Sigil Elemental
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Joined 06-04-13, id: 4766652, Profile Updated: 06-18-13
Author has written 1 story for Shadow Era.

A little bit about myself:

I am a schooling teenager who aspires to be an author when I graduate. While I lack academic qualifications, story ideas come to me almost naturally. While I'd love to write more frequently, examinations are a problem. Hopefully, I'll be able to pump out chapters for my story 'Angel of Death' by the end of the year!

I am also an anime fan, although not your typical gets-excited-over-figurines kind of fan. I'm reserved, most of the time calm, and rather shy in person.

One I know and trust you, however, get ready to meet the most retarded person in your life.

Fight-o! Hopefully you can look forward to more of my stories!

Alright, I'll be honest, that description up there is from my account. I've joined Fanfiction.Net so that I can expand my writing to not only my own projects, but also fanfictions of works that I love.

For now, you can look forward to fanfictions for Shadow Era and Anime.

Sigil Elemental.

P.S. Check out my account!

Reign of Shadow: Elemental Rising reviews
A collaboration with Necronal. As the days go by, the number of rifts that are the Shadow Gates continue to grow. As they bring about new horrors by the day, the heroes of the world of men rise to fight the incoming shadows. However, behind the hordes of darkness, a brilliant light can be seen. Not a ray of hope, but rather, a force of destruction. So rise the Elementals!
Shadow Era - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,710 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 7/23/2013 - Published: 6/13/2013