![]() Author has written 258 stories for Earth 2, Third Watch, Charmed, Profiler, Dark Angel, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Mutant X, Fastlane, Lord of the Rings, Nip/Tuck, Prison Break, Supernatural, Stargate: Atlantis, Jericho, Misc. Movies, Miracles, Sons of Anarchy, and Haven. I started writing fanfic in 1999, when the wonderful show Earth 2 awakened the muse in me. I have been writing ever since. The last few years my main fandom has been Sons of Anarchy. In the few years before the Sons stole my muse, I wrote mostly in Supernatural and Jericho, in which I'm sharing a 'verse with Tanaqui that we dubbed Awesome!Jakeverse, as well as a handful of smaller fandoms. I write first and foremost for my own pleasure, so you will not find me twisting your arm to "review, or else..." I may post longer stories in single chapter installments, but I never start publishing unless I have the whole story finished and sitting on my hard disk. I just like to keep the suspense going... :-) And, though I won't 'blackmail' you into reviewing, I do love feedback, like any writer! So, if you enjoy my work, please use the nifty review function to let me know. And if you don't like the story, please leave a comment too, and tell me why. I might learn something. More of my fiction can be found in my personal archives, including some original stories as well as NC17-rated fic, or stories in fandoms not listed with , like The Big Easy and The Kill Point. Follow me on Twitter for new story announcements. About Two Brothers Around the same time, an intriguing female character had popped up in the wings in the form of lawyer Ally Lowen. Her reaction to the club believing (or pretending to believe) that Jax had ratted them out to Stahl made me think she knew a damned sight more about the inner workings and bylaws of the MC than seemed reasonable for a simple 'lawyer on retainer'. Lastly, I happen to like threesomes :) Though the desired threesome didn't work out the way I'd envisioned, those three elements led me on a wild ride filled with love and betrayal, set against a background of the usual Samcro shenanigans. I initially expected to tell the whole tale in a trilogy of three novels. But as I kept writing and rewriting, I realized the story would be better presented in the form of a number of related short stories and novelettes. There simply was so much more to tell than could be contained in a trilogy! And now my fic folder is full of prologues, outtakes, random p0rny scenes, long stories, short stories, and even AUs of my own fictional 'verse, all waiting to be edited and reworked into a publishable state over the coming months. The Two Brothers-verse explores the complex relationship between Tig and Kozik over the years—and how it went so very wrong. It's driven by the competing demands of club brothers, lovers, allies and enemies and set against the background of a club finding its feet in the early years of Clay's presidenc So, settle in for the ride. I hope you enjoy it—and remember: keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down! Thanks to Tanaqui for beta-editing, advice, suggestions, cheerleading, handholding, and endless patience in listening to my authorial whining about wayward characters and seemingly unfixable plot holes. Transformative Works Policy In other words: you don't have to ask in advance, but please do give me credit for the part of the work that I did. I'd also appreciate a link to the resulting work(s). |