Author has written 9 stories for RWBY. I started writing at about eleven years old. I wrote stories just for myself, though sometimes I shared them with family and friends. Then I grew up, or maybe just got older, and still wrote. Six stories were sent off for publication,and I still have the thirteen rejection slips! A child of my own proved the downfall of writing. Fatherhood kind of became the center of my life for a quarter century. While surfing Youtube I discovered the " Red Trailer ". Intrigued, I did a little research and rediscovered RoosterTeeth. My favorite nonsense from previous years of playing online, RvB always made me laugh ( and still does ). Unfortunately the creator of RWBY had passed away only a few short months prior to my discovery. But his creation inspired me to try my hand at writing again. And the muse came back. Yeah, yeah. How likely is it to find a graying RWBY fanboy? As of October there have been many stories, some published and some not. A few didn't make it past the first review, others have stalled, but will probably be completed in the future. They have become the reason I carry a notebook to work, ideas do not always come at the perfect time and my memory is not reliable anymore. All have been set in the RWBY universe as it was envisioned by its creator. I will not abuse the vision when using his creations, preferring, as the professional science fiction/ fantasy writers I have met, to " not piss in the other persons sandbox "! Meaning, that if someone else went through the trouble to create the universe, I have no right to mess with it. This is a personal preference and is not meant to discourage others who choose to write differently. Please, do not ever stop writing! Write for yourself, not for me. Do not let the muse escape you. You may never get her back. I got lucky this time. As for reviewing my stories: I will listen to any ' constructive ' criticism. I may not like it, but I will definitely pay heed to it. Bear in mind that you probably were not born when I last wrote a full story. I'm a little rusty. Forgive me if I don't get the time to respond to all reviews. Life tends to steal the time I would like to have. Like most here, I will NOT accept flaming. If you don't like it, don't read it. If I find you doing it to others on a constant basis, I WILL request the moderators ban you from the site. As for my characters: The personal characters I created, and am still creating are purely my own vision. All come from personal experience, some from real life. All wield weapons I am familiar with, so don't expect too much variation ( yes...I do own swords and spears ). Any time my characters interact with RWBY characters I will try to be as faithful as possible to the originals. If mistakes are made, they are the fault of my imagination and I will take the blame. And last: Thanks to every one of you who spare me the time to answer PM's. You all are a great help to me when I need questions answered or viewpoints that help a story along. I truly appreciate all of you folks! And for those who choose to read and follow my stories; I am flabbergasted and humbly thankful. I hope to inspire others to express themselves however they choose. A first-time writer shows a great deal of courage. No matter what others may think of your story... Keep Writing! I'll keep on reading them. |
BananaFoxKayri (1) Dearing (34) Etheriell (32) Ferris Iscariot (7) | Foxinstrazt (14) Greatcow (4) jin0uga (78) Jus Sum Dude (14) | Phoenix Commander (11) Raziel12 (103) spyder-m (95) TrueShine (1) |