Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. ABOUT ME I guess it was about time to update my profile, I mean it has been about five years, so without further ado: I'm from South Texas and currently an unemployed college student. I am a PSYC Major so I guess unemployment should be a given. FanFiction has been and probably always will be my haven and my heaven. Although, I'm not much of a writer as I am a reader, so any stories that I have put up or will put up should be considered a WIP indefinitely. Sorry but writing is hard! And I feel like I need someone to be on my case about it if I were to writeand complete a story. Motivation is key for someone as lazy as me. So if anyone ever reads this and likes something I've written or will write, feel free to PM me as much as you like until I get my happya* back on track and typing up again. At the moment, I'm totally a Fannibal to the core. I probably wont ever write fanfic about it MOSTLY because I dont think I can live up to it and not having the characters be waaay too OC. I am also a hardcore Harry Potter fan so thats what I'd post if I ever write anything. I do have a chapter posted for Monsters in the Dark (MitD) it is a definite WIP, and it's mostly a plot bunny at the moment. I have been working on a few chapters but the plot did NOT go in the direction I expected (well as much as I could have without an outline) so within the limited time I have, its something I've been trying to work on. If I ever write anything M in MitD I'll try to post it here but if not I'll also post it on AO3 under the same username. I am still iffy on the pairings but it will definitely be either SS/HP or HP/LV. Or at the very least, have Good!Snape and/or Mentor!Snape. Any updates will be sporadic at best and I will try to do better, a promise to myself ...I hopefully will keep. FAVORITE PARINGS HARRY POTTER SS/HP HP/LV (TMR) HP/HG NL/LL SB/RL HP/DM HG/DM SS/BB HANNIBAL (Basically Canon pairing) HLWG AB/MV Depends on character portrayal; if they are too OC I wont like it as much. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. |
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