![]() Author has written 7 stories for Chuck, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Naruto, A song of Ice and Fire, Highlander, and High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D. Hello everyone. Tides of War: Hiatus.This fic actually got me into writing on this site, but sadly the turnout for it has been almost nill. While I'm incredibly thankful for those who reviewed/fav/followed this story, at this time I'm not sure if I will be continuing it. Immortal Lovers: Abandoned.This fic was written just cause I was bored, and other than the prophecy I really had no where in mind to go with this story. Should anyone want to take it up, feel free to do so, just let me know so I can read what you came up with. Death's Champion: In Progress. Rise of The Magi: Abandoned Brandon Stark: Wolf of the North: In Progress Challenge: Susanoo: The Legend of the Storm God Men are usually picked to become Jinchuuriki, because the seal holding the Bijuu becomes unstable during delivery. As a result, either female Jinchuuriki die and release their Bijuu, or the seal integrity is forcibly maintained, but the child is killed due to too much exposure from the demonic Youki that is released during the delivery. What if Naruto was the first child ever born to a Jinchuuriki mother. What if his birth gave rise to a new Dojutsu, and a power the world has never seen before. Arashinomen(Eyes of the Storm): Due to the Kyuubi's Youkai boosting/enhancing Naruto's elemental affinities during gestation, a new Dojutsu was formed from the fusion of two nature transformation kekkei genkai: 1. Hyoton(Ice Release..Wind/Water and 2. Ranton(Storm Release..Lightning/Water). Description: Upon activation, the pupils turn white(Ivory) with an electric blue center. Each new stage of the Arashinomen results in the formation of an electric blue lightning bolt that branches off from the center. Each stage has both an Ocular and a Non-Ocular based power. Stage 1: Ivory colored pupil with an electric blue center, and a lightning bolt branching off to the right. 1. Enhanced Awareness: As a result of massive electrical impulses coursing through the user's body, it allows them to enhance their ability to see, hear, taste, smell and touch. a. Vision: Allows the user to see up to three miles with incredible clarity, regardless of the time of day(perfect vision in both daylight and low light). The telescopic ability while better than Chakra enhanced site, or the Sharingan, still pales in comparison to the range of the Byakugan(most Hyuuga can see several km, with Hinata's range going out till 8 km in Shipuuden). b. Hearing: Allows user to pick up every single sound and decipher layer upon layer of noise(max range is one mile); user has the ability to pick up a single conversation in the middle of a busy street. c. Smell: User can detect specific smells and track their origin. d. Taste: User is able to detect poison and/or individual ingredients in their food. e. Touch: User may be able to sense vibrations through solid objects, liquids and even the air pressure changes. 2. Storm Chains: The user can call forth Chakra Chains composed of Ice and Lightning. Storm Chains are similar in strength/durability to the Chains used by Kushina and Mito Uzumaki, but due to their Lightning coating they can also be used to shock their opponent. Stage 2: Ivory colored pupil with an electric blue center and a lightning bolt branching off to the left. 1. Electroreception: The ability to perceive electrical stimuli to view people or objects around them. a. Passive: In passive electrolocation, the user senses the weak bioelectric fields that are generated by all living beings(due to the activity of their nerves and muscles) and uses it to locate them. b. Active: In active electrolocation, the user generates their own electrical field and detects distortions to locate inanimate objects or people(max range is 20 ft). 2. Ice Weapons: The user can manipulate ice to create any type of weapon they can imagine. Due to these constructs being created from Chakra and Nature transformation, not only are they incredibly durable, but they can also be used to channel nature affinities. Stage 3: Ivory colored pupil with an electric blue center and a lightning bolt branching off to the bottom. 1. Energy vision: Allows the user to perceive the physical world around them as energy. This includes the human body's nervous system, which in turn allows the user to predict and counter an opponent's attack. 2. Arctic Blast: The user can release beams of heat-reducing energy from their eyes. If hit, lack of heat will slow opponents down, but prolonged exposure will result in the opponent's body freezing. Stage 4: Ivory colored pupil with an electric blue center. The lightning bolts branching off from the middle are connected with a blue ring and begin to turn clockwise. The final stage of the Arashinomen is called the Perfect Storm. In order to unlock it a person must not only have Kage level Chakra reserves, but they must also have complete Mastery over the elements of Wind, Water and Lightning. Once activated, it allows the user to manipulate the three elements to have complete control over the weather. This includes being able to fly, the bringing or banishing of pressure systems, clouds, rains, storms, mist, lightning, blizzards, hurricanes and tornadoes(think Storm from X-men). ASOIAF Altered Timeline for Brandon Stark: Wolf of the North 220: -Jon Arryn is born 226: -Martyn Cassel is born 228: -Morton Umber is born -Olenna Redwyne is born -Beric Dayne is born(father of Andrew, Arthur, Ashara and Allyria) 229: -Deria Martell is born 230: -Rickard Stark is born -Jeor Mormont is born 233: -Rodrik Cassel is born 235: -Anna Karhold is born -Mors Umber is born 236: -Ser Barristan Selmy is born 238: -Hoster Tully is born 239: -Wyman Manderly is born -Aerys II Targaryen is born 240: -Rhaella Targaryen is born 241: -Hother Umber is born 242: -Tywin Lannister is born -Minisa Whent is born(wife of Hoster Tully) 244: -Kevan Lannister is born -Jensen Cassel is born 245: -Joanna Lannister is born -Brynden(Blackfish) Tully is born -Maege Mormont is born 246: -Steffon Baratheon is born 248: -Doran Martell is born -Varys is born 253: -Rickard Stark(23) marries Anna Karhold(18) 254: -Andrew Dayne is born -Greatjon Umber is born -Jorah Mormont is born 255: -Brandon Stark is born -Gerion Lannister is born -Aerys II(16) marries his sister Rhaella(15) 256: -Elia Martell is born -Rhaegar Targaryen is born -Arthur Dayne is born -Mace Tyrell is born 257: -Ashara Dayne is born -Jaelyn Cassel is born 258: -Oberyn Martell is born -Minisa Whent(16) marries Hoster Tully(20) 259: -Tragedy at Summerhall: In an effort to bring Dragons back to Westeros, King Aegon V used a ritual that went wild, the fire killing him, his eldest son Duncan Targaryen and Ser Duncan the Tall Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. -Jaehaerys Targaryen becomes King of the Seven Kingdoms -Start of War of the Ninepenny Kings -Deria Martell(Princess of Dorne) and Joanna Lannister join Rhaella Targaryen as Ladies in waiting. -Minisa Tully has a stillborn son(1st) 260: -Allyria Dayne is born -Brandon goes to the Citadel to forge his links with the Maesters -Varys is sold to a Sorcerer in Myr, who cut off his genitals for a ritual, before dismissing him from his service 261: -End of War of the Ninepenny Kings -Reyne-Tarbeck Rebellion -Eddard Stark is born -Robert Baratheon is born -Wylis Manderly is born -Minisa Tully has a stillborn son(2nd) 262: -King Jaehaerys dies from illness -Aerys II Targaryen(23) becomes King of the Seven Kingdoms -Tywin Lannister(20) named Hand of the King -Varys begins a pickpocketing business with Illyrio Mopatis; start of Varys' 'little bird' network 263: -Rhaella dismisses the majority of her Ladies in Waiting, to keep them safe from Aerys(particularly in the case of Joanna Lannister) -Tywin Lannister(21) marries his first cousin Joanna Lannister(18) -Lyanna Stark is born -Catelyn Tully is born -Cersei Lannister is born -Jaime Lannister is born -Joëlle Cerwyn is born -Construction begins in the North 264: -Stannis Baratheon is born 265: -Benjen Stark is born -Lysa Tully is born -Petyr Baelish is born -Hoster Tully becomes Lord of Riverrun(father dies) 266: -The Twin Tails and Wolfwood Port are finished -Braavosi shipwrights arrive to teach the Northerners how to build ships 267: -Anna Stark dies from illness(Brandon is 12 y/o) -The Golden Fang is finished and begins mining -Goods are brought to the North and distributed the the various Vassal Houses 270: -Sandor Clegane is born 271: -Doran Martell(23) marries Lady Mellario(19) of Norvos 272: -Due to his growing influence and reputation, as well as the King's paranoia over his son and wife plotting against him, Varys is recruited to Aerys' small council as the Master of Whispers -Edmure Tully is born -Renly Baratheon is born 273: -Princess Deria of Dorne begins a search to find a match for her daughter Princess Elia -Tyrion Lannister is born(Joanna Lannister dies during childbirth) -Braavosi shipwrights leave; North begins making its Navy -Jory Cassel is born -Steffon and Cassandra Baratheon are sent to Volantis to find a wife of Prince Rhaegar; Die when their ship sinks in Breakers Bay 274: -Rhaegar Targaryen(18) marries Elia Martell(18) -Arthur Dayne(18) joins the Kingsguard 275: -Willas Tyrell is born -Jeor Mormont gives up his lordship of Bear Island to join the Night's Watch -During his visit to the Fang, Brandon finds House Frost's Valyrian Greatsword(Winter) and House Stone's Valyrian Longsword(Stone Crusher) in a collapsed cave 276: -Arianne Martell is born -Brandon Stark(21) marries Ashara Dayne(19) -Winterfell and Winter Town are finished(13 yrs) -Shimmering Canal is finished(13 yrs) -The first ever Blade of the North Tournament is held at the Coliseum 277: -Rhaenys Targaryen is born(daughter of Elia and Rhaegar) -Garlan Tyrell is born 278: -Theon Greyjoy is born -Dacey Mormont is born -Viserys Targaryen is born(there is a tourney held in his honor;Rhaegar loses a tilt to Dayne) -Moat Cailin is finished(15 yrs) -Black Harbor is finished(15 yrs) -Construction for new roads in the North begins 279: -William Stark and Ethon Stark are born -Smalljon Umber is born -Aerys Targaryen III is born(son of the King and Queen); the real child is stolen away by Varys, leaving everyone to believe he was stillborn -Minisa Tully(41) dies giving birth to a stillborn son(3rd) -Hoster and Brenden Tully are invited to Winterfell to discuss new trade opportunities for the Riverlands(Rickard plans to dazzle the duo with House Stark's new wealth and secure a betrothal between Caitlin and Ned); they bring Caitlin and Lyssa with them -Second Blade of the North Tournament(Ned wins and is given Wolf's Heart, a Valyrian Longsword reforged from House Stone's Longsword Stone Crusher; done at the same time Brandon used House Frost's Greatsword Winter to make the Swords of Night and Day) 280: -Caitlin Tully(17) marries Eddard Stark(19) -Tourney of Harrenhal:Name day celebration for Lord Whent's daughter, Shella Whent -Lyanna Stark is kidnapped by the Kingsguard(Lewyn Martell and Oswell Whent), because Rhaegar is convinced the Prince that was promised will be born through a union of fire and ice. After the tourney he tricks Lyanna into believing he has Benjen and that the only way he will free him is if Lyanna marries him. Rhaegar eventually has to drug/rape Lyanna, but he gets her pregnant. Benjen receives what he believes to be a letter from Lyanna, stating she will remain longer to spend time with her betrothed, Robert, but Benjen meets him on the way to Moat Cailin and figures out the letter is a fake. -The Rebellion begins -Harrion Karstark is born -Aegon Targaryen is born(son of Elia and Rhaegar) -Alysane Mormont is born 281: -Robert Baratheon takes the throne -Eddard takes the Northern Navy to Storm's End to lift the siege by the Tyrells; As soon as it's done he slips off with his men to Dragonstone to give the remaining Targaryens a chance to flee -Brandon goes to the Tower of Joy with some men and faces(Ser Arthur, Hightower and Darry); Lyanna dies giving birth to Jon(because the midwife purposely induced labor not caring if Lyanna lived; the group eventually make their way to Sunspear where they receive a Raven from Ned which states Rhaella, Viserys, and Daenerys are safely on their way to Essos(it's decided that Brandon will claim Jon as his son; Arthur will stay with Elia and protect Rhaegar's kids) -Robb Stark is born -Jon Targaryen-Stark is born -Torrhen Karstark is born -Daenerys Targaryen is born 282: -The Rebellion officially ends with the capture of Dragonstone and the Targaryens escaping to Essos -Loras Tyrell is born 283: -Quentyn Martell is born -Margaery Tyrell is born -Helna Stark is born 284: -Alys Karstark is born -Trevyr Stark is born -Lil Jon Umber is born -Alessa Stark is born 285: -Cley Cerwyn is born 286: -Elizabeth and Angelica Stark born -Sansa Stark born -Joffrey Baratheon born 287: -Eddard Karstark is born 288: -Bran Stark is born 289: -The Greyjoy Rebellion; Nightfall(Valyrian Longsword) is taken by Brandon after he defeats Lord Harlaw and gives the sword to Benjen -Arya Stark is born -Shireen Baratheon is born -Beth Cassel is born 290: -Myrcella Baratheon is born 292: -Rickon Stark is born -Tommen Baratheon is born -Jorah Mormont is caught selling poachers to slavers; leaves to Essos to escape punishment 293: -Lyanna Mormont is born 297: -Illyrio Mopatis invites Viserys and Daenerys to live with him in Pentos 299: -Canon starts Pairings/Cast for Brandon Stark: Wolf of the North Pairings:
Casting: House Targaryen:
House Stark(North):
House Bolton(North):
House Cassel(North):
House Cerwyn(North):
House Dustin(North)
House Glover(North):
House Karstark(North):
House Manderly(North):
House Mormont(North):
House Reed(North):
House Ryswell(North):
House Umber(North):
House Tully(Riverlands):
House Blackwood(Riverlands):
House Frey(Riverlands):
House Mallister(Riverlands):
House Arryn(Vale):
House Baelish(Vale):
House Royce(Vale):
House Waynwood(Vale):
House Lannister(Westerlands):
House Clegane(Westerlands):
House Tyrell(Reach):
House Redwyne(Reach):
House Martell(Dorne):
House Dayne(Dorne):
House Baratheon(Stormlands):
House Greyjoy(Iron Islands):
If you haven't had the chance to read through the stories I have favorited, I urge you to give them a try. They are absolutely fantastic! These stories are written by some of the best fanfiction authors I have had the privilege of reading and I have no doubt you will enjoy them. Tihs is weird, but intrseting! If you can raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed erveylteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! Paste this to your profile if you can read this! |