Author has written 42 stories for Harry Potter, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Superman, Lois and Clark, Smallville, Spider-Man, Ironman, Big Bang Theory, Web Shows, and Thor. I've been a fan longer than most posters have been alive, publishing fanzines way back before there such things as home computers and the internet. Fandoms I have written for/illustrated/followed include: Tolkien, Harry Potter, Star Trek: TOS, Star Trek: Voyager, Battlestar Galactica, Spider-man, Superman, Smallville, Castle, The Big Bang Theory, Thor and The Guild. I am an unrepentant romantic so be forewarned! I have a livejournal for all my fannish interests under this same username which is much more regularly updated. |
betty brant (3) bluenewmoon (2) Brine224 (12) Charis M (122) | E. M. Stevens (1) gpoy (33) Irina (9) Jade4813 (50) Kirayoshi (66) | meyerlemon (15) Regina L (28) spectroscopes (33) SunRei (32) xxVisionGirlxx (15) |