Hello! My name is Olivia, and I am a HUGE Sherlock Holmes fan. Like, giant. BBC Sherlock is where it's at! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'VE BEEN WAITING ALMOST 3 YEARS FOR SERIES 3, AND NOW, WHEN I GET ALL EXCITED BECAUSE THE AIR DATE IS OCTOBER OF 2013, PBS IS ALL LIKE, "Maybe we should just make the Americans wait another 6 months before we air it in the US" (Because, you know, it's a British show, and it airs on PBS for us Americans) WHICH WOULDN'T MAKE ME AS MAD IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE FACT THAT THE INTERNET WILL BE FLOODED WITH SPOILERS AND STUFF!!! cries in a dark corner* Sorry about that. Uhh... Hm. I'm not exactly sure what else I should say. Heh. :) (By the way, I'm a lot more active than my profile seems to say...believe me.) |