Author has written 10 stories for Teen Titans, Invader Zim, Legend of Korra, Digimon, Avatar: Last Airbender, Pokémon, Elder Scroll series, and Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z. Gender: Male Likes: gaming, animals, black & red, reading, writing, music, anime, most villains, bats Dislikes: idiots, rap music, Justin Bieber Favourite characters: Raditz, Deadpool, gaara, , shadow the hedgehog, Zim, kyd wykkyd, nergal Jr. , demidevimon, jeff the killer, Zalgo, typhlosion, Nero (dmc 4), Metalman (megaman), Dark Pit and Emo Kid (kick buttousky) Least favourite characters: naruto, sasuke, sonic, Dib, robin (teen titans), Beast Boy (teen titans) Favourite pairings: (SOMEONE PLS MAKE A STORY ABOUT ONE OF THESE PAIRINGS!!!) Raditz x android 18 gaahina Deadpool x harley quinn Dark Pit x Lady Palutena shadamy Dark Pit x Dark Magician Girl (yu-gi-oh) ZaGr Nergal Jr. X mandy Nergal Jr. X Bubbles (PPGZ) zim x buttercup Darwin x Carrie Bat faunas Demidevimon (Digimon) x Weiss (RWBY) typhlosion x gardevoir Metalman x Roll Shadow the hedgehog x Princess Peach Shadow the hedgehog x Elsa (frozen) Demongo (samurai jack) x Elsa (frozen) Demongo (Samurai Jack) x Ariel (Little Mermaid) Darkus Leonidas x Ventus Harpus (both from Bakugan) Dawn x Gold (both from Pokemon) Kyd Wykkyd (teen titans) x Zatanna (Young Justice) Seemore x Nya Nya Kyd Wykkyd x Blackfire Charmcaster (Ben 10) x NoFace (Generator Rex) Ledian x Meloetta (pokemon) Scizor x Leavanny (pokemon) Demidevimon x Salamon Devimon x D'Arcmon Neodevimon x Angewomam Donedevimon x Lovelyangemon Yugi M. x Zoey (Mew Mew power/Tokyo Mew Mew/ whatever the hell we call it now!) Least favourite pairings: (I avoid these stories) sonamy gay Raditz and deadpool couples any male character (except gaara) x hinata I also hate when people just abandon their stories. I promise that I will never be like that in my life and shall complete any FanFiction I make!! Copy and paste stuff: Ninety five percent of the kids out there are really concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy and paste this on your profile and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactively Bored, Gem W, BaraMinamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929, the Astrology Nerd, brown-eyed angelofmusic, piratesswriter/fairy to be, The Gypsy Pirate Queen, DandnsGirl, coolsodagirl, Tsuyu Mikazuki, WeaselChick, Revenant666, darhflame1516, AirGirl phantom, Agent of the Divine One, pointless people of Pluto, ZeratheNightDancer, Acegik13. Ryuu-Chiyo. Akemi-Chiyo, Archangel's Requiem, Animegirl92, CSIBeauty, Shining Zephyr, EmoGwyddoniaeth2, SweetNCrazie Sugarmuffin, The Komodo Dragon Phoenix, Bust_A_Groover, Tecna, Novemberscorpion110388, Daydreamer71, EHWIES, Shewhodanceswithdragons, That Bloody Demon, Zara2148, crazyvi, DannySamLover20, Pheek, XQueenPhantomX, CorinnetheAnime, Zalgo's Jinchuriki 97% of teens would cry if they see Robert Patterson (Edward Cullen from Twilight) standing on top of a sky scraper, about to jump. If you're one of the 3% who would be relaxing in a lawnchair, eating popcorn and chanting, "DO A FLIP!", copy and paste this on your profile. If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy and paste this on your profile.If there was ever a time where the first answer to a test was "D" and you laughed silently at the irony because of Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy, copy and paste this on your profile. Less than 1 percent of teenagers don't use (or like) make-up. If you're part of the ones who don't and proud of it, GLUE THIS PASTE TO YOUR PROFILE! If you have ever had a mad, laughing fit for absolutely no reason, copy and paste this on your profile.If you ever had an argument with an imaginary friend and LOST, copy and paste this on your profile. If you have ever forgotten what you were going to say right before you say it, copy and paste this on your profile. (This happens to me about three to four times a day, if not more.) If you ever pushed on a door that said pull, copy and paste this on your profile.97% of teens only see Transformers franchise because of Shia La Beouf or Megan Fox. Copy and paste this on your profile if you're one of the other 3% percent who just want to see things explode and robots beating each other up. (I don't even know who Shia La Beouf or Megan Fox is!!!) If you've ever wished you could go into a book/movie/tv series/or video game and strangle some of the characters for being so INCREDIBLY STUPID, copy and paste this on your profile. (You're a lucky guy, Naruto. Oh wait, I totally forgot about Sakura. Guess I don't have to worry about getting revenge on you; she can do that for me.) If at one time, you misspelled a word four letters or less, copy and paste this on your profile. (I misspelled "crew" once. I did "c-r-e-e-w-e") If you have a yami alter ego, copy and paste this in your profile. ( I call mine Zero) If you've read other people's profiles looking for things to copy and paste, then copy and paste this on your profile.93% of American teens would have a serious emotional breakdown if someone called them a freak. If you're part of the 7% who would ask the person, "What was your first clue?", copy this on your profile. (*Seriously, what was your first clue? Are you really that clueless?*) Don't forget to add your name to the list: Sunlit Goddess of the C.O.C.A., Moonlit Goddess of the C.O.C.A., Evil Genius of the COCA, Invader Miley Phantom. Phantom-Figure, Kariman di Sindihan, zara2148. crazyvi, Pheek, XQueenPhantomX, CorinnetheAnime, Zalgo's Jinchuriki If you think writer's block is an evil parasite that lives in your brain and sucks the life out of the plot bunnies, copy and paste this onto your profile We've all had this problem I am sure. You work hard on writing and updating your stories, then for no apparent reason, some idiot flames your story, and it's usually marked as 'Guest'. Maybe he insults you, maybe he tells you to kill yourself, maybe he calls you things like bigot, or retard, or faggot, or something like that. Or maybe they say something cruel, or abusive or absolutely disgusting like 'Hope your mom gets raped LOL'. Only you can't block them due to their using the Guest review function. To all interested parties let's put an end to this unnecessary cruelty and bring those hate-mongering flamers into the spotlight. No more hiding for them! Please copy and paste this to your profile then spread the word ro your friends who have suffered from 'Guest Flamers' and sign for those who wish to end this! Alternatively you may review and request me to put your name here. If I know anything about Flamers, it is that they are cowards, bullies, hate mongers, and they will abuse the Guest Review function until something is done. And I intend to get the ball rolling. Petition to end the anonymity of Flamers by removing the 'Guest Review' function. 1. Scarface101. 2. Draph91 3. Siatuvai1002 4. Stratos263 5. Azrael27 6. Fox Boss 7. xigbar94 8. TwilightWolvesBalance 9. SPark681 10. Ryo no Kitsune 11. vitojoseph4 12. The Elemental Dragon Emperor 13. cerxer1 14. banko54 15. Son of Thanatos 64 16. AJGuardian 17. The Sith'ari 18. camdawg 19. HOLLOWTGH 20. 0zeroomegaouroboros 21. readingAngel 22. Rwbyknight 23. Boomer 001 24. Guest 25. Skyfishin 26. Wrath Of The Heavens 27. Skull Flame 28. TheAllSeeingWolf-195 29. KuronoDono12 30. robert590 31. Guyver333 32. Dragon Blaze-X 33. Michael Bourne 34. deadpoolio99 35. Carnival Hex 36. vansho-lakon 37. priceless22 38. yugiohfan163 39. duskrider 40. elizarocks9902 41. deadtoke14 42. Edrick Twilight Legend 43. book lover reader 44. ChaosAvatar18 45. jacke44 46. Rotsu 47. PathOfKuma 48. Marshman101 49. RAY0000 50. phenixrider 51. Frank101 52. Dragon729 53. vinjedi1995 54. NyaNyaKittyFace 55. fox king c 56. merrilady 57. The Bloody Seje 58. TheLastSoldier90 (Guest) 59. Bionic Exorcist 60. Naruto Vermillion 61. TheBaka14 62. skyfive5 63. ChaosMuramasa13 64. Shawn129 65. insanemaelstorm 66. kingnarutoxqueenkushina 67. Darkth Shadow 68. piemuncher23 69. BlackAceStriker 70. Nightwalker2109 71. shadowfox342 72. narutoyugitofuu 73. leon312 74. GuardianOfTheEther 75. Idris2000 76. SargentFalco 77. AuraAngeloid 78. FatMIRVman 79. Coduss. 80. Awesomereader01 81. bankai777 82. Jacob3399 83. Demonzone2571 84. MLP brony fifer. 85. Sonsanbi23 86. Jyuubi no Naruto 87. Preacher of Kepler-1975 88. 1stHorseman 89. Demon King Aurora 90. Kudo-Shiho-The-Inspirer 91. 9 tailed fox rider 92. Victinis Victory 93. geo soul 94. Jax-naut2.0 95. Monquez god of tides 96. NatsuDragion 97. UltraRiderSenshiChronix 98. VFSNAKE. 99. Samhain Otsutsuki. 100. Hero of the Multiverse 101. serialkeller 102. 103. a220 104. Stoorer 105. warhaven22 106. Simon D. Uzumaki 107. watson85 108. deathgrimrepaercrac2722 109. MPDMPDMPD 110. Drakolf 111. Andy-LK 112. twista1 113. Tabris the 17th angle 114. The Goddess' Twilight Angel 115. animecollecter 116. bloodwolf1235 117. Master Iron Heart 118. mavb50 119. renamonreborn 120. ZVoltrin 121. God-Of-Storms7490 122. superfanman217 123. Djefox 124. Unnatural Reader 125. SCP -788 Entity 126. darklord7324407 127. Tanagashima 128. inzanagi 129. Silvergate 130. WarzPark 131. iisbored 132. W01frunn3r 133. dakk55 134. Emily -SLQ- Harry 135. Mr. Woodcok 136. crazy but honest 137. Sanguinis13 138. BladeofHell56 139. I Wish i was the avatar18 140. arc89 141. DocSlendy 142. Kyuubi-kun45 143. RyokoKentaBlackfire 144. kindred425 145. EclipseShard 146. Chaos Hero Baal 147. Ex-StarBurn 148. wrex123 149. GamaSennin'GokuRocks 150. naruhina pwns |