Author has written 11 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Ninja Turtles, Fullmetal Alchemist, Devil is a Part-Timer/はたらく魔王さま, Kuroshitsuji, and Dororo/どろろ. I challenge you. I challenge you to a feat of the mind. Read this profile. Read every word, all the way through to the end. As you go through, there will be questions asked. I challenge you to answer them. Do you feel up to it? It will be arduous, thought-provoking, and possibly make no sense at all. But it is a challenge. Your only two options are accept and decline. Decline, and you will go on your way to my stories to have your fun and watch your films and eat your meals and live your life without ever knowing what was said on this page. Accept, and you will be all the more wiser for it. You have nothing to lose, and all that lies below to gain. Some will find it insightful. Some will find it pointless. You may find it amusing, or you may be insulted, or you might be bored by the time you get to the first big paragraph. Which are you? This will be a challenge for you to overcome, but also a challenge to find out a little bit more about yourself. If you have accepted, you are currently reading this sentence. I congratulate you on your courage, and wish you good luck until the end. Let us begin... Hello, world. Hello, Milky Way Galaxy. Hello, universe. I am here, and I have been here, and there's nothing that can be done about that. Let's see what we can do together, eh? My name is Robin Nightingale, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance. This is my personal profile. People often put things in here, don't they? Lessee, what kind of things can I say...Might as well start with the basics. Name: Robin Nightingale Age: I am 945 years old, and I am the one who is going to save your lives and all 6 billion people on the planet below. (Kudos if you can name the reference) Gender: Human Location: Package 83/Porpoise-46XKY, according to the Reilacs. Current condition of the mind: I'm not insane, I'm just quirky. And geeky. Geeky is good, isn't it? It can be pretty fun. Anyways... Favorite things to write FanFictions about: I'll give you the whole list. Ninja Turtles, Doctor Who, Yu-Gi-Oh, Lord of the Rings, Alien, X-Men Evolution, my favorite anime Yu Yu Hakusho, and my friends. Of course, this is all a masquerade. I mean, who shows their real face to the outside world? Except for those few special, beautiful people who decide to go ahead and do so anyways. And the naïve who get tricked by online kidnappers and end up in some basement out in New Mexico. Favorite music: Instrumentals! Can't get enough of them. The best are the songs without words. Orchestral ones, mostly. And movie themes. Not a big fan of drums and heavy metal to be honest. But as I often say, it all depends on my mood, really. There. With that sentence, anyone who's heard me say it will instantly know who I am. But to the rest of those reading this (if you actually decided to take up my challenge) I am just a faceless stream of data, a bit of information that was stored away for you to look at and be entertained by. You're looking at a projection. I am a nameless mystery, and unknown, and yet you think you know something about me. You took some time out of your lives to do this, reading fan fiction, taking up this challenge, when you could be doing something useful with your life. You read what I wrote and believed it. Maybe not all of it, but some part of it you accepted as truth. Perhaps that wasn't a conscious decision, but you selected some parts and believed them and made a judgment call on them. But what if I were lying? You actually have no idea what I am like. Everything I have just written could be completely made up. I could be the President of the United States, for all you know! (You are now picturing the President of the United States typing fan fiction on his laptop.) And here I'll make another prediction about you; you got defensive as you were reading this. As you're sitting there, smiling, amused at the entire thing (for those of you who are) there is a spark of defiance as you go over these words. Was it my virtual tone? Do I sound condescending, attacking, perhaps even rude? Even as you sit there, in denial, feeling nothing, no amount of defense towards my words, you are. Maybe it was because I, a faceless entity, some stranger across the world, told you, a stranger to me, something about yourself, when we have never met before. Or maybe it was because I told you that you got defensive. Congratulations, you have reached the end of the challenge, at least close to it, as there are still words. I'll tell you right now; my profile does hold some measure of truth in it. Some parts are just bullshit, as you probably guessed. Some parts, well, maybe you can't decide whether or not they're true. But you did it. You sat there, through all that stuff, and read it through. Or you just skipped all the long parts and read this part because the paragraph started with "Congratulations" and you figured that was the end and wanted to see what reward you'd get. News flash, there is no special reward, at least nothing pointless that you were probably expecting. No funny lines, no toy, nothing like that. I told you, I like philosophy. So I hope I've given you food for thought. That was always my intention, and that's always been my intention, to make you think. Of course, I will acknowledge those who already think, who have already thought about this and made their final opinion on it. I'm not ragging on you. For you, this is just my side, my input. I hope it was of some use. Perspective, I've always been big on that. Some might think fan fiction is a waste of time, and you might even feel guilty for coming on this site. But is it a waste of time, or do you just think that because everyone told you so? I find this place a great site to practice your writing. If nothing else, it'll get all your rough, bad writing out of the way, because who cares except for a few people? It's a community that brings others together and can help build self-confidence. Who knows? If I become famous for my writing, I might just credit fan fiction for it. Thank you for your time, and thank you for participating in this challenge. Enjoy the rest of your day, and keep writing and reading. Favorite Character Of The Day: NYLOCKE! DRAGON OF FANTASTIC AND OVER-DONE TITLES! WHOOSH! |
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