![]() Author has written 25 stories for Pokémon, Kingdom Hearts, RWBY, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Monster Hunter, World Only God Knows/神のみぞ知るセカイ, Persona Series, Yandere Simulator, Naruto, Red vs. Blue, Borderlands, No Game, No Life/ノーゲーム・ノーライフ, and Senran Kagura/閃乱カグラ. Load Profile... Open! Name: UknownHero or just Uknown for short. Goal: To make as many people happy as possible to the best of my abilities. Gender: Male Age: Not really sure considering I'm usually the most mature person in class... Likes: Writing, Reading in general (I really am a nerd), Gaming, Editing, anything that involves a computer and other stuff. Stuff I like to watch/read/play or fan of: Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Red vs Blue, X-Ray amp; Vav, RWBY, Halo, Naruto and various other anime, Teen Titans, Spider-Man, Batman Arkham games, The World Ends With You, One Punch Man, Adventure Time, Saint's Row, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Mass Effect, anything from Rockstar, The World God Only Knows, Monster Hunter, a lot of Let's Play/Gaming-related channels like Markiplier and Funhaus, Yandere Simulator, No Game No Life, Persona, No More Heroes. Dislikes: Good, but unfinished fics (unless they have a reason), assholes, Yaoi (I mean come on, MPREG?! Not a homophobe though, I respect all choices in life. But don't get me started on the KH section of FanFiction), dark stories, angst, tragedy, basically anything depressing, anything that stops us from expressing our creativity, those who just call me a prick for no apparent reason, flamers, trolls, the Console War, Math, RWBY Volume 3 finale (it's really depressing) Description: At first, I created this account a year ago to save stories and stuff. I actually had no intention in writing at first in fear that I would be ridiculed and overall people telling me that I suck at writing. Hell, the first time I wrote this profile, my hands were shaking like crazy. Now that I have a bit more experience and have a lot more confidence in myself, I've decided to rewrite the whole thing. Anyway, I found FanFiction web-surfing because I was bored as hell, and I haven't looked back since. I live in Australia and I consider myself a pretty nice guy in real life, if you can ignore the fact that I'm not much of a talker or very sociable. I have my faults: Being lazy, procrastinating, junk like that, but that what defines me. I am the UknownHero and this is who I am. A geek with a sense of humor. Also, I'm really fussy on how I write. Also, I kind find disclaimers a bit meaningless because 1) NO ONE ON THIS SITE OWNS A DAMN (BLEEPING) THING APART FROM WORDS and 2) Like anyone from Kishimoto to Rooster Teeth will check this site out. Well... apart from Micheal and Gavin from Achievement Hunter. Fics I really don't wanna write but I want someone else to because I'm too lazy or I can't handle it and I'd rather read it not write it so PM me if you want it: Knight of Kings: Please. Someone take this off my hands. I already said in the Author's Notes of the fic that I want someone to adopt it and that it was just an idea I wanted out of my head. I will happily give it to you and give you what ideas I had for the fic before I realized I didn't want to do it. Story Ideas: Queen of Hearts (RWBY and Kingdom Hearts) Just a Kingdom Hearts fic having Weiss as a main character. Should start around the end of Volume 1 or Volume 2, maybe even Volume 3, and starting in KH2 after Sora wakes up. Not sure what the rest of the story is going to be about but I have a main idea. I have the cover done and even did Weiss' Keyblade but motivation is a key factor in this. This is one of the future stories I wanna write. inFAMOUS: Second Coming (inFAMOUS, duh) Probably already one out there but I was wondering what would happen if Cole worked with Delsin freeing Seattle from the DUP. I have several different endings based on what Karma Delsin and Cole are and,if they are of conflicting alignment, will fight before the winner faces Augustine. Probably a really complicated and tedious story considering one would have to basically write the same fic at least four times: True Heroes (Both Good), Purely Infamous (Both Evil), Good Cole and Evil Delsin, Evil Cole and Good Delsin. If anyone is up to the challenge, PM me and we'll see. Redemption (Red vs Blue) This is one is actually one big story. What would happen if one Freelancer survived when they were supposed to die? It was basically going to have several arcs: The South Arc, The North Arc, The Twins Arc, The C.T. Arc, The York Arc and the Redemption Arc, where all previous characters survive. Like inFAMOUS: Second Coming, it would mean basically writing the same events, just with different outcomes and scenarios and dialogue. PM me if you want to take this off my hands. The Duelist (RWBY and Yu-Gi-Oh!) A story about a mysterious vigilante who has an ancient power that hasn't been seen since... never. And this power is to be able to summon creatures, cast spells and set traps with pieces of cardboard. It is not an OC story and will not include anyone from the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe but feature elements from it. A bit of a mystery story considering it is hinted that the Duelist is a Beacon student, but who it is remains to be seen. I'm probably going to write this one. FAN ART AND COMMISSIONS Links are viewable in the FanFiction App! Senran Persona: http:///art/2-Asuka-and-Homura-Senran-kagura-693359479 https:///art/COMMISH-ASUKA-AND-HOMURA-697744361 http:///02g1krnm8jbn https:///art/Commission-jgresidenevil-717289204 https:///0109yr1d12ba https:///art/COMMISH-YUMI-715843560 https:///art/DrawingRequest-21-Yumi-PhantomThieves-715044725 Please be aware that I do not take story requests unless I have a personal interest in the idea and is part of something I like. If you do manage get my interest, you must collaborate with me. NEWS! (2013 Edition!) Nov 15-Hey! My Final Term of the year is coming to the end soon so expect a lot more chapters in the coming months! Dec 7- Computer hog of a brother has stolen my computer... along with my other fics, so expect delayed updates. Dec 13-It's Friday the 13th but it doesn't mean bad luck. My vacation has started so expect a lot more updates in the future... I just need to attend three days of school and a dinner next week. Dec 15-I need a break from RWBY for a bit. 2 more Chapters. Dec 28-Check out TV Tropes and see React Watch Believe Yikes' Trope page! In need of work! (2014 Edition!) Jan 28-School's back in. Updates back to weekly. Feb 4-Yay! It's my birthday... yay! March 8-4 day weekend starts! March 15-Stop SOPA! Or else FanFiction is dead. SOPA MUST DIE! April 28-Season 12 of RvB is tomorrow for my time zone so get ready for awesome. May 31-I need a break from FanFiction for a while, no updates this week. Jun 26- I just got told to eff off... in German. Can I say AWESOME? Jul 10-Uh... well this is a bit of Deja vu but check out TV Tropes and see the new (but short) 'Red vs Blue: Reactions' Tropes page! I have two pages on the site now. Sweet. Jul 27-No updates this week. Real world problems. Sep 05-Hey guys, I'm not gonna update for a few weeks but don't worry. I have school holidays after that and I'll be focusing on finishing RvB: Reactions. Also, to siths said and HolyMcF*kS*t, stop flaming. I already have enough on my plate, and you guys are making it worse. Nov 21-School holidays are coming up so that means more updates! Maybe. Okay, look, with all the flame wars going on lately I've been less and less motivated to write. I really need to start deleting reviews. Anyway, I'll try and update as soon as I can. (2015 Edition!) Jan 1-It's midnight meaning HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL! I hope everyone reading this happy and have a great year this year! From, the UknownHero! Feb 3-I regret to inform you that Monty Oum has passed away. Condolences to his family and friends. The whole world is a lot less brighter without you, but your memory will live on. Rest In Peace, my friend. Feb 15-No updates this week. Procrastination has won this time. Sorry. Aug 6-Update coming soon. Just give me a minute... or a week. Nov 29-I LOST EVERYTHING! I need to re-do Chapter 68 for RWBY so you aren't getting a chapter soon. Stupid Windows updates. Nov 29-Just finished restoring and backing up my important files. Thank God. Dec 21-Happy anniversary to me! And a Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year! (2016 Edition!) Jan 26-Well, back to school in a couple of days. Let's hope I survive. Feb 7-Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool Movie in 7 days. Feb 23-Lost internet connection last week but now I'm back online! Let's get started, shall we? March 23-School holidays in a few days. Chance of faster updates: 50% Jun 12-Just a quick warning. Document uploads aren't working right now so if you wanna update your fics use Crtl-A on your doc and copy and paste it. It's the only way to get around the error. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. Jul 20-RED VS BLUE DEATH BATTLE! RED VS BLUE DEATH BATTLE! Sep 6-Sorry for not updating React Watch Believe Yikes in a while but I will sometime this year. Got distracted by schoolwork and Persona 4 Golden. For why I updated my other fics: I did them all in a day or so. They're a lot quicker to write than RWBY. Sep 23-Sorry, but all reaction fics are being moved to another site. Hope you understand. Sep 28-Archive Of Our Own account up and running. Once I upload everything, I'm deleting all the chapters. Download those fics while they're still up! Oct 14-Red vs. Blue: Reactions is going down soon and moving to Ao3! Download it while you still can! Oct 25- (2017 Edition) Feb 4-It's my birthday today! If it's your birthday too if you're reading this, happy birthday to you too! (2018 Edition) May 27-Should've done this earlier and I'm regretting it. Rest in Peace John "Totalbiscuit" Bain. It was an honour to watch you and tell me about FOV Sliders and what I should buy. Gonna miss you, Cynical Brit. Nov 13- God, so many good people died this year. Rest in Peace, Stan Lee. May you cameos be tasteful. |