chapter should be up within two to three weeks. I have to finetune some things to get the story started up properly...then I can work on some of my other stories as well. :) March, hey y'all. Turns out my latest story, a triple Xover of Hp AF, and Teen titans has been added to a community. Nobody has ever stuck a story of mine into a community archive! *squeals* April 14th, i am still working on Weapons of Magic, A Harry Potter and Raven story, but it may be a couple of weeks before i can get a chapter up, i just moved and am taking care of a family member, so things are kind of hectic right now, but I havent forgotten it. Thanks to all the people who have favorited, followed, and reviewed! September 1st. Working on the next chap of my harry potter story, but the WiFi at the place I go to (no WiFi for my laptop at home) is down. Just fabulous... hopefully it will be fixed soon and I can put my chapter up next week. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read and review, plus all the follows and favorites! Also, if you want to see a piece of my original work, go to Fictionpress, my username is the same. September 17. Hey all. I finally got a new chapter up on my Harry Potter/Teen Titan story. Thank the wifi is back up at the restaurant I go to, so I was finally able to upload it. About time! The wifi was down for AGES and it took them a long time to get around to fixing it. Grrr :( Nov 14. Yes, i still exist, just super busy, but workng on the next chapter for my Harry Potter/ Raven story Its Challenge time! Harry Potter and Teen Titan crossover. Please Pm me if you take the challenge, so I can check the story out! Rules: Must have Harry and Raven paired together. Other characters can be paired with whoever. Harry and Raven must be good. However, they can be evil for a time. Example, Raven somehow falls prey to a bad spell, causing Rage to get loose, she goes evil, team mates help stop her, that sort of thing, thats fine. Terra must be in the story, and she must try to steal Harry from Raven. There should be Ginny and Dumbledore bashing. There must be a villian with a plot to destory to try and destroy the Titans. You can use an old villian, or make up your own. Any questions, PM me. You can do a one shot, but I prefer decent size chapters! Update: When I was around 13-17, I was really into Inuyasha, so I wrote a fanfiction, called Love and Hate, and my friend Rosemary made a fanfiction profile and put the story on for me. If you would like to see my first (and kind of terrible) piece of fanfiction, you can find it under my favorites section, or in my favorites author section under Sesshomarus Babe. My friend who made the account no longer uses it, so dont bother PMing her. It was my first story, and pretty terrible :( |
Cheeta4797 (10) EvilExpressions (2) F0123P0L1T3 (0) Fluffy Nabs (8) Fowl Star 57 (1) HemingwayisBOSS (4) HolidayBoredom (4) In Christ Alone (11) | IndigoStarshine (12) Kaori Kisaragi (1) Less Wrong (1) Loony Luna Fan (7) Madame Meg (9) Magic and mana (1) | Sir E. Bellum (6) snapemartyr (25) Stifler1 (6) Typically (3) wonderwomanDC (5) |