Author has written 20 stories for Earth: Final Conflict, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Red Eye, Heroes, Alice in Wonderland, 2010, Supernatural, Sherlock, StarTrek: The Next Generation, From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, Captain America, and IT. I'm never sure what to write in these kinds of profiles. I usually like to speak through my characters. And hopefully, my characters speak, true. Generally, I'm a genre girl and a villain groupie but really I'm drawn to any dynamic character that seems like they have more to say or seem to have something below the surface, never explored. I literally have a hundred plus stories on my computer that run the gambit. I've always been of the mind that characters have more than one tale to tell and as long as you keep the essence or the soul of the character intact then you'll be fine with whatever story you choose to write. Follow that up with a dynamic plot, and you might just strike reader gold. I hope my stories convey how much I love the characters and that I strive to keep them, true as possible, within the confines of the plot. I usually stick with canon characters so no Mary Sues, but if you adore certain characters as much as I do and like to see continuing tales of their adventures then please check out my stories and leave me a comment to let me know you were there. |
theDubliner (10) |