Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. I'm fairly old at 27 and sad as it maybe I loved the Harry Potter books.I work as a graphic designer on a local news program in Kent, England and was never any good at English at school, but always loved to read. After reading pretty much every fanfic on the net (The Triangle Phrophecy by Barb being the one that inspired me the most) and reading OotP the day it was released, I decided I might give it a go myself. I am conciously trying to write in JKR style, but as anyone can tell I'm not her. The Pride of Gryffindor is written mostly from Harry's point of view. This tends to lead to occasional long pieces of monolog, thank god for Dumbledore and Hermione (If a character needs information they are the two best sources, Dumbledore because he knows everything and Hermione cause she read it in a book.) I like to stick to cannon but I do tend to run with ideas even if they are slightly out of character, I firmly believe characters are allowed to chage. My sources are all 7 HP books and all spells created tend to be latin cause I know nothing about Sandscrit. Anyway I hope you like the story it should end being about 200,000 words so there's a while to go yet. Oh ref above when I said I've read most of the fics on the net, that's not including slash, I have no problem with same sex ships, it's just I find them to be completely against the style of the books, come on who honestly thinks Harry and Draco are going to jump into bed together, and Harry and Snape don't even go there. Finally another thankyou to new Beta HermioneGreen who has kindly offered of her time so my appaulling grammar is readable. Thanks Everyone who reads and reviews. ~~Jonny |