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Author has written 15 stories for Naruto, X-Men: Evolution, One Piece, Justice League Unlimited, Young Justice, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, RWBY, Ultimate Spider-Man, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Legend of Korra, Kim Possible, Detentionaire, and Totally Spies. If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile. Naruto On Board. Naruto's Guns. https: / / static .wikia .nocookie .net/ onepiece/ images/ c/ cb/ Flintlock_ .44_Caliber_6_Shot_Revolver_Infobox .png/ revision/ latest?cb=20130122185243 Naruto's trench knives. (Note, Naruto in this pose is currently his newest wanted poster after Dressrosa.) https: / / naruto .fandom .com/ wiki/ Chakra_Blade?file= AsumaWithHisChakraBlades .PNG Naruto's outfit for Wano. https:// static. wikia. nocookie .net/ ghostoftsushima/ images/ f/ fc/ Executioner_Penance_Cropped .jpg/ revision/ latest?cb=20210601152850 Naruto's sword for Wano. https:// static. wikia. / ghostoftsushima/ images/ a/ aa/ Samurai_Jin_Sakai_holding_his_Katana .png/ revision/ latest?cb=20200515201834 New Costumes for Ninja On The League. (If any URL does not work like if the page was deleted, let me know.) Ultragirl. https:// www. deviantart .com/ folstagg/ art/ Ultragirl-336642477 Wonder Woman. https://www. geekalerts .com/u/Wonder-Woman-New-52-ArtFX-Statue .jpg Supergirl. https: // dc. wikia .com/wiki/Kara_Zor-El_(Prime_Earth) Superman. https: //dc .wikia .com/wiki/Kal-El_(Earth-Prime) Flash. https: // theflash .wikia .com/wiki/The_Flash_(Grant_Gustin) Batman (Go to Arkham Knight part at bottom Of page.) https: // arkhamcity .wikia. com/wiki/Batsuit J'onn. It's the costume from Crisis, and Young Justice. https: // youngjustice .wikia .com/wiki/Martian_Manhunter Galatea/Power Girl. https: / /dc .wikia .com/wiki/Karen_Starr_(DCAU) Female Copperhead from Arkhamverse. This URL is also in Hero Rising below. https: // arkhamcity .fandom .com/ wiki/ Copperhead?file=Copperhead_2 .jpg Naruto's motorcycle. https: // en. wikipedia .org/ wiki/ Dodge_Tomahawk#/ media/ File:Dodge_Tomahawk .jpg Naruto's car for Batman Vs. Robin. https:// batman .fandom .com/ wiki/ Tumbler?file=Thedarkknight17po4 .jpg Hero Rising/Hero Rising: Next Generation. (If any URL does not work, like it was deleted let me know.) Naruto's motorcycle. https://en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Dodge_Tomahawk#/ media/ File:Dodge_Tomahawk .jpg Naruto's car. https:// batman .fandom .com/ wiki/ Tumbler?file=Thedarkknight17po4 .jpg Wonder Girl (Donna Troy.) Update: This is before YJ was renewed and she appeared in Outsiders but this is her costume for season 1. http: //static. comicvine. com/uploads/original/7/78926/2940541-tumblr_mjnggiu4re1qmz7qho1_500. jpg Starfire Season 1. And her sisters metal around bare skin for snow camo. https: //teentitans .fandom .com/ wiki/ Starfire Season 3/Outsiders ( Will remove when/if she comes in the show later) https: // dcanimatedmovieuniverse .fandom .com/ wiki/ Koriand?file= Tumblr. png Blackfire Season 1. Imagine her a few years older. https: // teentitans .fandom .com/ wiki/ Blackfire?file=Deadofthenight .png Spoiler (Stephanie Brown.) Update: This was before Season 3 A.K.A Outsiders was renewed and before Spoiler was revealed to be in the season! http: //1. bp. blogspot. com/-0kmRkGKiufc/UweKr9aL-LI/AAAAAAAAS80/DQRWurmNwCg/s1600/tumblr_n1ccswkagg1qh2lw2o1_1280. jpg Her crossbow used in Endgame. https : / / static. wikia. nocookie .net/ arrow/ images/ e/ e6/ Green_Monster .png /revision /latest?cb=20171103033142 Stephani Brown's Black Bat. Now picture a Cowl instead of a helmet. http://alexpascenko. deviantart. com/art/The-Cassandra-Cain-Batgirl-377483375 Mary Marvel Season 1. (Before season 4 and she showed up there.) http:// static. wikia. nocookie .net/ marvel_dc/ images/ c/ c0/ Mary_Marvel_Earth-5 .png/ revision/ latest?cb=20110109125506 https: //dc. fandom .com/ wiki/ Mary_Batson_(New_Earth) Fury. (Megaera.) UPDATE They changed the picture it was originally a red dress like costume. http: ///wiki/Donna_of_Amazon_Island_(Earth_2) Copperhead. This URL is also in Ninja on the League section above. https: // arkhamcity .fandom .com/ wiki/ Copperhead?file=Copperhead_2 .jpg Ellen Yin. https : / / static. wikia .nocookie .net/ p_/ images/ 1/ 1d/ EllenYin .png/ revision/ latest?cb=20210915200842&path-prefix=protagonist Naruto And The X-Men. (If any URL does not work, like it was deleted let me know.) Naruto (By AnarchyHamster.) http: / /anarchy hamster .deviantart .com/ art/ Naruto-And-The-X-Men-Naruto-675064730 Naruto: Earth's Mightiest Ninja. (If any URL does not work, like it was deleted let me know.) Shuri. In Costume. https:// static .wikia .nocookie .net/ marveldatabase/ images/ a/ a2/ Black_Panther_Vol_5_1_Textless .jpg/ revision/ latest?cb=20200620221259 Out Of Costume. https://www. writeups .org/ wp-content/ uploads/ Shuri-Black-Panther-female-Marvel-Comics-b .jpg Diamondback. (Rachel Leighton.) In Costume. https://www. writeups .org/wp-content/uploads/Diamondback-Marvel-Comics-Captain-America-Rachel-Leighton-2-a .jpg Out Of Costume. https:// www. writeups .org/ wp-content/ uploads/ Diamondback-Marvel-Comics-Captain-America-Rachel-Leighton-1-g .jpg Black Cat. In Costume. https:// static .wikia .nocookie .net/ marveldatabase/ images/ c/ cc/ Felicia_Hardy_-92131_from_Spider-Man_The_Animated_Series_Season_4_5_001 .jpg/ revision/ latest?cb=20120131184445 Out Of Costume. https://static .wikia .nocookie .net/ marveldatabase/ images/ 0/ 0f/ Felicia_Hardy_-92131_from_Spider-Man_The_Animated_Series_Season_1_3_0001_001 .jpg/ revision/ latest?cb=20120131184404 Whitney Chang (Reporter from Amazing Spider-Man tie-in games.) https://vignette .wikia .nocookie .net/amazingspiderman/ images/ 8/ 88/ Whitney_Chang .png/ revision / latest?cb=20120506075247 Shinobi On Board. Naruto's weapon. trueswords .com /double-cross-sword-p-779 .html Chakra Blade. https://naruto .fandom .com/ wiki/ Konoha_Chakra_Blade? file=Konoha_Chakra_Blade .png Naruto's outfit for Sabaody Arcipelago arc https:// static .wikia .nocookie .net/ assassinscreed/ images/ f/ f2/ AC4_Edward_Kenway_Robes .png/ revision/ latest?cb=20131119062921 Naruto's revolvers for the outfit. https: / / static .wikia .nocookie .net/ onepiece/ images/ c/ cb/ Flintlock_ .44_Caliber_6_Shot_Revolver_Infobox .png/ revision/ latest?cb=20130122185243 Naruto's newest blade after Timeskip. (Ch 38-up) https: / / static. wikia. nocookie .net/ naruto/ images/ 1/ 1e/ Dragon_Blade_and_Orbs .png/ revision/ latest?cb=20211002220759 Naruto's outfit for Wano. https:// static. wikia. nocookie .net/ ghostoftsushima/ images/ f/ fc/ Executioner_Penance_Cropped .jpg/ revision/ latest?cb=20210601152850 Naruto's sword for Wano. https:// static. wikia. / ghostoftsushima/ images/ a/ aa/ Samurai_Jin_Sakai_holding_his_Katana .png/ revision/ latest?cb=20200515201834 Spiral Shinobi. Naruto's Hoverboard. https: / / cdn. discordapp .com/ attachments/ 350038418006343690 /384502920676114434/ hoverboard_4 .jpg His revolvers Inzanagi, and Inzanami but picture them with a black finish with orange grips. http://www. imfdb .org/ wiki/ File:K2TGC_505 .jpg Ninja In The Web. If any picture does not come up/work like a page was deleted, let me know. Naruto’s Costume for Seasons 1-2. https: / / splintercell .wikia .com/ wiki/ 3E_Shadow_Armor? file =SCC_3E_Shadow_Armor .png His costume for seasons 3-4. https: / / static. wikia .nocookie .net/ splintercell/ images/ 4/ 4a/ Shadow_Armor .jpg/ revision/ latest?cb=20100513084848 Maria Hill as she wasn’t in this show/Universe aside a small scene in Avengers: Assemble. http: / / avengersassemble .wikia .com/ wiki/ Maria_Hill Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel. https: / / avengersassemble .fandom .com/ wiki/ Ms._Marvel?file=Ms._Marvel .jpeg Clara Lille, (Ch. 25.) https: / / watchdogs .fandom .com/ wiki/ Clara_Lille?file= Clara_Lille_(Concept-Full) .png The Tactical Crossbow. http: / / splintercell. Wikia .com/ wiki/ Crossbow Naruto's Asgardian Weapon For Field Trip. https: / / vignette .wikia .nocookie .net/ godofwar / images / 3 / 3c / LeviathanAxeUpgraded .png/ revision / latest?cb=20180603232434 Maggia's Team. (Ch. 13) Paul Palmer/Arachnikid. Https : / / thedailybugle .fandom .com/ wiki/ Arachnikid Mimi Lapin/Black Rabbit. Https : / / thedailybugle .fandom .com/ wiki/ Black_Rabbit Jason Grimm/Skull Punch. Https : / / thedailybugle .fandom .com/ wiki/ Skull_Punch Serge/Dark Matter. Https : / / thedailybugle .fandom .com/ wiki/ Dark_Matter Louis Marko/Overcharge. Https : / / thedailybugle .fandom .com/ wiki/ Overcharge Giacomo Fortunato/Principal Staine. Https : / / thedailybugle .fandom .com/ wiki/ Giacomo_Fortunato Naruto's sword (Ch 48/Dracula focused Ch's) https: / / www. karatemart .com/ images/ products/ large/ blue-blade-kunai-ninja-sword .jpg The Maelstrom Jedi. Any that don't come up like they've been deleted let me know. Ros Lai. https : / / vignette. wikia. nocookie. net / starwars / images / d / d2 / Ros_Lai .jpg / revision / latest?cb=20070823233301 Naruto's Lightsaber. https : / / static .wikia .nocookie .net/ starwars/ images/ 3/ 33/ Kota_saber .jpg/ revision/ latest?cb=20090210162416 Juno Eclipse. https: / / vignette .wikia .nocookie .net/ starwars / images/ e/ ed/ Juno_promo_full .png/ revision/ latest?cb=20110111000136 BD-4, Picture him with red metal and gold stripes instead of white. https: / / static. wikia. nocookie .net/ starwarsjedifallenorder/ images/ 0/ 0b/ BD-1 .png/ revision/ latest?cb=20190609140350 Naruto's blaster pistol. https: / / static .wikia .nocookie .net/ starwars/ images/ 8/ 86/ RSKF44-DB. png/ revision/ latest?cb=20211217044833 Zule Xiss. https: / / vignette .wikia .nocookie .net/ starwars/ images/ 0/ 01/ ZuleXissDC-15S .jpg/ revision/ latest?cb=20150717023102 Maelstrom Huntsman. Naruto’s Sniper Rifle. http:// www. bungie .net/ common / destiny2_content / screenshots / 3473290087 .jpg Naruto’s Revolvers. http://www. imfdb .org/ wiki/ File:K2TGC_505 .jpg Naruto’s Motorcycle. But black with orange lines on top of the tank and back fender, frame, and rims https:// static. wikia. Nocookie .net/ daysgone/ images/ 1/ 16/ Drifter_Bike_Original .jpg/ revision/ latest?cb=20190528223032 Naruto's outfit Ch 8-current (Will change if I think up a new one.) https:// marketplace. secondlife .com/ p/ Naruto-Shippuden-Mesh-Avatar/ 7792117 Avatar Maelstrom Naruto's Tatoo in season 2-up. HTTP: / / www. itattooz .net/ tattoo/ Celebrity/ Wrestlers/ Jeoff/ itattooz-jeff-hardy-full-arm-tattoos-design/ 6625 A Fox In Middleton. If any don't work let me know Naruto's Outfit (Shirt & Pants.) Shirt https: / / images. esellerpro .com/ 2189/ I/ 321/ 291/ lrgscale21165-Knox-Venture-Shirt-1384-0 .jpg Pants. https: / /cdn. shopify. com/ s/ files/ 1/ 0590/ 2978/ 2682/ products/ O1CN016pw2Yy1KExP1JJsUQ_2823071133-0-cib_c12137d8-3370-435d-91cb-bc5566f720d5_600x .jpg Goggles introduced in Chapter 2. https: / / static. wikia. nocookie .net/ splintercell/ images/ 2/ 2c/ MVG .jpg/ revision/ latest?cb =20100203085803 |
0-YoursTruly-0 (12) anime-death-angel (19) AZ23AJ (103) Curious Kitsune654 (27) DragnBoi65 (6) DragonGod01 (6) Dragonlord0 (59) dragonupghost145 (4) | Jack277 (24) Jebest4781 (8) Kenchi618 (13) Kfbanime87 (45) KuronoDono12 (36) Lord Of Crime (7) Namikaze09 (25) naruto4life1994 (17) Phoenixlord42 (69) | Power of Magic (14) pyrohelixdrago (53) ReaperOfBalance (31) scarface101 (83) SoulEmbrace2010 (73) The Divine Writer (14) Ultimate Alcatraz (10) Zero Arashi Uchiha (53) |