Poll: The Altor Regnum sequel is going to be a crossover into a more sci-fi world. I need to know which direction you guys want me to go. Stargate Universe or Avengers Universe. I'm leaning Stargate right now, but I'll go with whatever you guys choose. Vote Now!
Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. I like Harry Potter. I like Harry Potter fan fiction. I'm a Harry Potter fan. Just sayin'. For those of you who care I'd like to share a little bit about me and my writing. Before I say anything else I have to say, I think the world of Harry Potter is one of the greatest fictional worlds ever created, but I don't think J.K. Rowling did the story justice with the way the last 3 books went down, especially the last 2. There is so much I would have changed, and a lot I would keep the same as well. First of all, a character like Hermione, and a character like Ron would not naturally end up together unless there are some very extreme circumstances pushing them together. Like a determined author. Secondly, a character as instinctive and quietly intelligent as Harry wouldn't follow Dumbledore blindly after his discretions were discovered. Next, Neville Longbottom is a badass character and should have been given even more face time for the reader. Same for Remus Lupin in my opinion. Lastly, a hero as well developed as Harry deserves to become something more, instead of just lucky.I don't write slash, I don't read it either. No offense to those of you that do write or read it. Just not my cup of tea. You won't ever see me write a harem story, although I have read some good ones. You won't see me pair Harry and Hermione together. The natural sibling relationship is too strong to ignore there. Again though, some of the best fanfictions out there are HP/HG stories, so I'm not opposed to reading them. I just can't write them. I don't think Dumbledore or the Weasley's ever meant to do anything that caused harm, so I don't write them that way. I do, however, believe Harry would have lost some trust and faith in Dumbledore after the events of 5th year. It made Harry look weak in 6th year canon when he just went back to towing the line. Last...Magic without real limits is hinted at in Harry Potter canon, but never developed. I believe a wizard as powerful as Harry, and a close friend as intelligent as Hermione would have figured out some really awesome stuff, even as students. So, my stories always kind of reflect that. Thanks, Drunken Prince Story Progress Reports: Altor Regnum - I will finish this story at some point. Onnisian Rebirth - For the few of you who are following Onnisian Rebirth. Give me some time. |
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