Author has written 6 stories for Chuck, Fast and the Furious, NCIS: Los Angeles, and Criminal Minds. 17 year old that has the need to write. Can't live without it. HUGE Olicity, Morcia, and Densi shipper!! They are my two favorite OTPs. I've got so many OTPs i've lost count! I love Zutara, Percabeth, Dotty, Clintasha/Blackhawk, Tommy/Kimberly, Jen/Wes, Andros/Ashley, Han/Leia, Eragon/Arya, Aragorn/Arwen, Pepperony, Kat/Hale, Cammie/Zach, Harry/Ginny, Remus/Tonks, Draco/Hermonie, and so many more that i can't think of right now! so many wonderful ships all of my NCIS:LA works have been previewed and edited by my home dawg N7sdr93 (also known as my brother) i don't take kindly to flames, or insults. so let's just not deal with those : ] currently obsessed with Criminal Minds and Arrow, but I am holding off on writing any fanfic for it until i finish Daddy Deeks, my current fanfic project : ] twitter account: @aray48_ |
27hope (16) AlWindy (8) Bamie02 (14) coffeehelps (73) | imahistorian (14) laurah1236 (23) N7sdr93 (5) shadowsontherun (12) | whotellsyourstory (33) ZBBZL (10) |