Author has written 21 stories for Roswell, Forbidden Game series, Harry Potter, Law and Order: CI, Tarzan, O.C., CSI: New York, CSI, Veronica Mars, Supernatural, and NCIS: Los Angeles. If you don't sign your review I'm assuming you don't want me to send you a thank you. If this isn't the case and you've sent me an unsigned review (or one where you weren't logged in) let me know please...especially if it's for a completed story. I really try to stay on top of them and post just general thanks within the author notes of my chapters of WiPs but if you were hoping for a PM or something give me a holler. Thanks! I guess people really do read this sometimes so I keep it updated but if something's not listed you want to know about please don't hesitate to PM. :) WIPs: Captive Danny and Lindsay in 50 Interlude With the Vampire Hiatus (at least until I knock some of those WIPs out) aka SERIOUSLY, will they EVER be updated?: Forbidden Game IV Partners With Possibilities Completed: A Ficlet For Nearly Every Ship A Halloween Treat A Tale After the Fairytale A Tale of Two Princes The Approach Barely Partners The Brothers Winchester Code In Which His Name is Not Peter Pan Of Demons, Deceptions, and Desire She Didn't Know This One Thing Trouble Tasting Ryan Valentine In Suspended Animation (No telling when they'll wake up): Destiny's Amends It Had to Be You |