![]() Author has written 8 stories for South Park, Bleach, and Supernatural. First, my real name isn't Miriala, but if you had at least minimal thinking capacities, you might have guessed that already. Second, I am perfectly bilingual (English/French). I also dabble with German, Italian and Spanish from time to time, so pardon me if I mix them up occasionally. Third, I am pessimistic, somewhat sadistic and very sarcastic. Don't like me? There's the door. Fourth, I am French Canadian (I live in Québec), so if in the stories you find an expression or word that you don't understand, please do tell. I will make it a pleasure to improve my skills. Fifth, I am a huge Doctor Who fan. My friend begged and begged me to watch it so I could understand where "Bow ties are cool" came from, and I decided to let the show consume my soul, because, why not. Said friend also pushed me to the dark side, forcing me to watch Supernatural. I don't think my mental health has recovered yet. And Sixth, I am an otaku. Some of my favorites are Naruto, Bleach, Hetalia (PASTAAAAA!), Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin and Noragami. I love reading in general, and even more about the stuff I'm passionate about. That's why I like reading fanfics, because even though it's fiction, it makes you think about the stuff you may have missed in the canon universe. And it's fun to see what others think about stuff in any given fandom. And that brings me to South Park. I have literally seen every single episode, movie and played the game four times (I'm waiting very impatiently for the second one). I know everything that has happened and remember all the stupid little details that one would usually miss, because why put my mind to good use actually learning something important, when I can just waste it away remembering all the extremely gay Style moments? In any case, I'm very open-minded when it comes to ships, but the one I cannot understand why it even exists, is Kyman. Well, I can understand why, can see where people would get the idea from, but I can't stand it. I shudder at the mere mention of the word. To me, it seems impossible that two people who hate each other so much would ever want to be together, and I simply cannot see Cartman as gay. Especially not with Kyle. Like, they both tried to kill each other. Multiple times. Literally. But then, that's just my own opinion on the matter; you're free to like what you wish. And don't even get me started with on Supernatural. Questionning my ships in that show is not a war you want to start, nor one that you would win. Some uninteresting stuff about me: I love video games (who doesn't?). Some of my faves are South Park: The Stick of Truth, The Legend of Zelda (all of them), Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age, Tomb Raider, Dark Souls (I and III, hat II with a passion), Minecraft and The Last of Us. Some TV shows that I enjoy are South Park, Rick and Morty, Big Bang Theory, Vikings, Game of Thrones, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Family Guy, Penny Dreadful, American Horror Story and The Knick. Some music groups/artists that I enjoy include Nothing But Theives, Highly Supsect, Alt-J, Three Day's Grace, Arctic Monkeys, Metallica, Nightwish, Foo Fighters and Slipknot. I love cats, I am a fan of medieval weapons and armor and my favorite mythical creatures are dragons and elves. Now you know a bunch of useless stuff about me. Are you enlightened, yet? Also, an author on this site made a good point and I thought I would help out as well. To all silent readers, SPEAK THE FUCK UP! As writers, we need and greatly appreciate feedback on our works. Not only does it flatter (or crush) our egos, but it helps us improve our skills and learn new things in the process. In writing fanfiction, we aim to please our audience and ourselves. We don't know what you want unless you tell us (we ain't mind readers, ya know). We need your support and input in order to make the good shit. Without you, we're just making shit. So hit that Favorite button and that Follow button, or, heck, just leave us a little review telling us “Good job, creature. Keep it up.”, just to say you enjoy and appreciate the effort we put into making this, eh? Without support, fandoms die (activity-wise). Take Hetalia, as an example: second most popular show in the Anime category, but even Death wouldn't want to visit the update page most of the time. That's how dead it is. So, Ellawritesficssometimes, here I go: #savethehetaliafandom #notdeadyet Since it seems that I cannot post a direct link to my Tumblr page, my user name is "shiroxkuro1999" and my blog's name is "Diary of a Dead Man". It has the same image as my profile picture in this profile. This one. The one you're reading this from. Go take a look, and follow me if you like! Or not. And if you're a porn blog, stay the far the fuck away from me. I ain't gon fall for your shit. Now, if you're done loitering on the Internet, I suggest you do something useful of yourself in life, like get off your ass and get a job or go to school or some shit. Hell, go build a fucking portal gun and a spaceship if you're really motivated. Just watch out for the Galactic Federation. |