Author has written 30 stories for Twilight. This Age is Different… The Age of Edward Anonymous Contest will feature quality stories throughout various historical eras, ranging from ancient times up until the modern era and beyond. This includes future eras. The only time period not acceptable for entry is anything within fifteen years of TODAY. Unlike previous years, 2013 Age of Edward will be an anonymous contest. Please take care not to reveal your entry as doing so is grounds for disqualification. There will also be a banner contest - so authors, recruit an artist! Your hosts for the Age of Edward Contest 2013: Songster51 – Validator & SecretkeeperRochelle Allison – Validator & SecretkeeperCallMePagliacci – WebmistressIReen H. – Propagandist2013 Judges Twelve judges will be serving this contest. They will be judging based on character development, creativity, skill, and adherence to the historical era you’ve chosen when writing. There will also be a popular vote. RuntaguaPlanetBlueABadKittySassyKathyARFalconJenndePlummySpanglemaker9Dreamweaver94BelieveItOrNotNKubieltlerthqakAward Categories: Public Vote: 1st and 2nd place! (3rd and Honorable Mentions were nixed due to the contest losing it's banner artists)Judge's Choice from each of our JudgesBest New AuthorPrizes: Customized story banners by Betti Gefecht (standing in at the last! Thanks Betti!)PDF Book of contest winners by ltlerthqakDates: CONTEST DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 10/22/2013!! MIDNIGHT PST is the cutoff!October 22, 2013 - Contest closes for story submissions at midnight PST.October 28, 2013 - Banner contest closes at MIDNIGHT PST.October 29, 2013 - Public voting begins!November 15, 2013 – Public Voting Ends/Judging BeginsNovember 20, 2013 – Judging EndsNovember 25, 2013 – Winners are announced IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT BANNERS: Please continue to submit them! They will be up for viewing at OR on 10/16/2013. Please email ageofedward2013@ if you have any questions. Sorry for the delays! Literotica Category Entries can feature supernatural elements, alternate universe, or all-human.All entries must be one-shots or short stories.All entries must include smut/lemons or other mature content, and therefore MUST be rated M.All entries must be wholly original, previously unpublished.All entries must be between 3,000 and 12,000 words.All entries must be betad and meet minimum grammar, punctuation, and spelling standards. Submissions that do not meet these standards will be more than two entries per person.Collaborations welcome.Young Adult Category Entries can be canon, contain supernatural elements, alternate universe, or all-human.All entries must be one-shots or short stories.All entries must be T-rated content suited for readers under 18 years of age.All entries must be wholly original, previously unpublished.All entries must be between 3,000 and 12,000 words.All entries must be betad and meet minimum grammar, punctuation, and spelling standards. Submissions that do not meet these standards will be more than two entries per person.Collaborations welcome.Content Limitations: While we understand that certain things we find distasteful today may have been generally acceptable in the time period you are writing from, this contest will remain free of incest, bestiality, rape, and pedophilia. Please note these guidelines and make sure your submission adheres to them, otherwise it will be returned upon validation. Submission Stories will be posted at An author must email their entry to AgeOfEdward2013@ for validation. Once it is validated, it will post to the AOE FF profile within 72 hours. Entries should be in Word format and emailed to AgeOfEdward2013@ ENTRY HEADER TEMPLATE: Format for each entry should be in Word Doc format and this header should be used as a template for each submission: Author name:Email Address:FFN profile page link:Title of Story:Word Count:Type of Edward:Category (Literotica or Young Adult)Story Summary:Standard Disclaimer: The author does not own any publicly recognizable entities herein. No copyright infringement is intended.If you are a first time author, please notify us in the body of the email and say hello. Entries for new authors will be judged to select the Best New Author. Historical Eras and Themes The submissions can be from any point of view, although they must be in the context of the theme you choose and must feature Edward. They can take place in any historical era from pre-history to the 1990′s, so long as the story is historically accurate. If you choose to write about a future Edward, it must have a distinctly futuristic vibe. Babylonian Empire EdwardPersian Empire EdwardChinese Empire EdwardEgyptian Empire EdwardAncient Greek Empire EdwardRoman Empire EdwardCeltic EdwardViking EdwardBarbarian EdwardPope EdwardKing EdwardMedieval EdwardCrusader EdwardBraveheart EdwardProtestant Reformation EdwardRenaissance EdwardColonial EdwardElizabethan EdwardEnlightenment EdwardAmerican Revolution EdwardFrench Revolution EdwardWild West EdwardAmerican Civil War EdwardNapoleanic EdwardVictorian EdwardWWI EdwardRussian Revolution Edward20′s Gangster EdwardAmerican Great Depression EdwardIrish Immigrant in United States EdwardItalian Immigrant in United States EdwardWWII Edward50′s Edward60′s Edward70′s Edward80′s EdwardFUTURE EdwardQuestions? Submit to ageofedward2013@ and we’ll get right with you! In the meantime, follow Edward on Twitter! Thank you! Good luck and we’re looking forward to reading your entries! |