Author has written 1 story for One Piece. Basic info Account name: TheVictor Usual nicks: either Victor or Osiris Age: 19 (Born in 1994 should I forget to update) Gender: Male Alignment: True Neutral General personality: Easily annoyed, easily bored, extremly lazy, extremly talkative to people I like (if there's a topic and the mood that is), generally silent and indifferent to everything in everday life, easy going, perfectionist about things I care about, minimalistic about things I don't give a shit about, regarded as weird sometimes, forgetful about things I don't care about, extremely impatient, generally polite, sometimes sarcastic, ... Likes: Games, One Piece, Gintama, Death note, Fairy Tale (not as much as the previous three), Hellsing, praise :D, good fanfiction, computers, doing as little as possible, writing the fic, reading fanfictions and other stuff, and I'll think about more, maybe. Dislikes: School, people telling me what to do, asshole reviewers, assholes in general, crossover fics, being forced to do anything, pressure, boredom, annoying people, random skype group calls, repeating things, being forced to find a job someday, people walking too slowly in front of me, idiot politicians in my country, rules in general, buying clothes, buying laptops (it's a nightmare when you have a budget of 700 and want something decent), having to know what day it is, the faster passage of time when doing something I like, sausages, non-quality meat, slow chapters, bad website structure, facebook, people posting pictures of their children on facebook and ruining their privacy before they can even speak, windows updates, bad chairs, people who don't want to read, the fact that many people treat Luffy as if he's as stupid as Goku, fanfictions where Luffy is executed, and more and more. Notice how the dislike list is much longer. About me I'm a 19-year old male(born in 1994 if I forget to update) with the conflicting personality of very easily getting bored and also being extremely (and I mean in the fullest sense of the word) lazy. Since you're probably interested in whatever affects my writing style and updating frequency, I'll tell you a little about that side of me. When I enjoy doing something, I usually become totally obsessed with it and do it constantly (this also happens with stuff other than writing, such as if I really like a song, or an anime (One piece currently, total obsession) or whatever. So if I really like it, I'll stamp out chapters like there's no tomorrow. When writing, I hate repeating stuff, especially if I have to look up the sequence of events constantly. It's tedious and annoying. If I'll get to such a chapter, I'll probably spend my whole day writing it because of that (even if it's a short recap). I especially hate repeating dialogue. (This really gets into play with my current and first fanfiction, Once again, where I'm sometimes forced to do one of the above). Also, if I don't like a specific part of a story I'll also spend forever on it. Same thing if I'm not in the right mood. In fact, I even avoid writing (or writing too much) when I'm not in the mood, as the story is then usually shitty. When I am in the mood and I like the part of the story, words will just flow into my mind and chapters will (usually) turn out great then. Also, you should pay attention to the length of the comments in my chapters. If there's stuff that bothers you and it isn't mentioned in the comment, then I most likely wasn't in the mood to write it as I'm usually very comprehensive when writing them. Also, I've found that there is something here on that really irritates me. Thankfully, this problem has only appeared once. When a reviewer really hates something in my fanfiction (I'll give you a hint, it has to do with swords :D!) and because of that thinks that its my duty to him to change that, despite the fact that everybody else is either okay with or likes that same thing. Said reviewer only comments on the one thing he or she hates and does not even bother to comment on anything else. Not only that, said reviewer is highly insulting with his reviews. Let me explain something: such a reviewer is completely useless to me. He does not adress the overall story, the plot of a chapter or anything remotely important in the story. No. The only thing I get out of such reviews is that he hates one specific decision that I, the author has made. Anime I'm currently into One Piece Gintama General disposition towards fanfiction stories Since I currently only read One Piece stories, I can only say my likes and dislikes that have to do with those. Generally I'm only interested in Luffy centred stories or stories that have a lot to do with Luffy (such as adventure without pairings and such). I'm usually not interested in stories that center around other characters, especially OC-s. If they're for some reason overpowered, even less so, especially if they also have some family connection to Luffy. That's a big no-no for me. As for pairings, I pretty much like every common pairing that has to do with Luffy, yaoi included: LuffyxNami, LuffyxRobin, LuffyxZoro, LuffyxSanji, LuffyxHancock, LuffyxLaw, LuffyxAce I also may read some of the others, if they are really well done. I dislike stories, where characters are always in the most extreme of their personalities, like: Nami is always without exception greedy and mean, Robin always knows everything, Franky says super in every single sentence, the only thing Brook ever says are skull jokes and so on and so on. I dislike stories that hate on certain characters, most frequently in One Piece those are either Nami or Sanji. Nami is often depicted as an evil loan shark that charges for everything, while Sanji is depicted as the annoying pervert who thinks both Nami and Robin belong to him. I generally don't like reading depressing stories. Sometimes I do read them, but usually not. I hate it when people write Luffy like little Goku, with him not knowing anything about genders or sexuality or generally just make him stupid as fuck. I mean, I'm not saying he's depicted as very smart or anything, but he comes across to me as the kinda guy that simply isn't very interested in explanations or romance for that matter. Also, when people have Luffy hear the Talk from one of his crewmates, don't they realize that Luffy grew up along with Ace? Does Ace seem like the kind of guy that didn't have the Talk? I mean seriously. Currently writing Once Again - A 7-year old Luffy is approached by his future self. It seems Luffy's entire crew died at the hands of Fleet Admiral Akainu right after defeating the Yonkou Kaidou. Follow a much stronger, smarter Luffy as he repeats his adventure, hoping to avoid the same fate as well as correct some mistakes. Warning: OOC!Luffy, Godlike!Luffy, Smarter!Luffy, LuffyxRobin pairing on the side. -Currently at the stage of Water 7/Enies Lobby arc. -Has its own tvtropes page: http:///1611174/tv-tropes-once-again (thank you, DhanaRagnarok) Plans -A single crackpairing One Piece story. One-shot the size of an Once Again chapter. Pairing already decided, but I won't reveal it yet. -Once again - Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Amazon Lily, Impel Down, Marineford, Timeskip saga My personal tips for aspiring fanfiction (or fiction) writers While I can't say that I'm some sort of ultimate authority in fanfiction writing, I have been very successful with my first and for now only story, Once Again, so I have a few tips to share, if you're interested. I also have a few things to suggest, not as a writer, but as one of the readers. First impression First of all, you should know that the only way you'll get any decent number of viewers and more importantly, viewers that stay, is to first make sure you make a good first impression. Which means first and foremost, a good title and summary. The title should be as short as possible IMHO, though not too short (like one word or letter) and should give a general idea of what the fic is all about. In my very own case, I used Once again, since Luffy is repeating his adventure and that is the main point. When the title is decent enough, you should look at the summary. Don't write stuff like 'I'm bad at this', 'this story probably sucks', 'don't like, don't read', 'I'm bad a summaries', 'story is better that summary' or whatever. If the title is good, the summary is what will decide if your story passes or not. If you absolutely must write stuff like that, then do it in the author's note, preferably at the end of the story. Make sure there are no or at least no noticeable mistakes in either the summary or the title. I can't really tell you how to write a summary. In general, make sure that it gives the main idea of what the fic is all about. If you have no better idea, then use a quote from your story or something like that. Make sure the grammar is good and that all words are used correctly. After the description put any warnings that might be necessary.( I'm not sure if that's all of them, but I know about: AU (alternate universe), OOC (out of character), violence, OC (other characters, only necessary if they are a big part or centre of the story), any pairings (not necessary, but I recommend it, especially if the pairing is unusual or non-canon), crack!fic, crack!pairing, lemon (explicit sexual content), lime (non-explicit sexual content), song!fic, possible spoilers. ) This is a personal opinion, but I wouldn't bother saying 'no flames' in the summary. It's not like it'll stop them and if your story is good you won't get too many of them anyway. Never use full caps on anything in those two areas. Maybe if you have a character quote in the summary, a word or two might be forgiven, but never ever in the title. Don't even think about it. The look of each chapter Chapters should appear organized. To do that, make sure every chapter has a title, which is not outrageously long and is in bold letters. Any warnings, disclaimers, notes that should be read before reading the chapter should be placed before the title and visually separated from it (i recommend a simple line). Also, be consistent in the way you name your chapters. Different parts of story that don't directly fit together should be separated from each-other. (such as flashbacks, different POV's, timeskips, etc.) Again I suggest a simple line. Only use Caps lock when a character is shouting really, really loudly. Use "Sentence." for spoken dialogue and 'Sentence.' for thoughts and not the other way around. And certainly don't use the same for both. Don't bother using italic, except maybe for flashbacks or individual words. Keep paragraphs as short as possible. Also, if a character speaks, it's another paragraph. If another speaks, it's another paragraph. Two characters shouldn't speak in the same one. There's only room enough for one. Writing When describing stuff, don't be too over the top with it, unless it's really important. Also don't describe too little. That makes for a very poor story. Your descriptions should be simple and to the point. Overall, don't use many complex words when writing. Be creative when writing. For example, don't repeat 'Luffy said' all the time. Use, for example, 'the man said', 'the pirate said', 'he said', ... In any case, don't repeat yourself more than necessary. Obviously, don't make too many mistakes and use punctuation. Don't use too many curse-words. Stick to 'shit', 'crap' and 'damn' unless a specific character says any others. Don't use them if the original character doesn't use them. Unless that's the point of your story, make sure your characters are in-character. If they aren't supposed to be, make sure you warn about it. If you're going to write lemons, don't go overboard with them. And please don't make IKEA lemons. (He pushed his ding-dong in her * and put it in and out and in and out. Seriously, everyone knows about that already.) Avoid rape. Seriously. Unless the whole point of the story is dealing with being raped or something to that effect, avoid it. Rape is way worse than murder on the moral event horizon. Make sure any OC's fit well in the established universe. If they are an important part of the plot, they need a lot of character development and a backstory. And don't make them overpowered, especially not Mary Sues. And please don't make them part of the family or friends of one of the main characters. Know that if an OC is overpowered, has a great part in the plot and is also the sibling of the main character, I won't even consider reading your story. That's all I can think of for now, so that's it. If you copy any part of my profile, give credit to me, TheVictor. |