Author has written 30 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Utena, Slayers, Weiss Kreuz, Transformers/Beast Wars, Digimon, To Kill a Mockingbird, Misc. Anime/Manga, and Harry Potter. Greeting O people of the intenet! The name is Minerva (but you can call me MJ). I'm a 21 year old collage student completly obsessed with anime, yaoi, plushies, yaoi, anthro comics, yaoi...did I mention yaoi? I lika yaoi! ^_^ Now go, read my silly fics! Muhahahahahahahaha! Oh ya...if you hate yaoi, flame me...I could use a good laugh! *runs around laughing like a drunk hyena with Chibimon plushy in tow* 9/15/02 - Due to 's desicion to outlaw nc-17 fics (grrrr) I will be moving the majoring of my fics to my site at Media Miner: http:///user_info.php?id=59173 Join me there fellow hentai lovers! Via la revolution! |