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![]() Author has written 23 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Loveless. NAME: killerkitty15 (or kitty/killer kitty/whatever) AGE: some numbers SPECIES: sleepy turtle WHAT DO I LIKE TO WRITE ABOUT YOU MAY ASK: LOTS of things...mainly yaoi v.v and rarely other things... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... HI! Ok peoples you can call me kitty -if your little heart so desires- but anywho I like to write fan fiction. I inspire to be a writer and an elementary school teacher when I'm older because I think it's really important that kids get an education and like learning, you know? In case you guys want to know, my sexuality I'd guess I'd classify myself as pansexual (and, no, I don't like chairs or animals, that's not what pansexuality is). I don't know why you'd want to know that but...whatever. I write mostly Hetalia stuff and, while I read plenty of other fan fictions, I haven't really written anything for them, something I really want to start doing. A lot of the stuff I write has...dark tones but, um, I'm really happy when you guys read them! The plots in my stories tend to go in a direction opposite of what I originally planned, but, I still really like it when you guys stick with me! I welcome polite criticism! But the key word is: polite. I don't appreciate rudeness or comments made just to be a-holes. I have no Beta and I honestly do try to do my best on everything I write and publish on here! --oOo-- Random Facts about me: I'm five foot three, height wise I'm American (as in from the United States/Fast Food Country) I'm in high school I love to read romance, horror and historical fiction novels I LOVE to watch yaoi animes or anything I can perceive as yaoi I hate the smell of Axe I have dark blonde hair but I really wish it was black or brown I have green/blue eyes I love brusel-sprouts I hate broccoli I want to go to these countries at some point: Canada, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Japan and many more that I'm probably forgetting --oOo-- Hetalia OTPs (multiple): (in order of most to least OTPish): PruCan FrUk RoChu SpaMano GiriPan GerIta KimchiBurger LietPol Other Hetalia Ships: (from least favorite to favorite): CanadaxCuba CanadaxNetherlands AusHun GermanyxJapan ChinaxEngland NorIce ChinaxJapan PruMano GerMano Itacest AmericaxIreland (don't question me) EnglandxNorth Italy PrussiaxWorld (minus Germany and Austria because...eh) SwitzerlandxLietschtein (because I'm sick and depraved) EnglandxWorld (minus America and Canada) HongIce DenNor SuFin CanadaxWorld (minus France, England and America) :MY STORIES: My Hetalia AU stories: Just To Complicate Things (PruCan) (In progress) (On a break) (WRITER'S BLOCK) I Like Totally Love You (LietPol) (In progress) (On a break) (WRITER'S BLOCK) I'm Sorrys (DenNor/HongIce) (DONE) Alone Time (SuFin) (In progress) (On a break) (WRITER'S BLOCK) Omegaverse (these stories are unrelated to each other): Life Goes On (JapanxChina) (Done) Broken Dollhouses, Broken Hearts AU: Broken Dollhouses, Broken Hearts (PruCan) (Done) (1) Unholiest of Nights (SpaMano) (Done) (2) Mental Hospital AU: Crazy -GerIta (GerIta...obviously...PSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH) (DONE) Mad -SpaMano (SpaMano...again...duh) (DONE) Hetalia stories unrelated to the AUs above: Twisted Love (PruCan) (In progress) Matthew in Wonderland (PruCan) (In progress) You're My Obsession (PruCan) (In progress) Dreams and Nightmares (FrUk) (DONE) Never Say You're Ugly (LietPol) (DONE) (YURI) Down In Those Valleys Below (FrUk/FACE) (In progress) FrUk One-Shots (FrUk) (In progress) How Do You Want Me? (PruCan) (DONE) Love Versus Hate (Many Pairings: PruCan, Rome x Germania, GriPan, RoChu, GerIta, AmeUkr, SpaMano, FrUk) (In Progress) Other stories NOT related to Hetalia: The True Meaning of Loveless (In progress) |