Hi Everyone, First, I want to thank all of you for your continued support and for sharing so many adventures with us. Sio and I feel very blessed to have run into so many wonderful people. Unfortunately, although the people are wonderful, this site itself has serious issues. It always has, but lately they have become impossible to ignore. So, due to FFN’s overwhelmingly increasing stupidity, useless heaps of new rules, red-tape and bad management choices, my friend Siobhan and I have decided that it is no longer worth the hassle of trying to post or maintain story listings here. Attempting to keep up with their ever-shifting rules is a full time job that quickly loses its appeal. I have been a member since 1999 and am sorry to see what has become of this site. Since “Unleash your soul and free your imagination” has acquired the fine print: “So long as you jump to re-do everything the instant we change our policy” and since they stopped caring about the rights or protection of their authors, I feel I can no longer support or participate in this site. Therefore, Sio and I have removed all our stories from this site and will not be posting here again in the future. You can find all our stories currently posted on our websites: Aragorn & Legolas: the Mellon Chronicles: http:// Star Wars: The Jedi Apprentice Years: http:// You can also join our Yahoo Group: http:///group/aragorn-legolas Or visit the MC message board: http:///index.cgi I want to extend my deep thanks to all the readers and reviewers who have made our six years on this site a wonderful experience. I want to thank FFN for the joy and opportunity it afforded us in its early days, and I hope it is able to return to that kind of author-friendly atmosphere once more someday. I regret that our association with this site had to end this way, but I hope that you will all check out the other resources I have offered. Thank you all again, Cassia & Siobhan |