Hi! I have absolutely NO idea why I'm writing anything here… It's not like anybody is ever going to read it, right? I mean, come on… maybe people read the profile of their favorite writers on fan fiction (well, I do), but reading my profile, a person who is probably never-ever going to write anything in here? No way! "Why do you keep writing then?" you might ask (or well, not, because you, my dear reader, is a person who solely exists in my own imagination). See, that's a good question that I'm not entirely sure I know the answer to…. So maybe I should just shut up now? Bye, Made-in-Danmark (= Line) "Rigtige forfattere venter ikke med at skrive til i morgen, rigtige forfattere skriver i dag" |
GetReadyToPanic (1) IWLTxo (11) | lumoscrimsom (32) NeonDomino (467) |