![]() Author has written 47 stories for Soul Eater, Young Wizards, Fairy Tail, Toradora!, and Noragami/ノラガミ. Greetings, citizens! Call me ilarual or call me Laura, either works, and they're basically the same thing anyway. See the bottom of my profile for current status of WIP fics. When it comes to fanfic, I love either writing something unique and filling a lack in the fandom... or else writing things that are so cliche it's actually stupid, but trying to find ways to make them fresh, functional, and actually interesting to read. So most of my stuff is gonna be one of those two things. I suck at remembering to reply to people sometimes, so if you message me and I don't respond, odds are it's because either I thought so long about what I was going to say in response that I don't realize that I only thought about it and never actually sent a reply, or it's because I just plain forgot. So if you don't hear back from me, that's probably why. Obligatory blanket disclaimer: I have no ownership/intellectual property rights over any of the series I write for, obviously. I am only a humble teller of tall tales, using borrowed characters for new things (some of which, I am sure, would raise the hair of their original creators). Kindly do not sue me, I'm not harming the profitability of your work nor do I have any money with which to compensate you even if I was. C R E D I T S: This stupid website has screwed up all the links on my profile page so they just redirect back to my profile rather than the site where the links are meant to lead, so for any broken links, go here: ilarual [DOT] tumblr [DOT] com [SLASH] links-because-ffnet-sucks My profile image is a character mock-up of me as a demon weapon (broadsword, in my case) done by my lovely friend veridae, whose gorgeous artwork you should definitely check out. (I mean, she occasionally draws sexy megane Soul, what have you got to lose?) The colored version of the manga panel used as the cover art for Learning Curve was created by AYUM23. The colored version of the manga panel used as the cover art for Of Books and Music was created by Zaitswet. The cover art for Serotiny, my Resbang 2014, was done by ahshesgone, and is part of a collection of drawings she did to accompany my story as part of the Resonance Bang event. View the whole collection here. My other artist's lovely drawing can be found here. Maka's engagement ring from For Better or For Worse is this Tiffany ring. The cover art for The Stand In, (one of) my stories for Reverb 2015, was created by translucentsprinkles, whose art was the inspiration for the story itself. Her collection of art can be found here. The cover art for Grace, another of my stories for Reverb 2015, was created by absolutrash/Saxy Lady, whose art was blah blah blah see the immediate above note, that's how Reverb works, you get the picture. Her art is here. S H I P S I ship a lot of things, and for any given fandom I generally will have a few major ships that I'm heavily invested in, as well as a collective of other ships that I enjoy but I can multiship and be cool with it. There are, however, invariably a few ships where I literally cannot see the characters involved with anyone else, because they're just too well-suited to each other. For the fandoms I currently write for, these ships are: For Soul Eater: Soul x Maka For Fairy Tail: Gajeel x Levy The ship I am most invested in for FT is LaxLu, of all the absurd things. I don't count them as an otp, because I do ship both of them with other people, but I have feels about them and a level of investment in them that's on par with an otp. So, y'know, most of my FT fic is apparently going to end up being about them, I guess. In my opinion Natsu is unshippable. No one deserves to be stuck with that train wreck. But if someone has to fall on that grenade, I mildly enjoy his relationship with Lisanna. He at least seems to have a tiny modicum of respect for and attraction to her, which is better than nothing. U P D A T E S Current works in progress: Devil In The Wishing Well is half-posted, and the remaining half is roughly 60% complete, but it's very patchy and jumbled-up at the moment. It will be finished, however, so standby for updates. A Note Unsaid is on indefinite (probably permanent) hiatus due to dead muse, and may be taken down. For Better or For Worse is on indefinite (probably temporary) hiatus due to unconscious muse, and will be left to chill on that back-burner for awhile. Lucy & the Dragon Slayers is fully plotted, partially outlined, and will be somewhere between eight and fifteen chapters depending on how I divide future installments out. Saving the Best For Last is fully plotted. I cannot guarantee frequent updates, but I'm trying to get a new chapter out at least once a month, ideally more frequently. |