Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. I'm back! Kinda... haha I'm working on it, after being somewhat sidetracked this year, you know, with all those annoying things I have to do to have money and to get into college. My life is still going to be crazy, but it's the summer so I'm trying to catch up. Me: I am 17, and extremely liberal and extremely dependant on certain things. Like, umm... coffee, orbit gum, and chocolate. Seriously, cant get through a day without any of those things. I love Draco-Hermione fanfic, and I think that the latest HP book only proves his awesomeness... aww poor Draco in my world he would've been downing coffee rather than crying to moaning murtle... nevermind anyway great book, I was very pleased. And now I'm back to my summer reading... Great Expectations here I come:D -Tinuviel |
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