Author has written 44 stories for Doctor Who, Merlin, Batman, Descendants, 2015, Avengers, Harry Potter, Arrow, Supergirl, Lunar Chronicles, Blacklist, Legends of Tomorrow, Flash, Series Of Unfortunate Events, Misc. Tv Shows, White Collar, Teen Wolf, and Umbrella Academy. Generic Disclaimer: I do not own any of the works on which any of my stories are based, though I own the specific events and most of the dialogue and may own some of the characters; all rights belong to their respective creators. I do not make any profit off of these stories, nor will you make any profit from suing me for them. These are simply for enjoyment, because I am a fan of the original content. Cover art: Cover art for any stories that have cover art is by Phoebe594, who is amazing, both as a person and as a talent. She is completely patient with my saying I'm not picky and then being picky anyway, she's willing to make covers for stories in fandoms she doesn't belong to, she's extremely professional and efficient, and she takes complaints and requests very well. In case it isn't obvious, I adore her. Current works-in-progress: Doctor Who: Keeping Up With the Smiths AU - A series of interconnected stories set in an alternate universe in which all of the Doctors (up to 12, so far; slight mentions of the existence of 13) are part of a large, slightly crazy family in which they are all named John Smith because of an inside joke (explained in "Meet the Smiths"). I will take requests if you're looking for something specific. Stories so far, in chronological order: "Strangers and Psychiatrists," "A Few Eggs and a Few Minutes," "Helpline," and "Meet the Smiths." Merlin: Please Help My People - mostly posted. Homecoming - slow updates. I know where the story is going and have bits and pieces written all the way to the end, but stitching them together is taking forever. Kaleidoscope - drabble series; each drabble inspired by a color. Posted as written, no plot. Snippets - series of unconnected drabbles. Posted as written, no plot. Descendants (2015): Sins of the Father series - a series of slightly connected one-shots dealing with Ben learning more about the Isle through interactions with and observations of the villain kids. My Descendants world is mainly based off of movie canon, but pulls a little from the books (where they do not contradict the movie, because Disney is bad at continuity), my own extrapolations/headcanons of events (because Disney seriously sugar-coats or ignores all the deeper issues), and various other Disney movies (because this world is only barely sketched out and there's a lot of room to play and I can do what I want). Stories include "Chocolate," "Food on the Isle," and "Waves in the Moonlight." Batman What's In a Name - drabble series; each drabble inspired by the various names associated with the batfamily. Character/relationship study. Posted as written; no plot. I try not to post multi-chapter fics until I am either finished or reasonably close to completion as I don't want to leave anyone hanging; however, sometimes a fic grows unexpectedly and in those cases I can't predict anything. Please bear with me. I have an AO3 account as well, under the same name; most stories are cross-posted. --M1ssUnd3rst4nd1ng (Missy) |