![]() Author has written 92 stories for Harry Potter, Charmed, House, M.D., X-Files, Twilight, Bones, and Misc. Plays/Musicals. PLEASE NOTE: If you are here wondering why I disabled anonymous reviews, it's because I am sick and tired of people telling me that my Twilight threesomes are disgusting. Alright, I GET IT, you don't like the idea. Unforunately that doesn't mean you have to bitch about it. I gave you a fair enough warning: DON'T LIKE? DON'T READ! And if you can't see that then you must be blind. I'm sorry to those you who love my fics but don't have an account here. I'd really love your feedback so don't be afraid to comment on the story at my LJ (my homepage link) or send me an email. ANYONE WHO CHOSES TO COMMENT AT MY LJ OR SEND ME AN EMAIL: If I get one email from you that says I'm a disgusting person for writing something, you WILL be blocked from emailing or commenting. A Little Bit About Me: Name: Piper Date of Birth: March 14, 1981 Current location: Windsor, Ontario, Canada Eye color: Green Hair color: Naturally dark brown, currently black Height: Approximately 5'7'' Occupation: Medical Laboratory Technologist, Community Health Worker I ship (these are the ones that I'm most likely to write, I do read other ships. Most are Canon): Harry Potter: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Ron/Hermione Charmed: Piper/Leo, Paige/Kyle, Paige/Henry, Phoebe/Cole, Phoebe/Drake, Phoebe/Coop House M.D.: House/Wilson (both slash and friendship), House/Cameron, Wilson/Cameron, House/Wilson/Cameron, House/Stacy, Stacy/Cuddy, Cameron/Cuddy, Chase/Cameron, Foreman/Cameron Buffy: Buffy/Giles, Buffy/Angel, and Buffy/Spike Titanic: Jack/Rose The X-files: Mulder/Scully Anne of Green Gables: Anne/Gilbert Bones: Both/Brennan The Da Vinci Code: Langdon/Sophie Grey's Anatomy: Meredith/Derek, Meredith/George, Addison/Derek, Addison/Alex, Izzie/Alex, Burke/Cristina, and George/Callie Ghost Whisperer: Melinda/Jim Twilight: Edward/Bella, Edward/Bella/Carlisle, Edward/Carlisle, Edward/Bella/Alice, Bella/Carlisle, Bella/Alice, and Carlisle/Esme Well that's all for now, so why don't you go and read my fics and tell me what you think by leaving a review? |
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