Author has written 59 stories for Ghost and Mrs. Muir, X-Files, Sleepy Hollow, and Star Wars. Hello, and welcome to my stories, I hope you enjoy them. Back in the dark ages when fanfiction was published as printed material I had a short lived fanzine of my own, and also contributed fan fiction to Star Trek and (primarily) Dark Shadows fan fiction. I am happy to announce that my new website is up: And my new book, "Ghost of the Gaelic Moon" is now available at Amazon, Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and most other places that carry ebooks. If you do order it please review and leave feedback - I would love to hear from you! I am also working on some cool dog video with my dog, Braveheart, a Cairn Terrier (think Toto). It will be called "Braveheart's Tiny Mini-Series" and it is now posting up to YouTube. Writing fanfiction is a fun way for me to vent and write some original stories with characters that I like while I am busy editing/writing new books. Thanks for reading the stories that I post here and I hope you enjoy them. Feel free to pm me with questions or comments. Have a great day! An organized listing of my fanfiction stories (by fandom and alphabetically): GHOST AND MRS MUIR A Simple Touch A Terrier's Tale Alpha and Omega Bonkers Cradle Exquisite Ghost Files 1 Ghost Files 2 - Scary Ghost Handsome Heartbeat Intervention Mom We Need to Talk Snowed In Tears That Clown Incident The Safe Sex Talk The Butler The Ghost of Schooner Bay The Magic of Christmas The Maid The Master Lock The New Bathroom The One Regret The Ship's Wheel SLEEPY HOLLOW The Night Before Christmas With a Little Help From My Friends STAR WARS - ORIGINAL TRILOGY Awkward Cold Indelible Ink Leia's Prince Mine The Last Goodbye Unravelling Unfinished Business Vulnerable X-FILES Asking Permission The Ghost Files (GAMM/X files crossover) The Ghost Files 2 - Scary Ghost Lost and Found Moments Not This Time Overheard Revenge Santa Baby Sherry's Berries More stories to come. Thanks for reading. |