![]() Author has written 76 stories for Phineas and Ferb, Pair of Kings, A.N.T. Farm, Total Drama series, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Final Destination, Ed, Edd n Eddy, Power Rangers, American Pie, Mrs. Brown's Boys, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, Degrassi, Misc. Tv Shows, Wrestling, Liv and Maddie, Assassin's Creed, Scream, Saw, Yu-Gi-Oh, DC Superheroes, South Park, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Future Diary/未来日記, Web Shows, Mythology, Mortal Kombat, Powerpuff Girls, Five Nights at Freddy´s, Another/アナザー, Rhythm Thief, Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, A Christmas Carol, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Batman. NAME: Nicholas Cornish HOMETOWN: Newcastle, England SEXUALITY: Hetero romantic Demisexual FAVORITE HOBBIES: Video Games, YouTube, Fanfiction, Collecting Marvel Comics Pop Vinyls & Cooking OCCUPATION: Unemployed, currently training to become a pro wrestler IDOL: Jeff Hardy UPCOMING PROJECTS:
ANY MEDICAL CONDITIONS: Aspergers, Autism, ADHD DREAM: To wrestle in Japan DECENT: Mainly English, part American, part Spanish, part Australian & part Irish 11 THINGS I KNOW ABOUT YOU: 1. YOU ARE READING THIS 2. YOU ARE HUMAN 3. YOU CAN'T SAY THE LETTER 'P' WITHOUT SEPARATING YOUR LIPS 4. YOU JUST TRIED THAT 6. YOU ARE LAUGHING AT YOURSELF 7. YOU SKIPPED 5 8 YOU CHECKED TO SEE IF THERE WAS A 5 9. YOU ARE LAUGHING BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE DOES IT TOO. 10. YOU CAN'T BREATH PROPERLY WITH YOUR TONGUE STICKING OUT 11. PUT YOUR TONGUE BACK IN YOUR MOUTH The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK, when I grew up I was BLACK, when I'm sick I'm BLACK, when I go into the sun I'm BLACK, when I'm cold I'm BLACK, when I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir, when you're born you're PINK, when you grow up you're WHITE, when you're sick, you're GREEN, when you go in the sun you turn RED, when you're cold you turn BLUE and when you die you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored?" Post this on your profile if you hate racism, because I know I do. TOP 5 THINGS THAT ANNOY ME: For the wiki on my EFW (Extreme Fanfic Wrestling), please follow this link: http:///wiki/Extreme_Fanfic_Wrestling_Wiki For the wiki on Total Drama Tanka Island, please follow THIS link: http:///wiki/Total_Drama_Tanka_Island_Wiki To check out my Youtube channel, follow THIS link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHxUcQ1NnUr3U3geJtiQUEg/featured TOP 10 FAVOURITE FILMS (Only 1 per Franchise): 10. SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD (2010)-This film is just a hell of a lot of fun, I like the fight scenes, I like the special effects and I like how accurate to the comic it is, it took me years before I finally got around to seeing it and I hate myself a little for not checking it out sooner, the characters are also cool, my only complaint I have is the fact that the main actor is Michael Cera, granted, I don't think he's the worst actor in the world, but I don't think he's really the best, although, I will say, he still does quite a good job. 9. ROCKETMAN (2019) 8. THE CROW: CITY OF ANGELS (1996)-While a lot of people would say this film sucks, I really disagree. I spent months trying to figure out what was so bad about it. It was pretty much a Crow story the way it should be, tragedy, revenge and a lot of death. I eventually found out that people believed that it was basically just a copy of the first film, just not as good, I disagree, with Ashe, you feel the tragedy he's going through with the loss of his son and the need he has for revenge, with Eric, you know he feels the pain from his fiancée's death, but most of the time, he just seems crazy. While I will admit that the death scenes aren't as good as they are in the first film, they're still brilliantly violent and enjoyable. This film is also another example of being my introduction to something, while I was always aware of The Crow films and comics, I never got to actually see the films or read the comics until I was about 16 years old (I'm 18 as I'm writing this) when my mum got Netflix and I was able to see City of Angels (But not the first Crow film, I don't know why), and with City of Angels, I was hooked, I was going to check out the other Crow films on Netflix too, but I never got round to it, and now they've been removed. I eventually did see the first Crow film, but by that time, I had seen several clips from it, so I was expecting everything that would happen, so when I saw it, it was a bit lack luster, but still enjoyable, with City of Angels, I wasn't aware of it and I didn't know what would happen, so I was always on the edge of my seat. 7. SUICIDE SQUAD (2016)-After waiting for this film for so long, I can safely say, I was not disappointed, I loved almost everything about the film, the plot, the characters and the action, this was a great film and a great edition to the DC Cinematic Universe (Which is Surprising For Me, I'm a Marvel Fan). I think this film doesn't deserve the negative reception it got, it was not a bad film, it was a good film, my favourite film in the DC Cinematic Universe so far (And given what's to come, it's probably gonna stay that way for a while.). 6. AVENGERS: ENDGAME (2019) 5. ROBOCOP (2014)-Another example of being my introduction to something. Sci Fi movies are something I normally tend to despise (Star Trek, Men in Black, I Robot, The Matrix, Inception all suck to me) but inspite of my dislike for the genre as a whole, there are some Sci Fi films I generally enjoy, the 2014 Robocop is a perfect example. I first saw this film when I suspected a friend of mine had been secretly using my Netflix account, to get rid of some films that 'mysteriously' turned up on my 'Continue Watching' list, I decided to watch some of the films, while watching Robocop, I realised it was actually quite good, granted I only knew 2 actors in the film, but in some of the other films on this list, I knew absolutely none of them (Except the Avengers actors). The design of Robocop is awesome (Although I don't see why they decided to make him black). The dialogue is quite enjoyable and the overall story is the perfect version of a remake or a reboot, it's not extremely faithful to the original but it's not so unlike the original that it's a completely different thing. 4. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (2014)-Don't judge. I am a huge TMNT fan, since I saw the 2003 series in the morning while enjoying my breakfast and getting ready for school, TMNT was brilliant. I was excited when I saw that a new live action film was being made, I didn't even care that it was being directed by Michael Bay (Mainly because the only film I had ever seen by him was Transformers, and the reason I hated that was because I already wasn't a transformers fan), I had heard a lot of bad stuff about the film, but I didn't care, I wanted to see this, and eventually I did, I was not disappointed, this film was great, I loved the action, dialogue and character designs, especially the design of The Shredder. No matter how much you might hate Michael Bay, this is one movie from this guy that I enjoy. 3. BATMAN AND ROBIN (1997)-Please don't kill me. Nearly everyone in the world hates this film, and I understand why, I first saw it when I was considerably young (The film was actually released the same year I was born). I enjoyed it when I first saw it and never saw any problems with it, but then I didn't see it for the next few years. Years later I realised that people despised this film, and made it a mission to find out why, including watching it again and it became my favourite film ever (At the time). I eventually found out that people hated the bat nipples, freeze puns, one liners, arguing between batman and robin and the bat credit card, but I never saw any problems with any, when it came to the bat nipples, when I first saw the film, I never even noticed them, I wasn't paying attention to that. For the freeze puns, I actually really enjoy puns, so for me, the freeze puns were a plus, I'm also a fan of one liners. I understood the arguing between Batman and Robin since Robin doesn't think Batman considers them equals, I can actually relate as I've thought that about people I've known before. As for the bat credit card...I actually did think that was funny. While I do now realize that there are flaws with the film, since I didn't when I first saw it, I enjoyed it then, but inspite the flaws, I like the film now. 2. DAREDEVIL (2003)-I'm not even ashamed of this one. Daredevil is a freaking awesome superhero. This is a badass film with a cool cast, I have never understood why people don't like it and chances are, I never will, for me, this movie is just freaking brilliant. HONORABLE MENTIONS: Judge Dredd, Mrs Browns Boys, Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow, Batman: Under The Red Hood, Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, American Pop, The Nutty Professor (1996), How to Train Your Dragon 1. TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991)-This movie is the work of the gods. The first Terminator was brilliant, no doubt, but with this film, take brilliant, double it, add on a few zeros, that's still nothing compared to Terminator 2. As I'm writing this, I had only seen the Terminator films for the first time late last year, so I had a lot of catching up to do, especially since my uncle had recently purchased Terminator: Genesis. From what I saw, the film was pure blooded perfection, flawless action & flawless dialogue from an amazing cast, I will never find anything wrong with Terminator 2. You know what, I dare anyone to try to tell me anything wrong with Terminator 2, go ahead. TOP 10 FAVOURITE MUSICIANS/BANDS: 10. AVENGED SEVENFOLD 9. DEUCE 8. JOHNNY CASH 7. JOHN CENA (He's a really good rapper) 6. PEROXWHY?GEN 5. THREE DAYS GRACE 4. FRANK SINATRA 3. BON JOVI 2. HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD HONORABLE MENTIONS: Michael Jackson, Fall Out Boy, Journey, Dead By April, Evanescence, Mayday Parade, Zebrahead, Falling in Reverse, Avicii & Bowling for Soup 1. SKILLET TOP 10 FAVORITE LIVE ACTION TV SHOWS: 10. MRS BROWNS BOYS 9.BROOKLYN NINE-NINE 8. RIVERDALE 7. GOTHAM 6. DEXTER 5. THE BIG BANG THEORY 4. SHERLOCK 3. LUCIFER 2. THE WITCHER 1. DAREDEVIL (NETFLIX) TOP 10 FAVORITE ANIMATED SERIES: 10. TOTAL DRAMA 9. TMNT (2012) 8. RICK AND MORTY 7. SOUTH PARK 6 BEN 10 (Original to Ultimate Alien, not Omniverse) 5. MIRACULOUS: THE TALES OF LADYBUG AND CAT NOIR 4. STAR VS THE FORCES OF EVIL 3. DRAGONS: RACE TO THE EDGE 2. POWERPUFF GIRLS (I'm not ashamed to admit I like it) HONORABLE MENTIONS: The Powerpuff Girls Reboot (It's honestly not that bad), Beware the Batman, Spider-Man: The Animated Series & X-Men: The Animated Series 1. PHINEAS AND FERB TOP 10 FAVOURITE GAMES/SERIES: 10. RED DEAD REDEMPTION 9. METAL GEAR 8. MINECRAFT 7. SOUTH PARK: STICK OF TRUTH 6. WATCH DOGS 5. ASSASSIN'S CREED 4. BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT (Only one in the series I've played) 3. LET IT DIE! 2. UNTIL DAWN HONORABLE MENTIONS: UFC, Mortal Kombat 11, Dead or Alive: Last Round, Warframe, Team Fortress 2 & Fallout 4 1. DANGANRONPA V3: KILLING HARMONY TOP 10 FAVOURITE FILM QUOTES: 10. "Hasta La Vista Baby" by the Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day 9. "I want you to break into a place and steal some shit" by Dr Hank Pym, Ant Man 8. "We have a Hulk" by Tony Stark, Avengers 7. "I am...THE LAW" by Judge Dredd, Judge Dredd 6. "Agh, your poor wife" by Deadpool, Deadpool (Look it up for context) 5. "As Churchill said, there comes a time when every man must...OH, YOU GET THE POINT" by Beast, X-Men: Last Stand 4. "Hey, that light? At the end of the tunnel? Guess what? That's not heaven...THAT'S THE C TRAIN" by Daredevil, Daredevil 3. "Are you willing to live for me" by The Joker, Suicide Squad 2. "You did not see that coming" by Quicksilver, Avengers 2: Age of Ultron 1. "Men get Arrested, Dogs Get Put Down!" by Rorschach, Watchmen TOP 20 FAVOURITE SONGS: 20. Playing the Saint by Digital Summer 19. I'm Not A Vampire by Falling In Reverse 18. Longnecks and Rednecks by James Storm 17. Feeling That Way by Adam Hicks 16. My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy 15. Painkiller by Three Days Grace 14. Unchained by Blood On The Dance Floor 13. Livin La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin (Don't Judge Me) 12. Obsolete by PeroxWhy?gen 11. Serial Killer Girl by Snow White's Poison Bite 10. Hey Brother by Avicii 9. Juliet by Lawson 8. America by Deuce 7. Radio Hardcore by Italio Brothers 6. Through The Monsoon by Tokyo Hotel 5. Glory by Hollywood Undead 4. In Time by Mark Collie 3. You Give Love A Bad Name by Bon Jovi 2. Ain't No Grave by Johnny Cash 1. The Resistance by Skillet TOP 10 FAVOURITE ANIME: 10. RWBY 9. Rosario Vampire 8. Highschool DXD 7. Death Note 6. Future Diary 5. Danganronpa: The Animation 4. Assassination Classroom 3. Black Butler 2. Deadman Wonderland 1. Another MY SIGNATURE OC's HUNTER BLAKESFIELD - Hunter is a teenager from New York, he is essentially just me with a different appearance and family. IAN AXEL - A Gothic Teenager, labelled as a Lone Wolf. AJ MICHAELS- An jock with a kind heart but has a seriously bad temper, he is able to remain calm when he is drawing. JUSTIN TACK- A wrestling fanatic with an extremely short fuse, whenever he gets angry, he will not hesitate to throw someone through a window. CARTER BLAKESFIELD - Hunter's womanizing cousin. COLE BATEMAN- A 27 year divorced cop who is extremely good at hand to hand combat NAOKI KITARI/KENSHI - While not used in my own fics, Naoki primarily used for Anime SYOC fics, Naoki is a guy obsessed with the law, he is an aspiring vigilante with a moral code to only kill when necessary, his family and origins tend to differ in different versions of him. CHARACTERS & PAIRINGS I LIKE/DISLIKE (Maximum of 10 for each category): BATMAN MEDIA: LIKE-The Riddler, Nightwing, Red Hood, Harley Quinn, El Diablo, Deadshot, Catwoman, Damian Wayne, Bane & Batman DISLIKE-The Joker (Just Certain Versions), Hugo Strange, Ventriloquist GOOD COUPLES: Nightwing/Batgirl, Catwoman/Batman BAD COUPLES: Joker/Harley Quinn TOTAL DRAMA: LIKE-Mike, Duncan, Gwen, Zoey, Cameron, Bridgette, Leshawna, Owen, Lindsay & Sky DISLIKE-Heather, Harold, Alejandro, Noah, Anne Maria, Lightning, Blainley, Justin, Sugar & Max GOOD COUPLES: Mike/Zoey, Owen/Izzy BAD COUPLES: Harold/Leshawna, Anne Maria/Mike (I used to support this, but not anymore), Noah/Anyone SOUTH PARK: LIKE-Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Butters, Bebe, Wendy, Annie, Douchebag, Tweak & Chef DISLIKE-Cartman, Sheila, Kyle (The other Kyle's cousin), Randy (Sometimes), Al Gore & Michael Jackson (I like MJ in real life, but the South Park version makes me want to tear my hair out) GOOD COUPLES: Kenny/Bebe, Stan/Wendy, Annie/Douchebag BAD COUPLES: Cartman/Kyle PPG: LIKE-Brick, Blossom, Boomer, Bubbles, Butch, Buttercup, Miss Bellum, The Professor, Miss Keane & Robin DISLIKE-Mojo, Him, The Mayor, Princess & Manboy GOOD COUPLES: Brick/Blossom, Boomer/Bubbles, Butch/Buttercup, Bellum/Professor BAD COUPLES: Any combination of the Puffs and the Ruffs aside from the ones listed above. Any incest relationships. X-MEN: LIKE-Gambit, Cyclops, Rogue, Deadpool, Colossus, Angel, Storm, Nightcrawler, Magneto & Quicksilver DISLIKE-Wolverine (I don't ACTUALLY dislike him, I just don't see why so many people like him so much) GOOD COUPLES: Gambit/Rogue, Deadpool/Domino, Storm/Wolverine, Nightcrawler/Shadowcat, Cyclops/Jean Grey BAD COUPLES: Wolverine/Jean, Rogue/Iceman (It will never be canon, since Iceman was revealed to be gay) & Deadpool/Rogue DANGANRONPA: LIKE-Hajime Hinata, Chiaki Nanami, Kyoko Kirigiri, Celestia Ludenberg, Kazuichi Soda, Makoto Naegi, Leon Kuwata, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Akane Owari & Aoi Asahina DISLIKE-Teruteru Hanamura, Monokuma, Junko Enoshima, Nagito Komaeda, Monomi, Hifumi Yamada & Toko Fukawa GOOD COUPLES: Hajime/Chiaki, Makoto/Kirigiri, Kazuichi/Mahiru, Leon/Aoi, Ishimaru/Ikusaba, Tanaka/Nevermind & Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama BAD COUPLES: Hajime/Nagito, Makoto/Maizono, Kazuichi/Nevermind, Leon/Maizono, Aoi/Sakura, Aoi/Yasuhiro, Ishimaru/Mondo, Mondo/Fujisaki & Yamada/Celeste ONE MORE THING... If you are one of the people who like to message or leave a comment on my stories saying they want to collaborate on turning my stories into artwork...PISS OFF! I'M NOT INTERESTED! |