Author has written 22 stories for StarTrek: The Original Series, Man From UNCLE, and Professionals. Hello there, and thank you for taking the time to pop by :0) I rarely post to FanFiction . net (FF . net) these days, although 'rarely' doesn't mean 'never'. However, if you'd like to make a comment or ask a question, I still keep a watchful eye on the PMs and Reviews. Some years ago (12:13 am on 20 Jun 2015) FF . net posted this tweet: ''We have enabled white-listed linking protection due to influx of spam. Current white-list: google, facebook, twitter [now X], flickr.''. This meant, until notified otherwise, only links to these sites would work. Sadly, protected linking is still in place. One upshot of this is that it can be difficult to download things from FF . net (also known with varying degrees of affection as 'The Pit of Voles'). To get round this download problem you may wish to use a fiction downloader such as FanFictionDownloader or Another upshot is that none of the links I had in this profile still work. All this means that I've pretty much decamped to Archive of Our Own (AO3). So, if you want to see anything new, you'll almost certainly need to pop over there to find it (under Fiorenza_a). As always, whatever, whoever, and wherever you read, I hope you find something you enjoy :0) |