Author has written 40 stories for Pirates of the Caribbean, Inuyasha, Gundam Wing/AC, Final Fantasy VII, Saiyuki, and Naruto.
-LiveJournal: http://
-Story Journal: http:///~bootstraps
-DeviantART: http://
AIM: iamtehzuul
I like to write. It's not obvious, is it?
Current Obsession: Naruto.
Past Obsessions: Saiyuki, Pirates of the Caribbean, Extreme Ghostbusters, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, Final Fantasy Seven and I'm sure there's more - I just can't remember them right now. :D?
Hosted Elsewhere:
PotC: Heat Sickness (Archived @ Depp Impact) One Shot
PotC: Legends (Archived @ Depp Impact) One Shot
PotC: The Pirate's Code (Archived @ Depp Impact/Just Jack) One Shot
Saiyuki: Good Enough (NC-17 and archived @ /Monkey Love) One Shot
Saiyuki: Chocolate (NC-17 and archived @ /Monkey Love) One Shot
All Saiyuki stories also hosted on Echoes from the West
All Naruto stories also hosted on FicWad
Any stories hosted in places other than the above, under a different username than iamzuul, are probably not with my blessing.
Gundam Wing: Death Becomes Him Prologue and two chapters, indefinately on hold
FFVII: J I H A D Prologue, indefinately on hold
Saiyuki: A King Reborn Prologue and one chapter, indefinately on hold
Naruto: Critical Point One chapter, current project
Note for fun!
1/31/05: I'm a total hypocrite. I hate long ass profiles, and mine was... long. Ahem. Cut that down to size, shall we?
9/17/05: Since I just added a butt-load of shorts, how about I just list the incomplete stories and let you assume all the others are complete? If the (one shot) in the summary doesn't explain the current state of the story, I guess nothing will.