Author has written 2 stories for Friends, Once Upon a Time, and Doctor Who. Hello! EErm okay I've been on fanfiction for about a year now, at the moment I've only written on story called Hello Bamboozled! Even if you don't watch friends can you play read it because it doesn't really involve any of the characters apart from Joey, it's just a scenario. My interest are definitely, Doctor Who (love this show biggest fan ever!), Harry Potter,love the books, so sad it over :( . Percy Jackson (can't wait till the next heroes of Olympus book). Robin Hood (don't think it should of ended) The Musketeers, Merlin (don't think it should of ended), and loads of other stuff too. One of my wishes is for Jenny to come back on Doctor Who I really liked her I know it probably won't happen but I can let my imagination play here. I've got loads of different scenario's in my head so I'll probably write a couple of those first. I'd love to do some thing with Harry Potter and Robin Hood too but we'll see what happens. |
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