Author has written 53 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Utena, Invader Zim, Hellsing, Ninja Turtles, Avatar: Last Airbender, Kim Possible, Naruto, and Star Trek: 2009. If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants. -Isaac Newton Hello, and welcome to my little store of fanfiction. I hope you enjoy what you find here, and don't get too exasperated with me and my snail-slow updating. I swear I don't do it on purpose. I have a muse who alternates between super-active and super-stagnant, giving me cycles of inactivity and writer's block that makes my brain cramp up, and over-inspiration with fanfic ideas that may never be completed. I'm also known as Ivy-chan on livejournal and pretty much anywhere else. I tend to skip around from fandom to fandom, and it's hard for me to stay interested in just one. So far, Utena and TMNT are the only ones to inspire that kind of loyalty in me: TMNT being the home of my first completed, long multi-chapter story, Growing Pains and Orange Bitters. TMNT has been good for my writing in so many ways, and I've found so many friends in the fandom. I'm thankful for stumbling into it. |