Hi I have been reading FF for a wile now. A little about me, I have turned 60 !!!!!!! If you wonder why I read FF - I was injured at work, was laid up for a long time, I am dyslexic I find these kind of stories easy to read. I am a TWILIGHT purest !!!!!! I don't mind AU hate all human! VAMPS RULE. If anyone has a vamp story you think I might like ,let me know PLEASE I am looking for a story, Edward Bella . Getting ready for the wedding, Edward realizes he can't go from just kissing to full on sex without problems. They begin to expand their boundrys . The one part I remember most, Alice thinks Bella is stressed so she sends her for a spa day. Edward throws a huge fit when he finds out the massage was by a MAN. Please if you know of this story LET ME KNOW. I found it !!! It is called"Grey Area" A really great and funny read. If anyone knows of COMPLETE VAMP story's , that I do not have on my list of favorites please PM me. |