Author has written 3 stories for Star Wars. G'day, everyone. (I'm not an Aussie - it's just my favorite way to say hello.) This is my first shot at dipping my toe into the pool. Let me preface by saying that I have the utmost respect for folks with mad literary skills. It takes a bit of courage to put yourself out there in such a personal way and invite others to poke at you. I've been writing for years, mostly couple fics and a bit of rpf. This year, however, something monumental to my appreciation for good fanfic happened: I discovered the Star Wars prequels. I'm probably the only person in the galaxy who hadn't seen them until this year. I was a little hesitant, being reared on the awesomeness that is the original trilogy. However, also being the complete sucker for romance that I am, I fell quickly for the tragic coupledom of Anakin and Padme. Not that Mr. Lucas did them any favors with his underwhelming dialogue, but that's another issue. I was instantly smitten by the fic possibilities of Anakin Skywalker. Once I dove into and read so many brilliant writers whose stories breathed complex life into SkyGuy, I was hooked on the ST fandom and . I'm unashamedly A/P in my pairings, but I appreciate the endless possibilities of A/Obi's fractured friendship, as well. Feedback is my Force, good authors and readers - I hope it's with me! |
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