Author has written 35 stories for Inuyasha, Stargate: Atlantis, Order of the Stick, Storm Hawks, Psych, Megamind, Avengers, Good Omens, and Supernatural. Quick update: It is now 7 years later than the profile below, and again I want to reiterate: BLANKET PERMISSION for all transformative works (podfic, art, etc). No need to ask permission - just send me a link where I can find it, and it'll make my day! Last profile: "I am a 50 year old general surgeon who first got into fanfic through the old 'Blake's 7' show, but late enough to miss the conflagration that apparently occurred (and that nobody will talk about). From there I was sucked into Sheila Paulson's 'Real Ghostbusters' universe, then on to 'Stargate SG-1', which I first saw at Mediawest at a room party. Later I was immersed in Inuyasha, being particularily intrigued by the character of Miroku. With his kazaana, he reminds me quite a bit of a terminal cancer patient, and I admit to a bit of "shipping" when it comes to him and Sango (at least until the show did it for me). I then got sucked into Harry Potter fanfic, but don't feel capable of writing stories since there is just so much out there. Still, Snape is sooooo Kerr Avon! I also read webcomics voraciously, and watch occasional cartoons (most frequently anime, like Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Naruto) Then, I saw 'Stargate Atlantis'... My most recent obsessions are Merlin, and, since I saw the movie, the Avengers. The group dynamics, at least in the fics, are VERY B7 (Stark is Avon, Cap is Blake). I've also begun to check out the world of podfics, so now I can have fic on my daily walks! Also, for any podficcers out there: I know how hard it is to get permission from authors, so here is my BLANKET PERMISSION: Should you want to podfic anything I've written, GO FOR IT! Just send me the link when you post it, so, if I like the reading, I can include the link on the story. (If I don't respond to you immediately, try again; I often FAIL at email...) Also, I'm on AO3 as user "kerravon". All my recorded podfics are there, but i'm trying to put my stories on both sites. Still, if something I've written is only on one site, it will be here." |
Community: | Of Cabbages and Kings |
Focus: | TV Shows Stargate: Atlantis |